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1949 THE ATLANTIC tario o con salón tables 10ALL THE WEEK IN ONE DAY Editor: JOS. THOMAS Post Box 199 Limon, Costa Rica Number October 22, 1949 Year por en OUR TASK One World Calendar For One World es FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR United Nations Golden Opportunity From the Journal of Calendar Reform en al Today, dear readers, you will note that this weekly news The United Nations is a great Worlds day, a holiday for al organ appears under the name of THE ATLANTIC. the Post and eminent organization, truly nations to devote to worship y has been rooted up. due to the truth that the Director of the representative of friendly inter and international peace a fundaformer which we started jointly in the month of April of the national cooperation among na. mental precedt of the United year in course laid down arms without ceremony and by which tions. It has many outstanding Nations.
nal you were deprived of the news for the past two weeks. Howe achievements to ist credit. Yes, in September, the United die ver, we believe in never give up and giving thought to the among which are the Israel. Arab Nations has a golden opportunity sieat importance of having this medium of readingand writing mediation, the India Pakistan to correct existing scalendar oral stimulus to clear the dust of inactivity from our brain, to revive agreement, Genocide and the chaos. by adopting The World our social natures, to develop our finer sentiments, and greater Document of Human Rights. Calendar The issue, being ber The United Nations holds non political, non sectarian and still to passon to you such information as we may find necessary; lla.
information that are of unlimited value, and to encourage very aloft for the entire world to of paramount exigency, holding earnestly that reading indulgence without which a great span of see the torch of international inmence benefits for all nations, jó any nation or people remains unbridged, the writer has taken on peace. All these milestones are creeds and peoples, offers an mo full responsibility for the publication of THE ATLANTIC. implanted in the sands of time. unexcelled possibility for unanipú. It is a daring dash into the sea of indifference and unrelia. And now, Time, itself, comes mous approvalby Member States.
tro bility among many of our people to whom we look for support, before this august body for favourable decision would be in but on the other hand we have faith that such inconsiderate rearrangement into a logical and a powerful demonstration of the así attitudes are not and should not be always. Here is the truth perpetual system. By so doing. United Nations ability and consta and nothing but the whole truth. The printers demand a weekly the United Nations will give to cern to alleviate an international advance payment, therefore, it is incombent that our agents and the shifting sands of time a burden, afflicting every individual subscribers effect prompt payments. In furtherance, we believe permanent foundation, carving in the universe Shall history ie that our readers along the line towns should be able to buy its record indelibly and histori record a lamentable delay, or the newspaper weekly for the small sum of twenty five cents cally for all future generations shall history acclaim a momen.
ne each and not to hold up the agents for a month and over to to read throughout perpetuity, tous accomplishment by the pay. Things are not so bad on this zone that the average perThe present disordered calen United Nations that will resound son cannot spare twenty five cents a week for his or her enligh dar, endured for centuries, has throughout the world for the tenment and at times gain information to prevent unpleasantness such an irregular arrangement, rest of time?
which would cost much more in the end. Help us to push the with diverse changes every year, Every stratum of present day cart over the hill.
that it causes untold difficulties, See Page inconveniences and confusion in New Airliner For West Indies Service Pleases our modern life. This instability London reports that the Vickers aircraft has been flown 290 troubleness, economy, agriculture, transHappy Reunion is costly to government busiViscount airlines recently reves. free hours over a distance of portation, society, education and portation a week ago the Re.
Leaving here by aerial transled have been ordered for airways 50, 000 miles and made 120 take has been a non sensical burden verend Josph Holmes, the services in the Caribbean, are offs and landings.
to every individual. Thus, an Minister of the Wesleyan Methe first propeller jeta ircraft in The British aviation world qual quarter. perpetual calendar, thodist Circuit; accompanied by the world to be granted a cer has been so impressed with this logical ordered and stable, has Mrs. Holmes are now in the tificate of air worthi ness. This distinction, wich is a further new airliner in wich West Indies been a crying need for hundreds beautiful Island of Springs (Ja.
positive assurance that the West air passengers will fly in the of years; as a matter of fact, maica) enjoying a well earned Indies air traffic will be properly future that they are hailing it as necessary as were Standard vacation Time catered for when the Viscounts as being on par with the Jet Date Line. The World Calendar them every comfort and happiThe Atlantics wishes for come into service; follows the Comet, and proclaiming these will complete the time revision ness during their stay and remarkable performance put up two types as the world cuts. process and full answer this save return to their very resby this type of Viscount. Their tanding airliners of the future. need; even more so, as it offers ponsible and christian duties га WHY PAY RENT Doctor OSCAR PACHECO Here is a golden chance to own your own house to live in; with an Insurance against fire with the National Insurance Bank. It is a titled property comprising two lots of land.
The location is ideal, healthy, private and offers every means for improvement as you would desire. Selling because the owner desires to leave the Republic, For particulars: See Mr. Daniel Nelson at his Tailoring Establishment next to the Limon Taca Agency, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON of the University of Pensylvania, ice SPECIALITY LADIES SICKNESS Office: 75 yards West of the Colegio de Señoritas, San Jose HOURS: 10. 12 p.
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