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Page THE ATLANTIC November 12. 1949 Doctor OSCAR PACHECO ST MARK CHURCH LIMON, COSTA RICA PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON The Church is the Pillar of the University of Pensylvania, and the Ground of the Truth SPECIALITY LADIES SICKNESS SERVICES: Office: 75 yards West of the Colegio de Señoritas, San Jose SUNDAYS: 00 a, m, Solemn Holy Eucharist Sermon 00 a. Choral Holy Eucharist HOURS: 10. 12 p.
3, 00 m, Sunday School 7, 00 p, m, Solemn Evensong, Sermon.
Weekdays: Wednesday, Friday, Holy Days 00 a.
Approaching a certain club to be sportsmanMonday, Wednesday, Friday 7, 00 Entertainments like, upon complaints from the Saturday: Confession 00. 00 BATIST. The rally with the umpires, for improper and unsSee Weekly Parish Bulletin for other Announcements island of Jamaica and the Repu portmanlike conduct.
blic of Costa Rica as the leaI had wondered if that is The Law Which Res The First Birth Anniding strings will be staged in all to it, or those concerned tricts the Worker of versary of his Royal the city Church on the evening were called up and admonished?
Colour in the Pacific Higness ot Monday the 14th instant. The Personally, think many will Zone representatives and their workers agree with me that those com Next Tuesday, the 14th insIt has already been reported tant the cycle of the years, are looking forward to a robust prising the neucleus of the Masupport from members and the naging Body, as far as we learn that the deputies of the Natio among its events will bring the congregation of the Church as took a very lenient attitude. 1nal Assembly who were deli first birth anniversary of His well as the public in general.
am abashed. can only wish berating on the project of the Royal Highness, Prince Charles new Constitution and other im Philip Arthur George of EdinMETHODIST. On Tuesday the Board has a law to disqua. portant matters prior to the burg who the proverbial stork evening the 15th instand the lify a player or players whose establishment of the present deposited with Her Royal HighMethodists will present a Juve conduct is not suitable for sport; constitutional government, had ness Princess Isabel at Buckin nile Operetta and Musical Pro and not only players but clubs, recommended to the Govern gham Palace on Sunday, No.
vember 14, 1948.
gramme in the city Church. All if such conduct is persistent and ment the abolishment of that This Journal advances its bids fair to a pleasant and enat that, forfeity their entrance old law which restricted or most reverential greetings to fee to the Association prevented the workmen of colour the Royal Household on the joyable evening This spirit of must win at to earn his bread in the Pacific occasion of the first life miFRATERNAL. The Beall cost, should be stamped out, Zone.
thfield Lodge No:3 of the Mo. and it will be well to take coglestone of the young Prince and We gather that in one of the we do wish that he will grow dern Order of Bethany is said nizance of those clubs whose latter sessions of the outgone under divine grace, be blessed to be all ready for the rally based on the seven days of the week conduct is not up to standard administration this request of with wisdom and be the reci.
to be given in the hall of the and have them exempted from the legislators was approved pient of that rich inheritance of the competition next season; and it was resolved to eliminate the great royal tradition.
Loyal Phoenix Lodge, situated players; too, as they are apt to this restriction and to promote in front the old Lindo Ice and become members of another club.
a decree correspondingly, on the Faculty of Pharmacy Sodawater Factory. spicy pro have not occasioned to wit part of the Minister of Labour of the University of gramme, anticipatingly is in store ness a single game, therefore, a registry of the citizens of to annul that law and to effect Costa Rica visited for those in attendance. have no idea of the standard colour residing in the national Limon of play; however, am hoping territories with a view to deter On Friday the 4th instant Li.
Cricket Comments shall be able at an early date. mine Costarricans of colour from mon had the distinguished vi By the Mirror (To be continued) foreigners.
sit of Lic. Manuel Quirós and Costa Rica Cricket has been between thirty five to forty students of the faculty of pharawakened once more, after a macy of the University of Cos.
number of years Dormancy.
ta Rica. Among these students Bataan, this time, putting herare three Limonenses, Oswald self in the clime light. Bernard, Miguel Dejuk and Alia Let me here and now say my Of Salomon Berenzon Sarkis.
thanks to those gentlemen who Ths visit as we understand thought that this grand old game; This Store is Receiving constantly was to effect a study of natural history in plant life in par.
an exercise that bridged counCLOTHS NOVELTIES TOYS ticular. Moin and Portette were tries enables them to have a visited for the observation and better understanding one with For the Christmas Season the other; and largely brings out With a cash deposit you can set aside the gifts of Lic. Quiros and his students that finer quality there is in one were royally entertained by the your choice.
faculty of the Limon College VISIT OUR STORE AND BE CONVINCED noticed in an article public and also by the Miramar Club.
The party returned by the San shed sometime ago in the then Limón José Sunday morning passenger Atlantic Post a request begging in malo es propiedad de la bioteca Nacional Miquel Obregón Lizane del Slutema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventus, cof train.
The Hollywood Store study.


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