
. 1. 15 lb 0, 35 oz.
2, 00 lbsolde 0, 55 lb Bibliol Page THE ATLANTIC November 5, 1949 Motive Power Basemany countries outside of France.
The last conflict has again ball Club Retains Stretch your money a great deal hastened the development of Championship Buy in the store at the end of the nationalisms at the same time it has made nations more aware Honours Crystal Passage of their mutual dependence.
Economic and culturalties betIt is very creditably to mention that the Motive Power Just Look to this smashing prices ween states have multiplied baseballers have retained the The creation of international Nails.
championship honors earned in organisms, such as the United Kerosene 45 bot the 1948 Baseball League FixNations, has produced a new Dry yeast tures and that they will be the Gelatin Jell o 95 package approach toward international recipient of the beautiful and life. The sovereign state will not costly trophe as the award for Putty 75 16 disappear. It will remain the Ivory soap 1, 00 the 1949 season.
principal subject of internatio.
nal law, but no longer will it Having resulted that the BraKlim milk 445 tin Rosemary ves and this Club were tied on be its only subject. This trans.
3, 45 tip Cloth pins. 80 dozen formation must be achieved witpoints for the closing of the Starch 0, 55 lb.
hout too much discord. Whole.
matches, it was necessary to play some patriotism, love for the a two best of three games and Besides we sell the best coffee in town fresh ground national community, are in no to this end the first match was at sight at reasonable prices.
way opposed to the establish evinced on Wednesday the 26th ment of a society of nations ultimo On the diamond the MoOPEN SUNDAY MORNINGS where, on a level of juridicial tives were observed as masters equality, each participant will of the situation, not with standdeal with universal interest. In ing the dire efforts of the Bra in favour of the Motives. Internationalism is ternational sovereignty must ves to tug with the Motives; The game on Thursday aftertriumph over national sove.
Patriotism the experience of the Motives noon was surrounded with many out witted the Braves and vic unpleasant incidents; everything reignty. We must adopt oursel.
ves in time to this transforma (Continued from last issue)
tory was earned. Edwards far from behaviour and good tion, lest we see mankind regaoponed the pitching for Motives conduct on the part of the Bra Nazi Germany, which instilarly engaged in futile and deuand was very successful, but in ves; no discipline was in evi gated concentration and depor dly struggles which would only the seventh inning attempting a dence. They jumped off with fation camps and exterminated bring misery, dictatorship, and «bunt, the ball hit one of his the lead in runs but no sooner innocent millions, was the sym barbarism.
fingers: a blow which caused did the Motives dashed from the bol of that narrow chauvinism him to retire from play. He was rear and kept advancing the which is the antithesis of pareplaced by Blackwell in the Braves took the Bellingsgate triotism.
Miss Ethel Britton a eighth inning. Fray was the hur track They were finally vanler for the Braves he had a conquished by the last year cham ved through are the beginning These last years we have li Welcomed Visitor trol on the battery of the Mopion team and this victory pla of a new era in the history of tives. The score were two runs ces the Motives as winner of mankind.
Mr. Stanley Britton our well on each side at the close of the the two best of three matches known and widely regarded eighth inning. The Motives went and full fledged champion for In 1789, the French Revolu agriculturist and genial towns to bat for the ninth; resolved the 1949 Atlantic Baseball Lea tion heralded the appearance of man is having the happy reu to increase their score. The first gue Fixtures.
a new world. Shattering the nion of his sister, Miss Etge two batsmen were safe at First and Second, then George Babb Motives for the grand accomWe heartily congratulate the rigid framework of feudalism, the Revolution fashioned a pat. Britton who arrive air transpor faced the technical Fray. The tern of life based on the indi tation from Havana, Cuba plishment veteran batting at right hand vidual, ard attitude which has fortnight ago.
hit the pitcher to the railway dominated for a century and lines; the ball was taken and a half This Journal tenders a righ dropped by Braves fieldeman, EL ATLANTICO system of the Western World. sincere welcome to Miss Britto Reynold Charles; this failure The Revolution caused the re and bespeaks for her a joyou APARTADO 199 sub spells the death knell of the awakening of nationalisms, in and rosy stay among us.
long Braves by the addition of runs Limón, and ST. MARK CHURCH Hal LIMON, COSTA RICA (Contiguo a la Compánia Cacaotera de Costa Rica)
The Church is the Pillar Ofrece: Comidas. Cenas. Refrescos and the Ground of the Truth SERVICES: Atendido personalmente por su propietaria: SUNDAYS: 6, 00 a, m, Solemn Holy Eucharist Sermon OLIVIA GOURZONG. DE VEGA 00 a, m, Choral Holy Eucharist 00 Sunday School The Most Up to date Restaurant is now at your service. 00 Solemn Evensong, Sermon.
The Proprietress has years of experience and sound Knowledge in this line of business Weekdays: Wednesday, Friday, Holy Days 00 a.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 7, 00 You will get everything you order to your approval Saturday: Confession 00. 5, 00 and good taste.
See Weekly Parish Bulletin for other Announcements In front of Avelino de la Peña Co. Store Restaurant LA ESTRELLA sent pecial which tfool er the ther useid wo ers Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obrennings


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