
THE ATLANTIC ALL THE WEEK IN ONE DAY Editor: JOS. THOMAS Post Box 199 Number 25 May 6, 1950 Year Limon, Costa Rica Among The Baptists at In the Basket of the Week definite information that the Soviet Government was inclined to consider a Twenty Eight Miles Hope shall be the star that lights our path of grief on earth separate peace with Germany. The Jaof the 28 Miles Baptist Dayschool and spread the radiance of their rays over eath, sea and skies.
Is has been reported that the children She shall point no sweeter morns when brighter sun shall rise panese press also carried a discussion of the possibilities for an understanding ably assisted by the choristers of the between Germany and the Soviets.
Church were tops in the presentation Ribbentrop conferred with Hitler se of the Pageant of the Resurrection.
veral times in the course of 1943, on The Scenes Towards Evening on this subject and told him also of these the Sabbath On the way to the Tombreports from Japan. With the increased Outside the Tomb. In the Tombsuccesses of the Allies, Hitler Warmed The women go to tell the Disciplesto the idea of a separate peace, but The road to Galilee and the Ascension, was hesitant about responding to peace individually and callectively, the rendifeelers because he feared indiscretions tions were effected with solemnity and on the part of the negotiators, and was effectiveness. The principal cast of chaabove all concerned lest the morale of racters were as follows: Mary, the his generals and troops in the East suffer.
Mother in her different stages was reThe Stockholm Incident presented by the Misses Ether WhiteGrace White, Eloise Hyman and GloIV. Early in the summer of 1943 ria McLeod The Disciples by Lloyd rumors developed in neutral Sweden as White, Samuel Rowe, Jaspa White, to the possibilities of a Russo German understanding. There are strong indiDelroy Mesam, Osmond Chambers, Heyeton Channa and Rogelio Taylor cations that they emanated from the The home of Mary, Martha and La.
Russian Embassy in Stockholm. Madame Alexandra Kollor tay was the sozarus had its setting with Enid McLeod, viet Ambassador to Sweden. Se.
Eloise Hyman and Fernando Taylor and Joseph of Arthmetia was persomionov, who later played a leading role in the Soviet occupation authorities in nified by Maurice Brown. Dolores Ri.
Eastern Germany, was her Embassy chards and Lucille White as Angels Counselor. On the German side there and that of the Resurrection was outs.
were in Stockholm, addition to the retandingly personified by Lydia Turner gular Embassy staff, numerous agents Mr. Jas. Gibson acted as herald. Mrs.
of Admiral Wilhelm Canaris military Murdock, we gather, helped in cosespionage organization who tried vehetuming the cast of characters. Mrs.
mently to split the Allies Walter ScheLeriel Graham, the teacher of the school llenberg notorious Sixth Department is said to be the moving spirit The halfway mark of the year European Recovery Program, known as of the Gestapo also had its confidence.
Eyewitnesses stated everything was the Marshall Plan in honor of its originator, General George Marshall, was men and go between there pleasing and well attended by the peoobserved in ceremonies in Washington, on April 3, 1950. General One of the most active go betweens ple of the district and vicinities.
Marshall, who first proposed the program in June 1947, when he was in Stockholm was a businessman by the Secretary of State, was the principal speaker. Addressing an audience of 1, 200 name of Josef Clauss, who was origipersons, which included representatives of the ERP countries, members of the nally from the Ukraine, but had lived On the Sick List Congress officials of the US State Department, and staff members for a long time in Sweden. He had es of the Economic Cooperation Administration, which administers econo tablished connections, dating back to the In a much improved state of mic aid to Europe under the recovery program. General Marshall cited Euro outbreak of hostilities, both with Gerhealht than when he entered the pean recovery progress thus far as a near miracles and asserted that we must man military agents in Stockholm and local hospital a fortnight ago, carry this battle to the finish. Also takine part in the ceremonies were Eco with Russian Embassy personnel is the report we have on nomic Cooperation Administrator Paul Hoffman and Secretary of When Foreign Minister Joachim von our State Dean Acheson.
Ribbentrop heard of the possibilities of good friend and brother, Mr. The photograph shows General Marshall (right) being presented with an a separate peace and the Clauss con St. Clair Weckes, an amployee anniversary album titled The Marshall Plan at the Mid Mark, by Secretary tacts, he immediately sent to Stockholm of long standing on the chec. Acheson (left) and Mr. Hoffman during the ceremonies. SD 62518. For fur one of his most trusted men, a former king staff of the Steamship ther information see Wireless Bulletin 77. April 1, 1950. employee of Ribbentrop Bureau, who Department of the Costa Rica Story on The Accomplishments of the European Recovery Program the German Ministry for the East. Note: Glossy, publication prints on this and other pictures in a Picture was later appointed, to a high post in Banana Company. He is also should reach your mission shortly. This agent, Peter Kleist, traveled under a well regarded officer of the pretext of conferring with the Swe.
Port Limon Branch of the Ja STALIN SEPARATE PEACE IN 1943 on settling a group of Estonian temaica Burial Scheme Society fugees in Sweden. In Stockholm Clauss. Continued from last issue and Kleist contacted each other at once and is receiving the warm of fellowship. We wish for him a Hitler reacted evasively to Mussolini ability to handle such negotiations dis and discussed the topic of a separate complete recovery.
suggestion at that time, partly because creetly, partly because he still clung peace. Clauss then talked things over he had misgivings about the Italian the hope that the luck of the German with his friends of the Soviet Embassy.
armics in the East Would change.
Neither let it be known to what extent III. few weeks later surprising Berlin or of Moscow. According to he was empowered to act behalf of reports came in from Japan that the Russians were open to proposals for a trustworthy German witnesses, Claus separate peace with Germany. Japanese delayed giving an answer to any Gerde propiedad de MARIA DE AGUILAR government changes were under man inquiry until his secured instructions way this time, and the Nippon authorifrom Moscow (To be continued)
Para cualquier informe entenderse en la casa de habitación ties had just prevailed on the Soviet Union to renew their fishing contiguo al Tropical Bar Japanese General Staff officers had EL ATLANTICO let it be known through the German Naval Attaché in Tokyo that they had APARTADO 909 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica the des SE VENDE BOMBA DE GASOLINA at


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