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ESTABLISHED IN 1912 The Workman THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS IS THE PALLADIUM OF OUR RIGHTS. JUNIUS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY THE WORKMAN, WEDNESDAY DEC. 24, 1930 ΙΟΣ τα 000000 10 OSOFOS) OP 10 Oy CECILIA THEATRE MERRY CHRISTMAS AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Mopo OS 40 00000000 10 RON British Warships regarded as in the nature of re. Xmas Program Sermonette the United States Fleet at Colon anama, in which vicinity the Unit turn visit for that paid by the Unit(Continued from Page Fleet flagship Nelson, will pay a vied States Fleet will be carrying outed States battleships Utah, Florida, and Arkansas to Scotland last sumtheir spring exercises. Colon, being sit from February 23d to February mer.
28th to the Commander in Chief of United States territory, this may be 175965529 LLLLLLLLLSTU CHALETTI HORSE RACING. AT: an JUAN FRANCO RACE TRACK exchanged at Dire Dowa, at the branch bank, it is necessary to accept a per cent discount. Dire Dowa (Continued from Page 1) merchants will not accept Addis No special amount has been speci Ababa bank notes. Continued from Page fied for admission to the Cantata, Drinking, lying, stealing and all The Maria Theresa dollar, minted other kinds, of sin pay off abundant but a SILVER COLLECTION will at some city in Europe, is the coinly with desappointment, disease, and be taken at the door.
chiefly used. Its value is about forty Mulcare, death. The above fact is recorded cents. The Addis Ababa bank notes fully in the Bible, and we read of Rector were made for use in that city be it almos: daily in the newspapers.
cause foreigners objected to the We see it exemplified in the lives of ST. PETER GIRLS FRIENDLY weight of the silver dollars. The people aroun us. The dishonest merWILL STAGE BIG XMAS FETE Ethiopians, however, take delight in chant has to quit business. No one Friday night, the 28th inst, all stacking them up. They may frewill believe or trust persons who are roads will lead to the famous La quently be seen with large dry goods full of falsehood and hypocrisy. The Boen Playshed, La Boca, where the boxes, crammed with shining dolperson of impure thoughts and unSt. Peter Girls Friendly Society, lars clean habits will soon became under the leadership of Mrs.
GREAT MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS outcast. The person full of hatred Mulcare, will stage a colossal Xmas The Ethiopian is known as a great and revenge degenerates into fighter by the natives of the criminal surThe young ladies have been working hand to fully satisfy their pat rounding countries. He rides around Many of us hold onto sin because rona.
The well known Pan Amer on his mule with from six to twelve we love it, even though we know it ican Orchestra will furnish servants or slaves running along by pays off with destruction and death.
his side, carrying a few rusty rifled The best way to avoid the music, and the whole affair will, it wages or shot guns. No single army could of sin is to have the love of Jesus may be safely assumed, be a most becolorful social instrument.
defeat the Ethiopian on foot in our hearts. Be careful about the Doors open at 30, promptcause the soldiers of no other coun friends and companions we choose.
try could elimb the steep precipices We should be clean in our thought ly. To miss this grand Fete is to and mountians.
make this Xmas the dullest you will and habits. When evil thoughts come have spent since you first saw the The Ethiopians are great climbers in our mind, we should banish them light. Therefore, you are again ad and can outlast a Sudanese came immediately: avoid evil companions; vised to get ready to enjoy this ban walking. The modern army has to real good books; listen to good muner treat.
stop for breakfast, lunch, and dinsic and strive to emulate the life of ner. That is not true with the Ethio.
Jesus pian. All he needs is a handful of Tete.
Sunday December 28th.
good Good GOOD. Races RACES Foreigners have Many train, Thiu he ties in the corner of Republic of Peru Classic Coming Sensation PHOTOMATON Administrator Miss Pink, Spanish Lay Frivolous Uncle Parks Kill Joy Alondra Kitty Gill Gal no Determan POST TIME 15 his shamma, throwing one grain in Continued from Page 1)
his mouth at a time as he walks trol the only railroad of which along He never misses his mouth.
there are 500 miles of trackage, and OBODO DENTIST HOWELL the English have the only bank in the country under their control. The House No. 912 La Roca very important salt monopoly has Canol Zone been given to the French.
RAILROAD SEEMS FRENCE The most of the trackage of the railroad which the Ethiopians and Happy Christmas To All the French are supposed to manage IVAN CALLENDER is in Ethiopia, not more than four EXPERT UPHOLSTERER hours out of three days being in House 26, 23rd Street, Chorrillo French Somaliland. But from the French port of Djibouti to Addis Ababa, not one Ethiopian is to be seen looking after the finances of HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO ALL the road, outside of customs. The BAPTISTE sale it tickets, collection for articles ARTISTIC TAILOR carried on the trains, or for freight, San Miguel, House 3, Street or any oother government claims are in the hands of Frenchmen. traveler would easily get the impression that the railroad was owned by BOWEN the French QUEEN BANK RULES TAILOR The bank of the country is a parSAN MIGUEL ticular source of trouble. The bank notes of the bank at Addis Ababa WISHES HIS MANY CUSTOMERS are only payable in full at that MERRY CHRISMAS place. If one wishes to have them General Admission. 00 PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE Tramcars direct to and from Track PANAMA JOCKEY CLUB HART. Manager REAL FILTRATIE


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