
THE ATLANTIC Page ovember 19, 1949 Kollola. 15 15 Slotere 75 lb milk al LA CIA. AGRICOLA EXPORTADORA, Stretch your money a great deal Ruega a los bananeros de Línea Vieja: Buy in the store at the end of the Que en virtud de las exigencias del mercado norteamericano Crystal Passage en cuanto a la calidad del banano, nos es indispensable la cooperación integra en cuanto al buen manejo de la fruta y Just Look to this smashing prices al grado que se pide en los avisos. Esta cooperación muy sencilla y fácil de dar, significaría para el productor posibi.
Kerosene 45 bot lidades más amplias de ayuda para nuevas siembras.
Dry yeast 36 oz.
Gelatin Jell o 95 package Notice to the Banana Cultivators on the Old Line Raisins. 00 lb In view of the fact the North American Markets are exac.
Putty Ivory soap 00 ting on the quality of the banana, it is necessary for us Rice.
0, 55 lb to cooperate in every respect to secure the best grade of fruit Klim 445 tin when notices are sent out. This cooperation is very simply Rosemary 3, 45 tin and can be easily given and will signify for the producers Cloth pins 80 dozen Starch 0, 55 lb.
more ample possibilities of help for new plantings.
Besides we sell the best coffee in town fresh ground Port Limon, Costa Rica sports is not so liberal.
at sight at reasonable prices.
tly November 14, 1949. Thanking you very heartily for the above space, OPEN SUNDAY MORNINGS ity Ir. Jos. Thomas Very truly yours, Pidministrador JOSE CUZA BY THE ATLANTIC, fine order. Take my advise and their house at Barrio Roosevelt.
Inquisitive Corner take a luch there and be con Mr. Johnny Steele and his music. Dear Sir.
vinced. solicit your goodness in the Inquirer Mr. Editor, it is getters are engaged to dish out olumns of your little, but none of my business nor do Concordia Lodge the brand of harmony and of Imost indispensable «Weekly, not want to get into your life. express publicly from the but saw you last Friday and Plans Mechanic Dance rhythm. This grand enjoyment Wi vell spring of my consciousness Saturday eating at the new Res In an oblong shaped and with anticipatingly is set for Friday ti. he impression obtained in retaurant. La Estrella» located gilt letters we have seen the in night the 25th intant. The Conof;ard to the recent trip to Almi in front of Peña store. My vitatory Cards in conjunction cordians can rest assured that ante and Bocas del Toro, Re wife will be leaving soon on a with the Dance to be given by they will have the complement esiublic of Panama.
vacation and would like to get the Concordia Lodge No. in of the invitees.
your advise on the quantity and er By officials, players, sportsmen quality of the meals which Mrs.
ind in fact by everybody, the Vega serves. The answer: Your Triumph for Costa Rican Democracy Eimonenses were the recipients question is very welcomed and By Mr. Alex Curling of hospitalities in their true delightful to answer. have a (Translated from El Diario de Costa Rica)
reality. could not fail to mention resourceful knowledge in the We coloured Costa Ricans in order that our country should bersonally. Judge Juan Planes culinary art: much more than celebrate with great joy the abo regain its most precious liberties; dind Captain Frank Vaz. Oh! you would think. In my youth lition of the legal discrimination and above all, tells the Costa they are jolly good fellows. my purpose was to be informed which restricted our liberty to Rican negro that his citizenship Saying a bit on the baseball in many branches of human ac work in the Pacific Zone. is truly the prize of which Omar nd es games our boys played with tivities; that if one source ear Our satisfaction, however, is Dengo spoke in his brilliant de night and main, Limon lost one ning my livlihood fails hy one not so much because of the fence of the coloured race, the ay game by the way of decision of the several others my bread economic advantages of such golden key which opened to iue to unfavourable atmospheric would be secured. Returning to annulment which are negligible Saint Paul the doors of Roman 5!
conditions which did not permit the meals believe me right from in the face of the providential justice, the title which Simon he play beyond that inning. We over the shoulder that the dishes recovery which the Atlantic Zone Bolivar glorified before the na observed and not without ad are both plentiful and delicious. has experienced in the past few tions of this Continent, and the niration and comendation the The service is excellent in every years but rather becauce of the which the heroes of Santa Rosa treasure of exceeding value for wonderful support, financially, way. Dining at this restaurant moral nature of its implications, Dorally, socially and other wise one is made to feel homely for the patriotic manner in which and Rivas shed their preciou: exemplified by all concerned in Cleanliness surrounding the blood.
hose parts in interest of sports. whole atmosphere; fine table the Founders of the Second ReIn this hour of triumph fo Truly our general support to wares and everything else in public have seconded the sublime Costa Rican democracy, let u gesture of the National Assembly render a tribute to the sacred reaffirms faith in the Chris memory of Omar Dengo ang tian and democratic spirit of our Ricardo Jiménez, who fough country, gives substance to the with the irresistible force of thei brilliant defence of human rights moral and intelectual prestig Recuerda a sus abonados que los recibos por servicios eléc effected by Costa Rica in the that Costa Rica should ever bi tricos deben ser cancelados en la primera quincena United Nations Organization; to all her sons the land of kind de cada mes.
is one more reason to be pro ness and the mother of love foundly grateful to those who which the National Anthen The Electric Company of Limón hereby reminds its subscribers to the electric services that the payments are to be risked their lives and properties proclaims.
effected wthin the first fifteen days each month, EL ATLANTICO del Sistema Nacional de BILLIMON. COSTA RICAsta o APARTADO No. 199 cer of Cía. Eléctrica de LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregon Lidl

    DemocracyOmar Dengo

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