p. 8


Page THE ATLANTIC November 19, 1949 THE PEOPLE HOUSE or Sleep in Airy and Clean Rooms In the heart of the city of Limon directly in front of the Post Office is the newly built CENTRAL LODGING HOUSE JACK ORANE SUCS. Limon Everything new; everything clean and sanitary; everything You will need a good article provided for the comfort of the guests.
pfr your money so see us first Make the Central Loding your Home during the best of everything. your stay in town.
Suitings, dress materials, and all other requirements in Ladies RUBEN CHING, Proprietor Gents wear prices always to euofelo ysa.
Knights of St. John Staged Secular Concert The Kinghts of St. John asso clair and Jerry Austin, guitarists, CRICKET COMMENTS (By the Mirror)
ciated with the Roman Catholic Contest of song was the (Continued from last issue)
Diocese of Limon in an effort crowning feature and in which QUERY men in efficiencies, so said Karl to raise funds to provide a participated the Misses Ru Christmas Cheer for at least bie, Lupiter Pinnock Yolanda was asked a few weeks ago Indies Board of Control, in reply Nunes, president of the West some of the less fortunate old Sterling and Master Peters. by a non cricketer, the following: to question asked, what is wrong people, staged a concert on The judgment was rendered by Suppose a ball was driven with our Senior Cup Criket. Thursday night the 3rd instant, Mr. Burrow, Mesdames Muriel along the carpet and was neabut not having reached their Hayling and Bernard. The ring the boundry and a fieldsman The English Coach, Mercer gold the entertainment was re Misses Lupita Pinnock and stopped it with his foot, if four has been down two consecutive peated on an embellished back Rubie were awarded, respectively, runs should not have been winters, working on bowlers; ground on the night of Friday first and second prizes. Mrs. awarded the batsman? told this coming season he will rethe 11th.
Daisy Blackman presented the him obsolutely no. he would turn to instruct batsmen.
Mr. Reggie Rouse, the Pre prizes with accompanying ad only be entitled to the actual (To be continued. dresses.
runs, if at all, but if the fieldsman sident of the Knight Comused his cap or a stick or anymandery effected the introductory remarks and in turn intro An Approaching thing other than his person Scotch Lily Convened which forms a barrier, then unduced the chiarman in the person Marriage Session questionably it would have been of the writer. The opening cho Two widely regarded young aboundry: apparently the inquirer rus or curtain riser was ripened citizens will soon leave the had heard such an argument We are informed that accom with harmony states of bachelorhood and spinspanied by several members of The entertainers, respectively, tership and enter the sacred OVERSEAS the Loyal Unity Lodge number were the Misses Rubie confine of wedlock life.
One December 10, Mr. As.
In the recently contested over 24, the members of the Scotch Scott, Nugent, Juanita Haw. drúbal Ovares Zamora, a memsea cricket tournament, New Lily Lodge number 59a, both kins, Winnefred Sterling, Linnett ber of the clerical staff of the Zealanders had all four test Green, Foster, Lupita Pin. Steamship Department of the drawn against England. The ted Order of Scottish Mechanics, lodges of the Independent Uninock, Gumbs, Birch, Yo United Fruit Company in this plays occupied three days, reslanda Sterling. Joan Grant, Rose, Messrs. Wright city will ratify his promise of pectively; considered a blunder affiliated with the Grand Lodge Sewell, Pewzie. Marco Tulo marraige to Miss Violeta de la as a consequence of not enough of Scotland, Edinburg, were in Penn, Limonense of wide ap. time. It is hoped that in the conference on matters of vital Selles and Master Peters. Mr.
preciation and deep admiration approaching tournament for next Frank Jackson Bell was stops She is an employee of the Ac year, the West Indiens will be importance in conjunction with with his magic The acts were reeled off without a hitch. Miss counting. Department of the given at least, four days to each the Order in this Republic. The Maria Bernard contributed a The joyous event will be effec be relying on her spin, bowlers the Loyal Phoenix Lodge on Costa Rica Banana Company. match. The Mother country will session was held in the Hall of piano selection. Messrs. Sylvester tedes at San José. We advance to defeat the islanders, such the night of Wednesday the 9th Cunningham and Sewell prespin magnets as Wright, Hollies sented a comic sketch It ain our felicitations.
and Jenkins. The English wickets instant. This medium is also going to rain anymore. The ins.
are so different to ours; and in adopted to remind the members trumentalists were Mr. Cunnin Anúnciece en este the main England hopes to build of the Scotch Lily Lodge to be gham at the piano, Oswald a side of the West Indies tour Brown, trumpeter, Herbert Sin Semanario «El Atlántico, to beat Australia. According to in attendance at the next geavailable statistics, in Jamaica, neral meeting, set for Wednesday NEW HALLICRAFTER bowlers are far ahead the bats. night the 23rd.
Echophone Model EC 306 Three Radio Bands Six Tubes The above is the discriptive name, but in plain words Modern Radio with phonographie record playing device The most up to date music master for business PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON place or home.
of the University of Pensylvania, Do not hesitate to own this Radio and Phonograph SPECIALITY LADIES SICKNESS Offered at a very reasonable price.
Office: 75 yards West of the Colegio de Señoritas, San Jose Apply at our Office HOURS: 10. 12 p.


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