
950 May, 1950 THE ATLANTIC Page reCheap Store and Kader Furniture BAR RESTAURANT ROMA Wc adopt this medium to inform our customers and the general public 100 yards North Hotel Costa Rica San José of our new selling plans by casy payment based on Merchandise Clubs.
Informs visitors to the capital that we are at their service with Each Club will consist of 100 subscribers or members and for a duration special dishes at reasonable prices. Visit us. Our Restaurant Cafe of 55 Wecks. The winners will be the holders of Club Receipt numbers coand Cantina nferits your confidence for the many years of efficent rresponding with the last two figures of the weekly Drawings of the National and courteous service we have rendered the public.
Popular or Lottery Remember, BAR. RESTAURANT ROMA awaits you.
The winners by the Drawings, or those members who have paid the Personally attended by the quotas, for fifty five weeks will be entitled to merchandise at our established PROPRIETOR: PEDRO BIAMONTE prices; the amount corresponding to the Club Plan Rights are forfeited by a failure to pay three consecutive weekly quotas. However, we shall reimburse seventy percent of the amount paid in merchandise at usual prices. This priReformation Decreed Law No. 788 vilege will be given also to subscribers who desire to retire from the Club.
The subscriptions are also transferable on previous consent.
of November 2, 1949 THE FINANCIAL CLUB PLAN The law to regulate the represented to the chairman in Weekly Payment Value In Merchandise lation between the producers oportune time to enable him to 50 100. 00 and exporters of baoana. fill the vacancy with the su 00 200. 00 Article 1: the relation be plente according to the regu 1000 400. 00 15. 00 600 00 tween producers and exporters lation decreed.
me of banana in the territory of Article No. 3: Te members of The weekly Clubs in the quotas of 50 5. 00 and 10. 00 are ready to start the Republic and which is not this Board will have a term The Club Plans are good ford any of our stores, y regulated by contracts with the of two years and can be MOISES KADER el States remain subjected to the elected.
el present law.
Article. 4: To be appointed Valerine Miriam Burke Presented to Christ 35 Article No. 2: To attend to a member of the Banana Board at the compliance of this law, such the following is required: On Sunday the 23rd instant, as to regulate the business to (a) To be of legal age and Mr. Beresford Duncan and Miss the expense of construction a buy and sell banana for expor an exercised citizen.
Carmen Murrillo presented to few wooden boxes and paint tation; to agree with that (b) To be a person with rethe Reverend Fr. Hubert of the in red, then set them over these which is hereio disposed to cognized honour and with ex. Miriam Burke, and accepted her are not at work.
Limon Cathedral, little Valerine holes whenever the workmen e create a Banana Board or Co. perience in banana activites or mmittee to consist of persons any business or company of in the Christian fold, by baptism.
of which three will be the any nature.
In the late afternoon, Mr. and Well Thought Plan free appointment of the Exe. c) Not to be an authority Mrs. Constantine Burke gave a Hats off to our Municipal cutive Power; one of these will or an employee of public po repast in their residence in bo Fathers for their well thought be the chairman of the Board. wers.
Several plan of sinking wells an to have The other two will be appoin Article No 5: The resolutions friends were on hand and did them fitted to supply water to ted by the Executive Power by of the Banana Board will be justice to the event.
the city and vicinities, with the asking for tenerary number of appealable within five days of view of improving the water the exporters and producers of its approval before the Minis. Motorists Are Com supply in the distributing sysbanana. In addition there will ters of Agriculture and Indus plaining About the Ho tem. We understand the matter in tries, Economy and the State, has been submited to the secsuplente expressively determi according to the nature of this les Along the Streets tion of Geology of the Minister ded for each one of the members disposition which must be de of this Boar and will act with cided within the following again about the danger to which Motorists are complaining of Agriculture and Industries.
power in the absence of the eight days: member of the Board The they are exposed by the holes Here an Oportunity members of this Board will left along the streets after exThe Trinidadian cricketers are merit daily salaries in the or Doctor Oscar Pacheco cavation has been done to effect dinary sessions whose total will repairs to sewer system or the to play a serie of cricket mat Physician and Surgeon streets.
ches in Jamaica in the month be figured by the Executive of March 1951. Here a good Power. The Board will meet From the University of In years goneby a red lantern hint for any live wire capitalist ordinarily once per week and Pensylvania, S. was always lighted and placed to commence the ground work extraordinarily each time one SPECIALITY: at each hole, but due to the for an Diseases of Women airplane or steamer or more of its members solicit.
stealing of these lanters that excursion from this city to Kings The quorom of this Boar is Office: 75 yards West of the means gave way.
ton, Jamaica. Success in earformed by five members. In the Colegio de Señoritas. San Jose However, we believe, some marked, providing the start is absence of the members of the HOURS: 10. 12 4 pm thing must be done to avoid effected early in the right manBoar whose excuse must be death or serious injury to night ner. Remember, The Atlantic drivers of vehicles. The saving circulates throughout this zone of life and property is worth and widely in San Jose.
RESTAURANT ECOS DE PARIS WELCOME TO Conveniently situated in the heart of the capital 300 yards South of Musmani Bakery. San José JIM S)
We Specialize in Excellently prepared meals along with an efficient stock of the best liquor.
OUR BOAST IS Eat where the best sanitary methods Situated south side of La Merced Church in the heart of are practiced in the preparation and serving of food. San Jose 4th Avenue No. 1008 where you can enjoy Personally attended by the proprietor: the comfort of your own home. Drop in and see us when CEDRIC KERR next you are in the capital. Hospitality and efficiency de setema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Insuregueur patronage.
PENSION LOURDES de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Liz


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