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THE ATLANTIC May. 1950 Page LA FAMA tung provinces, farmers are ea. Chinese Communists are reting seed rice which should be portedly ruthlessly mobilising planted to produce next sum their available resources of party mer crops cadres to fight the famine.
of ROGELIO TASIES WEAR JC B op ma זום ΑΙ שם de log tr ta la Has received a beautifal assortment of «Gamuza) shoes for Ladies and are on sale at the almost giving away price of. 31. 00 per pair.
La Fama: Situated in front of the United Medical and Clifford Steele Sanitary Building in Limon city.
Tailor Made Suits STRANGE HAPPENINGS IN CHINA MILLIONS FACE DEATH In only one famine area of Here are three special reasons why you should FIRST: The high qualities of our Materials.
Chinese farm families 40 mi southern Shantung and northern SECOND: The neatness of workmanship es outside Peiping began eating Anhwel and Kiangsu provinces, THIRD: The elegant fitting of our garment grass and tree bark late in Jait is semiofficially estimated that Which will never get out shape.
nuary as the only means of kee. 32 000, 000 persons were off ping alive, according to recent the grain diet, a month ago Centrally established near the British Vice Consulate news from North China Off the grain diet means they in the City of on.
were without rice, wheat, millet This simple fact underscores and similar staple foods on which the extent of the suffering now the Chinese depend.
SPACE PAID FOR rapidly spreading through 11 FAMINE FOOD By Stan. Dixon of China most populous pro.
Until early next summer these April 21st. 1050. We ate, therefore, putting the fovinces. Letters from travellers people will have to try to sus.
Mr. Stan Dixon llowing suggestion to you and delegations se king help tain life on leftover salied veEx President We have excended invitations to the are reaching Hong Kong They getables turnips, beans, sweet NI. Branch O 300 Branches on the Lines for a Council to be held in Estrada on the 30th of Dear Sir: tell of growing mass starvation potatoes and the like in some on a scale difficult to com sections these will soon be conApril inst. At this Council all matters have been instructed by the Offipertaining to the General Interest of prehend cers of the Limon Div. o 300 to sumed. Thereafter most farmers the Association will be dealt with; and tender to you the following: Indirectly and belatedly, Com will be largely reduced to eating The officers and members look with cable solution we are certain will arrive you are honestly disposed, an amimunist officials are partly ad the traditional famine food of great dissatisfaction at the expenses that at, and an honourable compromise ma mitting the scopen of the di mud mixed with grass and you have thrown the Association in de, so that the present USELESS LAW.
and we feel that it is high time that SUIT be with draw to the honour and saster.
bark roots.
better be done. We know that you dignity of our community in Costa Observers, diplomats and missionaries must be quite sanguine that the onus Rica are revising upward their previcusly of responsibility will be on you if the estimated over all possible death toll Thanking you in advance for your lawsuit present is permitted to run its full course anticipated cooperation whilst we have this spring of 10000. 000 person We feel that at this present juncture the honour to be It is now reliably report from Peiping you must realize that your present sel.
Yours for Racial Uplift.
that in surrounding Hopeh province fish attitude is to the detriment of the Amos Hall. Pruident alone 000. 000 may die.
Association and the benefit of the Lawyers Svivester Benj. Cunningham. Sech Recent reports indicate that crops, tell of widespread sufstarvation will extend from the fering.
Reply of Mr. Stan. Dixon to Messers.
traditional famine velt of the Hall, Cunningham Others SUICIDES REPORTED lower Yellow river plain into NO CR. 07 The efforts of the A. and the northwestern province of Suicides due to lack of food April 25, 1950 those loyal to the Cause is to restore to Kansu. Letters from Yangtze va. are reported from several dis. Gentlemen: the World, Negro Culture, Race Equa lley, where the worst flood in tricts in Kiangi province. In Common decency obliges me to lity, Race Love, Happiness, Pride, Fear18 years last summer damaged sections of Hunan and Kwang reply to your letter dated April 21, 1950. leunesse Justice and Freedom; not for being OURSELVES your lying statement of who started yet unborn, so that they may live and the law suit breathe free air as a free and proud Please be advised that am not preRacc.
pared to do anything not in keeping This can only de done through our In the NEW STORE adjoining the Bar and Lodging with my my Obligations to the Universal efforts, under our own Vine and FigRolando Young or say in front the Limón Market Negro Improvement Association and tree, the Continent of Africa, through to the North: the programme as as laid down by the the opportunities oftered to the scatteFounder, Administrated through the red Sons and Daughters by the Govern You will find everything new up to the prices are 1939 Amendment of the Constitution ment of Liberia.
and new because they are lowest in town If the Hon Stewart the acJames you wish an honourable comprotual President General mise) as st. ted in your letter, then, not knowingly allow myself you should first retrace your steps to be listed among those who have been then seek a hearing in accordance with Disloyal to the Association. May the the Ruling of the Organization, not Every twenty colones worth of goods you buy in this God of our Forefathers, the Supreme as proposed in your letter.
Ruler of the Universe fail them their Universal Negro Improvement Assostore you will be given free of cost one piece of PO.
pu pose in life Amen. May they wither ciation. August 1929 PULAR and for every 75, 00 spent you will receive ine on the highways of life as an example Stam. Dixon a piece of Lottery Ticket which can turn up to be and lesson to others.
Comissioner of Costa Rica the FIRST PŘIZE of the National Drawing.
There is but one A. and Mens Hall, Cuninghans by that does not advocate Others. Limon TRY YOUR LUCK the dip your buckets where you are. All Branches, District How slogan, as in so doing we would only James Steward, Liberia.
By buying voor clothing and other necessities in the continue in bringing up Alien Culture, NEW STORE of Naim Sarquis y Hno.
white supremacy, race hate, discrimiEDITORIAL VICTORIA Ltda.
del Sistema na jon, ubjedtok a literate cultura y Juventus, cda Rica.
San José, Costa Rica de ho lo ta ta u es la la Attention Limonenses shall Here is your chance to win. 20. 00 or 10. 000 teca Nacional Miguel Obregon
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