
THE ATLANTIC ALL THE WEEK IN ONE DAY Editor: JOS. THOMAS Number November 5, 1949 Post Box 199 Limon, Costa Rica Year 2 OUR TASK Dr. Hardte, His Grace the Archbishop of the FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR West Indies Retires From His Diocese On Wednesdey, the second instant, we observed the large Jamaica. Dr. Hardie, His procession of citizens and the taking of garlands to bedeck the Grace the Archbishop of the Miss Clareta ThorboWest Indies with Mrs. Hardie urne the Chosen Bride graves and tombs of fhose departed this life.
left the island after twenty of Mr. Austin Bingham We have no desire to denounce any person or persons enyears of eminent service to the gaged in this acclaimed tribute to the dead, but as free thir kers spiritual, educational and social fortnight ago, accompanied and by our conviction, we do not believe anyone should censu life of Jamaica: His Grace, the by her sister, Miss Casandra re us for expressing our views in contrast to the practice: parti Archbishop and Mrs. Hardie Thomas, Oscar Lee and Char.
Thorbourne, Messrs. Jos.
culary when such thought is inspired by divine precept. We are sailed from Port Antonio on also not holding any claim in the science that treats of the October 7, for the United King. Clareta Thorbourne became the les Brown as sponsers, Miss attributes of God, and man relations to God, neither are we dom where he goes into reti chosen bride of Mr. Austin Binencroaching on the clergy; never the less our earliest youth is rement.
fixed on God; our belief is ever steadfast in His teachings.
gham. They accepted reciproOur modern civilization is without divine authority to lead Gibson, A. Suffra lofty state of marriage.
The Right Reverend Cally the vows pertaining to the is astray from God divine injunction. The Dead knows no.
The newly weds were lorn thing. The psalmist also declared His breath goeth forth; he gran Bishop of Kingston has returneth to his earth; in that very day his thought perish; he assumed charge of the Diocese. at Zent, grew there and are still enters into unconsciousness. By inspiration there is written in special synod will be con residents of that district and in Job, Fourteen chapter, verses first and second Man that is vened in the near future to which they are enjoying the born of a woman is of few days and full of trouble. He co elect a successor to Dr. Hardie wide esteem and deep regards neth forth like a flower and is cut down; he fleeth also as a as Lord Bishop of Jamaica. of that community as well shadow and continueth noto. Therefore, in plain language THE abroad.
DEAD ARE DEAD. The Atlantic deems it a In Fraternal World Other than the enermous sums which are spent for this pleasureable opportunity to effect this announcement and in turn anniversary, without any divine purpose, only applicable as a The Scotch Lily Lodge No.
constant drain upon the divine injunction. a waste of money 50a, Independent Unit Order wishes for them profound happiness and prosperity.
that would serve a nobler issue; purposes which would make ot Scottish Mechanics adopts the living strong with the truths of Jesus teaching this medium to summond all The pompt and ceremony and weeping over those graves the members to attend a special In Methodist Circuit and tombs; over the dead clay regardless of the contriteness of meeting to be held on the night We are passing along pleacur very soul avails nothing. FOR THE DEAD KNOW NOT of Wednesday the 9th inst. The singly the news in regard to the ANYTHING.
officers of the Lodge also ex. yearly Harvest Thanksgiving ser However, we desire to strike a concordant note with the tend a warm fraternal invitation vices to be conducted in the divine worship in the Church on such an anniversary, not in Unity Lodge No. 24 of the rrow, Sunday the 6th and of to the members of the Loyal city Methodist Church, tomothe sense of offering prayers for the remmision of the sins of the dead; that supplication to God is the chief responsibility of same Order to be their guests the Juvenile Operetta and Mu.
the living. Even as Christ Jesus prayed to His Father, so shcul is proposed to treat on maiters on the evening of Tuesday the at this approaching meeting. It sical Programme to be presented men pray for the forgiveness of their sins.
of great importance in interest 15th.
We believe the service affords a proper occasion to say to of the both Lodges and the The friends of the Methodists the living as the apostle Paul wrote in Thessalonians chapter Order in general in this Repu. have never failed them on these four, verses thirteenth and fourteenth. But would not have blic. The meeting will be held special services and entertain.
you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, at the Loyal Phoenix Hall in ments and we daresay there will that ye sorrow not even as others that have no hope. For if front the old fee and sodawater be no failure on the approaching we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also factory of Lindo occasions.
which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him.
To gain that sleep in Jesus is to follow His teachings while we are yet alive.
THE PEOPLE HOUSE Doctor OSCAR PACHECO JACK ORANE SUCS. Limon You will need a good article PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON for your money so see us first of the University of Pensylvania, for the best of everything. SPECIALITY LADIES SICKNESS Suitings, dress materials, and all other requirements in Ladies Office: 75 yards West of the Colegio de Señoritas, San Jose Gents wear prices always to HOURS: 10. 12 p.
please you.
a Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Liza folie sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica


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