
LITTLE IRMA RETURNS TO GOD By Cornelius White (Her Father)
Ordene sus trabajos de Imprenta a la In the last children epe all. Although she has left demic (whooping cough) my four sisters and three brothers three smaller children Were as the apples of our eyes, yet affected, but little Irma the we missed her more than we middle aged after a few days can express in words. Her of the attack would by do passiog has left us to meditate Teléfono 2837 San José, Apartado 1428 means drink or eat anything on the words of Saokey 989 this dragged her into a serious There is a Paradise of NITIDEZ PRECIOS BAJOS RAPIDEZ state within two weeks. a Rest. Meet me There.
condition which necessitated us to take her into the Limon Seventh Day Adven Loving Christmas Present by Lacsa hospital; here she was well cared for and after a somewhat tists Rendered a Very which the Lacsa is offering the of British or Costarrican Pass It is indeed a Christmas Giftsary information on the obtaining she was able to return to the fa Amusing Programme general public, but mores ports at our office, room in mily residence at 28 Miles. In one of the buildings of the Jamaicans that for ONLY Four front of the Limón Catholic Timely, she drank and ate. property recently bought by the Hundred and Fifty Colones Church.
However, the coughing conti Seventh Day Adventist Deno. 450. 00) they can spend ChristThe flight effected by Lacsa nued and its stiffness see miogly mination in this city, contribu. mas in the beautiful and enchan on the 19th of November was bruised off the healing scabs, turs from several of the Chur ting island of Jamaica; havirg a one way trip for 50. 00; now and so little Irma was cast ches on the line towns and of in all from Saturday 24th to it is a round trip for aproximadowo. She was taken again to the city Young People Depart Saturday the 31, December. The tely the same 50. 00 at the a doctor whose medicine helped ment were «click in a very flight will be effected by com present rate of exchange.
her little, but the frequent ca amusing programme given on modious CLIPPERS affiliated lliog for water on the evening Monday night the 28th ultimo. to the PAN AMERICAN AIRof Friday the 11th we found There was seen vividly in the WAYS, leaving the San José Thief Robbed a that little Irma was travelliog combine a true spirit of oneness home. We watched over her in the cause represented. Very airport on the 24th and effect Woman Purse in the until one o clock of the same interesting were the renditions the return from Kingston on the Local Coach night when she called for her and with outstanding mannerisms 31st December 1949.
last driok of water and took by the cast of characters. Mrs.
On Monday the 28th ultimo All Bookings must be made on or about 30 on the same by her own hand. Night Abbott, the esteemed wife of not later than the 15th of the return of the Estrella Line Local, 11 was far spent and we fell asleep. Teacher Abbott proved a At four o clock in the morning striking voiced songstress; she month in course at the Limón we have the sad notice that at awoke suddenly and found starred in two quartettes in which Agency of Lacsa, situated 25 short distance from its arrival myself singing the Saokey No. she participated. Miss. Royards East of the American Bar at the railroad station, a boy 650 Ricg the Bells of Heaven gers presided at the piano and, in front the Park hopped the train and snatched there is Joy today. then with ofcourse, her musical talent and It must be borne in mind that der which is said to contain a woman purse from her shoulfear and trembling rushed to harmony touching fingers furni Passports will be necessary for more than three hundred colones little Irma bed and there shed ingredients to the numbers both Jamaicans and foreigners and the thief escaped in the found that she was gone Little rendered. Elder Ricardo Rankin hose desirous to make the darkness. Up to this writing the Irma was like a radio in the presidely spicely over the pro round trip can secure the neces culprit has not been captured.
home, she was a friend of gramme.
EXCURSION Give a VICTOR Radio To Kingston, Jamaica and Return for a Christmas Gift grand Christmas present is offered to visit Kingston, The season for the inter changing of Gifts is just Jamaica by an Excursion in very commodious around the corner and it would be wonderful to give Lacsa Clippers, affiliated to the Pan American Airways a Gift which will have a life of many years.
The airplane will leave San José on Saturday, DeNothing can be better for a Christmas Gift than a cember 24th and to return from Kingston on Saturday, December 31, 1949 VICTOR RADIO The Round Trip will cost only 450. 00 We are offering special terms for Payment. Come (Four Hundred and Fifty Colones)
and see us.
Make your reservation at the Lacsa Agency, situaGourzong Radio Service. Radio Repairs and ted 25 yards, East of the American Bar in front of Battery Charging Agency for Victor Radio the Park in this city.
Adjoining the Coffee Shop by Railroad Station Yard, Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregon Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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