
Jovemb Page THE ATLANTIC November 19, 1949 IA BIG NEWS)
Kader Store Works Wonder Que COPE sencill In vie ting o to coo when and ca ST MARK CHURCH LIMON, COSTA RICA The Church is the Pillar and the Ground of the Truth Gabardine of assorted colours to suit every taste at SERVICES. 21. 00 per pant cut.
SUNDAYS: 00 a, m, Solemn Holy Eucharist Sermon New assortment of casimere. Plastic Coat, men 25. 00 00 a. Choral Holy Eucharist 3, 00 Sunday School Everything desirous for Ladies and Gents to go 00 Solemn Evensong, Sermon.
gay to places.
Weekdays: Wednesday, Friday, Holy Days 00 a.
Sport Shirts at 00 each Monday, Wednesday, Friday 00 Saturday: Confession 00 00 great bargain sale in hardware Such as dishes See Weekly Parish Bulletin for other Announcements Pots and other utensils New Watch on the Rhine Says The United dustrialization. His second is a police, sport and youth organizaWorld of October 1949 progressive reduction of Allied tions corresponding to an army, Po In a move to give their pro US and Europe will have to influence.
and with the Allies completly Na duction a crushing lead over face.
The third is to incorporate eliminated. Europeans are al those of Western Europe, Ger Western Germany produc into the new Germany the Ger ready weighing the possibility Ir. Joe.
man industrialists will start using tion in 1948 had reached nearly man refugees from the East, that the US will not back Europe administr 200 major «secret patens which 80 per cent of its 1936 level, which would mean a further against Germany as strongly THE AT were held back from Allies. These whereas her exports were only strengthening of the right. His as it would against Russia.
Dear will be in effect on January 1, 6 those of pre war days. The fourth aim is to achieve de facto 1950. The patients are in the new move will serve to give international autonomy, with PERSONALIA solid important fields ot chemicals, her inmediate competitive advan participation in international te Miss Stella Thomas an em olumns printing, synthetics and machi. tage.
chinical conferences.
nery. Britian is most threatened ployee of the local hospital of Imost in Adenauer government is com the Costa Rica Banana Com10 by the new development, but it While this fast play in the parable politically to the pre pany has left for Bluefield, Ni cellspri economic field causes will be felt with perhaps drastic concern, there are other aspects Hitler Papen and Schleicher go. caragua, the land of her nati he impre results in all the countries now of the German resurgence that vernments.
trying to rebuild their economies are again frightening Europe, the new Germany will play a happy reunion with her relatives public of vity to spend her leave of hard to The general feeling is that absence. We bespeak for her a ante and through revival of foreign trade.
particularly France. Chancellor help German manufactures to is mistrusted and even feared. posing Russia, economically tra safe return to resume her employ na na The revolutionary patents will Adenauer has a bad press and double game politically op and friends and hope for her Byofie recapture rapidly the superior The exclusion of the Socialists ding with her.
ment and other social activities. Limonens le export position they held in pre. from the present coalition go Western Europe stands to be of hospi Te war days when at least 80 per vernment and his open alliance greatly weakened by the econocent of sales abroad were non with the extreme right is shar Since Russia opposes a strongly dren, the family of Mr. Clifford and Cap tality. ld mic emergence of Germany. Mrs. Hortence Steele and chil. personally e agricultural products machin ply critized.
ai ery, chemicals, textiles, metal The truth is that Adenauer industrialized Germany, the Co Steele, one of our highly estee. They are al products, electrical equipment. never made an offer to Socialist mmunist parties in Western Eu med and efficient tailors, after The problem of fitting into Schumacher to join his cabinet, because of the fear of Germany reunion with her sister and others to rope have gained a trump card several weeks of recreation and Saying e the international trade pattern, but defied the discreet advice that exists.
u either within Europe or over indirectly offered by the British in the neighbouring Republic of It is estimated that in to Panama returned on Thursday game by seas, of 21 to billion do and French that a broad coa.
llars worth of German exports, lition be formed.
years Germany will be the first the 10th. The benefit obtained, exclusive of coke and coal, will Adenauer first objetive is to industrial country of Europe, physically is without doubt, conditions with fanatic nationalism, with indelibly shown on her. be a new major problem that push ahead with intensive inCE expres DO ia e је night and due to un The Hollywood Store WEAR the play bu pbserved mination wonderful morally, exemplifier those parte Truly our Clifford Steele Tailor Made Suits Ga Of Salomon Berenzon This Store is Receiving constantly CLOTHS NOVELTIES TOYS For the Christmas Season With a cash deposit you can set aside the gifts of your choice.
VISIT OUR STORE AND BE CONVINCED Limón Recuard Here are three special reasons why you should FIRST: The high qualities of our Materials.
SECOND: The neatness of workmanship.
THIRD: The elegant fitting of our garment Which will never get out shape.
Centrally established near the British Vice Consulate in the City of Limon.
trie The Ele bers to ei Impreso en los Talleres Tipográficos de la EDITORIAL VICTORIA


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