
December 24, 1949 THE ATLANTIC Page 11 MITCHELL For correct Weights. Cleanliness and Courtesy bay your meats at the stall of REGGIE STEELE LIMON MARKET This is a grand opportunity to return thanks and to greet my patrons and friends with joy for a Merry Christmas and New Year Crowned With Prosperity REGGIE STEELE BAR RESTAURANT Wishes its friends and customers and the public in general The Season Greetings Christmas 1949 Juan Mitchell, Family Associates New Year 1950 was the as. 3 1 The Ring of Hate Around Germany. tage point of statecraft. the the Lorraine ore magnates grey In an orthodox Communist you go on a picnic in the coun continent aching need of a rich on their sales to Ruh state, like Poland, the wound tryside, in the tall grass beyond healthy, functioning German steel barons.
is commemorated as a great the apple tree, almost hidden economy.
Germany stood halfway bet collective hurt by such stupef which says, Ici fut sauvagement The need is simple to describe; ween East and West. buying in ying monuments as the bronze assaginé par les Allemands Ro the last hundred years of indus a good year like 1928 almost memorial in the Ghetto or the bart Martellau, le 19 aout trial development and progress forty per cent of Eastern Euromuseum at Auschwitz where 1944. agé de 17 ans. And in Europe made Germany the pe exports and supplying thirty the endless silent bins of human fresh flowers grace the plaques keystone in the arch of European to thirty five percent of its im.
hair, the babies boots, the tons from early spring to late fall. well being. Germany a ports. It was a broker, merchant, of leather suitcases, the mounds stress this hate that rings workshop of thriving, ingenious transfer agent and equalizer of wrenched eyeglasses, testify Germany round for many rea craftsmen who ate the foods of between Europe civilized West to the three million people who sons because Germans Holland, Denmark. Hungary, and the industrially backward were butchered there by Ger. surrounded by their own ruins Poland and Rumania, and paid East in much the same way man officials acting for the Ger and drenched in selfsorrow, back in machires, tools, medi that Great Britain acted man state.
have all but forgotten it; be cines, dyes, electrical wares, ca transfer agent and broker betIn France, a western and cause in the United States of meras, and all the intricate ween the continent as a whole individualist nation, hate is ensAmerica, never occupied by the gadgets without which modern and the outside world.
hrined more personally and sim Germans, people have forgotten civilization cannot function. GerIt might have been possible ply, and scattered in plaques of that in places like Paris and many was a brute source of to rebuild Europe after the war marble in every department of Warsaw, Germany is a more prime materials. of coal, of by constructing an economy ir no the land. It is a marble plaque frightening menace than Com potassium, of steel. Germany which Germany played opposite the grocer store in munist Russia; because this was a turntable, a complex of important part. But on moral waterways and political and above all on eco the village in Burgundy which primordial, remembered dread mines, rails, nomic grounds, it was decide always has flowers pinned to it; of Europe people for their transportation facilities that conand the grocer tells how, against German neighbors must always trolled the flow of all gocds to put together the old pre wa that wall, the Gestapo always be balanced by Europe leaders from the Balck Sea to the Bay European jig saw as quickly a shot the local Resistants. It is against that which they can so of Biscay. Dutch ports thrived possible.
Today, the adventure is so fa something you stumble on when clearly see from the high van because German factories smoked and pumped commerce along that it is impossible fo down the Rhine; Dutch artichoke Frenchmen, Duthmen, Danesgrowers prospered because the and probably Poles, Hungarian coal miners of the Ruhr liked and Czechs to be reasonabl The Store at entrance of the Crystal Passage artichokes; from Warsaw to or quickly prosperous unles The Grocery where you can Stretch your money a great deal Bucharest, when men and wo Germany is too.
Just Look to this smashing prices men grew ill. they turned ins The only question therefore tinctively to German medicines for all Germany neighbors is Nails Kerosene 45 bot and pharmaceuticals. One third on what terms should German Dry yeast of French steel production de recever, what safeugards sha Gelatin Jell o 95 package Ivory soap.
pended on German coke; and 00 See poge 12 Condenced milk 11 65 tin VAAAAAAA Starch 0, 55 lb.
Gold Medal Flour THE BLUE BAR Pablum The Cantin and grocery where friendship abides, due to the Fiesta Wine 75 bot Clothes Pins continual exercise of courtesy and honesty to our 80 doz Canal Wine patrons and friends. 50 bot Fresh Butter and Grapes in Stock Here is Wishing one and all Besides we sell the best coffee in town fresh ground Right Merry Christmas a New Year Mellowed at sight at reasonable prices.
0, 50 lb Pabena 200 pea 200 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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