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Page THE ATLANTIC November 5, 1949 SIRVE MEJOR PORQUE TACA ES SUPERIOR HOTEL GUAPILES EN GUAPILES Atendido personalmente por su propietario: LEON WEINSTOCK un paso de la Estación Precios especiales para Familias One World Calendar for one World (Continued from last week issue)
Changeable Gregorian Calendar and Perpetual World Calendar The Gregorian Calendar now are fourteen variations of calenin use consists of unequal quar dar years: 28 different kinds of ters; the first three months of months; these are in irregular the year have a total of 90 order; seven months of 31 days; days; the second quarter has 91 four months of 30 days; one days; the third and fourth quar month of 28 days and the leap ter have respectively, 92 days year has 29 days. Quarters and or a total of fifty two weeks and mor. ths begin and end on ANY must borrow from another week day of the week. Days and Da.
to complete the year, wich causes the calendar to change every tes never agree from year to year and is responsible for its year.
unending confusion. This calen The Perpetual Calendar when dar is always different from year in use at the close of Decemto year. Holidays fall on diffe ber 30, 1950. There will be four rent days of the weck. There equal quarters, to wit: January 31 February 30: March 30 a total of 91 days.
April 31 May 30 June 30 a total of 91 days.
July 31 August 30. September 30 91 days.
October 31. November 30 December 30 91 days.
VENTILADO. ASEADO. CONFORTABLE El preferido por la gente de buen gusto Pleasant Stay and a Safe Return a Mr. Mrs Isaiah Liburd of New York City, son and daughter of Mrs. Keturah Demmitt and the late Mathew Demmitt of Siquirres desire to inform their warn hearted friends of Coslu Ricu of their pleasant returning flight and of their safe arrival at home in the United States. They also express profound gratitude for the heart wurming welcome and genuine display of brotherly love evinced by all with whom they had contact during their visit to Costa Ricu. Worldsday (a world holiday) begins on Sunday and ends on 31 December (365 days) follows Saturday; contains three months 30 December every year. The. 13 weeks 91 days. Months Leapyear Day (another world dates always fall on the same holiday) of 31 June, follows 30 week days each month has June in leap years. The twelve twenty six weeks plus Sunmonth equal quarters calendar days Days and dates always is the same for every year, begin on a Sunday and end on perpetually. Holidays are fixed a Saturday. Days and Date and always fall on the same ALWAYS egree from year to day of the week. Each quarter year.
Agencia de Aduanas. BRYAN, PUERTO LIMON, COSTA RICA APARTADO No. 114 Al servicio del Comercio Importador como Agentes Aduanales y Navieros Ofrece al público de la Zona Atlántica los siguientes materiales de construcción: Ladrillos y Teja de Barro, Mosaicos, Pintura para Techos, etc. LOS PRECIOS MAS BAJOS DE PLAZA Háganos una visita y se convencerá Two Very Regretable Accidents We report sorrowfully that has also very unfortunately sus.
Mr. Sam Watson one of the tained a fall while walkin along city most competent and po a somewhat slippery road and pular carpenter and builder has from which she emerged in sustained a severe injury and a agony of pain. Mr. Amos Hall broken arm, resultant from a co her husband unhesita tingly sent llision of his bicycle with a truck her to San Jose for special a few days ago. He is under examination and treatment which the surgical care of the local disclosed sadly that her left foot hospital. He is surrounded by is brcken.
his wife, his relatives and host We are sorry indeed over the of fraternal brothers and friends two regretable accidents to these who are endeavouring to cheer very widely esteemed and useful him in the hour of his misfortune. fraternal, social and general wor.
Mrs. Lucille Francis de Hall. thwhile community workers.
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