
THE WORKMAN, WEDNESDAY DEC. 24, 1980 LA MASCOTA HEADQUARTERS FOR STETSON HATS AND Packard Meer Shoes Packard SHOE To all my customers, friends and well wishers Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year MULLER. Sole Agent CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA CITY MANGA United States and the Indies SALAS Co. Panama Ltd. Merry Christmas Prosperous New Year SOS has been affected to any appreciable OCO DOOO000 extent. In any event, the volume and value of United States import (Continued from page 2) dustry and a large agricultural out into Trinidad have continued to in which the United States competes put were responsible for an improve crease.
either with Canada or the United ment in general economie condition Wish their West Indian Friends With regan to Bermuda, Mr.
Kingdom or both. These are cotton during 1929. Both imports and ex Knox says. Of late years agricu manufactures (piece goods. flour ports increased in value. During the and Patrons ture has been declining, and the and metal, motor vehicles, boots first six months of 1930, however tourist industry now is more imand shoes, and condensed milk. Dur agriculture suffered a setback.
portant, having steadily expanded ing 1929 however, the United owing to low cacao priced, but in antil it constitutes the real backStates gained headway over the creased activity in the petroleum and ground of Bermuda economic AND United Kingdom as a source of asphalt industries steadied the eco structure and explains the island imports of cotton manufacturest nomie structure and government sustained purchasing power.
This country also leads as a source finances were sufficient to aid the Even to the agriculturists, the of motor vehicles boots and shoes sugar industry by loans to the proyear 1929 was generally satisfactory the chief competitor in the first in ducers, to continue public works The prices for fresh vegetables, LA OFICINA MODERNA stance being Canada and in the sec construction, and to lend valuable Bermuda principal export, were ond the United Kingdom.
aid to agriculturists.
111 CENTRAL AVENUE firm in the New York market, ani Jamaica now offers and being The Canadian West Indieg trade rippers also found a lucrative 00000000000000000000000000 economically progressive will prob.
agreement has not yet been in ope: market in Canada for certain pro ably continue to offer, an expanding ration a sufficient length of time duet. The tourist season was like market for American products, and ure of a boom.
to prove whether or not the United wise kinghely successful. During the became even more active, with co that any slump in market prices for United States export to although the Empire and Canadian Ber States trade in busine dutions partaking almost of the nat competitive lines first six months of 1980 the principal exported commodities, tariff preferentials are cutting Unitmuda during the first half of 1930 sugar and molasses, is keenly felt.
ed State Jamaican trade in certain amounted to 2, 420, 689, as compar The year 1929 was one of reces.
1000C 10 DO OPOZO10 IOD101 staple foodstuffs, it is not appareni ed with 2, 101, 372 for the first hal of 1929 With the steady expansion amounting in value to 9, 902, 063 sion in economic activity importa that they are affecting imports most American manufacturers, of the tourist industry 90 per cent against 11, 876, 377 in 1928. United of which consists of American visitDealing with Trinidad, Mr. Knox States participation, although only industries orts it is reasonable to says. The agricultural suppose about that Bermuda will offer an increasing Kingdom, has been maintained at one half that of the United have suffered from the effect AND market for American products in of low prices for the two principa)
fairly unifrom level.
future years.
products, cacao and sugar, and also The value of products exported from the witchbroom disease whicn Dealing with Barbados, which from Barbados during 1929 decreasduring 1929 attacked ranks forth and last of the important the cacoa ed to 6, 222, 017 as compared plantations and made with individual markets in the British necessary 7, 460, 847 in 1928.
Jarge expenditures of money to West Indies, Mr. Knox says:bring it under control. In recent Out of the total population years, however, Trinidad petroleum is alleged that only some 40, 000 are and asphalt production has greatly engaged in productive enterprises, exceeded in value the agricultural obviously too small a number Small production, and the island Cathedral Plaza Opposite Central Hotel qupport the other 126, 000 in any stability as a market gree of comfort. Those who are not DENTIST at present is dependent upon, oceupied in productive work are en MASONIC TEMPLE the petroleum industriy. In 1929, for gaged in the various branches Office Hours:8, am to 12 pm the first time, the island surpassed commerce, buying and selling, ren. 30 to 30 PM Sundays, by Special Appointment any other part of the British Empire Christmas Gifts ing, lending, politics etc. The wh Masonic Temple ijth St, in the production of oil.
economic structure is so weighted O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL The activity in the petroleum in 0 1000 with the problem of over population TORO PHONE OPTICE: 1664 o1 Merry Christmas PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR To Our West Indian Patrons 1. MADURO JR.
The House of Toys and


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