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Page 12 THE ATLANTIC December, 24 1949 sasease sasasase5252525252525252525252SRO THE PEOPLE HOUSE Jack Orange Sucs. Limon THE PEOPLE BAKERY. City of Limón Desires to extend to its esteemed clients and friends the complimeuts of the Season and to express its Wish for our many Patrons and friends a Dery sincere gratefulness for all favours received: crowning this with hearty good wishes for Happy Christmas a Bright and Prosperous Genuine Peace and Prosperity for Christmas New Year to Follow New Year. 1949. 1950 We thank you for your kind patronage in the past, PHILIP BOOTH AND FAMILY And expect to see you always in the future.
2225292525252525252525252525252525252525252525252529 nical assistance and advice to by the negroes of Costa Rica to The Liberia.
the migrants when necessary, to feather their own nests under settled at the point of settlement assist them in becoming self sus the guise of supporting a sepaFrom page 3: Witn the consent of the taining members of their commu. rate and distinct settlement other that country to the migration Government of Liberia to selec nities to make loans to indivi than such authorized and conand permanent settlement of suitable sites for settlement of duals, partnerships or coopera sented to by the Government of individuals assisted on accor immigrants in the Republic of tions composed of migrants in Liberia.
dance with the provisions of Liberia; to establish and operate meritorious cases.
this Act reception and desembar kation 5: To give whatever assis The Ring of.
The Bill then makes provision centres, supply depots commis tance is necessary to encourage From page 11 for the creation of a Commission saries temporary housing at projects as will tend to raise the be taken, what reparations are which will assist the people as points of settlement, dispensaries, standard of living and increase to be exacted?
pharmacies and first aid stations the productivity of the Republic No nation in Europe, however, 1: With transportation by and such other buildings and fa of Liberia.
can now think of terms with land and by sea, from the initial cilities as are necessary and pro We wonder if the local propa: Germany as a simple variation point of departure in the United per to safeguard the health of gandists in the name of the on the familiar and insoluble States to the point of settlement the migrants.
Universal Negro Improvement formula of hate versus need in the Republic of Liberia. 2: 4: The Commission is fur Association are aware of this because they must ponder over To provide adequate subsistence, ther autorized within the limits fact, that the Liberia Settlement the new element in European medical care and other necessi. of such funds as may be appro. Scheme indicates a greater fi politics the power rivalry betties of life for the immigrants priated to it, to supply tools, nancial outlay that the taking ween the Soviet Union and the during transit and until finally equipment, materials, and tech out of the few cents possessed United States.
Now, More Than Ever, You Get More For Money in ELA PROVEEDORA Flour 25 10 lb.
Please compare this list of prices, considering that we give you clean, high quality merchandise and exact, honest weight.
Goodrich Rubber Cemeni. 25 ea. Dodge Tender Peas 1, 75 tin Three in one Oil. 50 ea.
Dodge Grapes.
2400 tỉ Fuller Tooth Brushes. 1, 25 ea. Hunts Asparagus, 10 oz. 400 tin Clean, White Starch. 55 lb. Dodge Peaches 200 tip Develco Electric Iron. 44. 00 ea Genuine Carbolina 50 gal. Grape Nuts 50 pk Canal Wine. 50 bot Horse Mule Shoes 60 lb Mouse Traps. 40 ea Delicious Acuna Biscuit. 50 lb.
White Salt 25 lb.
Sanitone Health Soap Oxford Cup Saucer 75 Iron Plugs. 89 50 lb 15 ea.
Log Cabin Syrup Dietz Lanterns. 12. 50 50 Vencedor Cooking Oil 3, 90 bot.
Cristal Sugar Bowls 2, 60 Harlequin Mixed Fruil.
650 lb Cristal Butter Dish 50 Fiesta Wine 75 bot Rinso. RO pk Ash Trays. 75 ea. Nails Oxford Dinner Plates.
Monarch Red Wine 00 bot.
Kerosene. 45 bot. Claret Wine. 50 bot.
Santamaria Vinagre. 75 bot Pineapple Marmalade. 75 Jar Sapolio. 25 ea Brillo. 10 ea Thompson Seedless Raisins 2, 25 lb.
Wire Sponges.
050 ea. Island Palm Soap. 85 Baking Powder, 10 oz 30 tin California Mackerel 50 tin Condensed Milk. Là tin Cremaiz. 35 pk Padlocks 1, 30 ea Lizano English Sauce. 85 Canadian Unions 2, 00 lb Putty 200 lb Tuna Fish 3, 10 tin.
Planters Peanuts. 50 tin Robinson Barley 2) tin Garlic 2, 40 lb Ovomaltina 1ỏ tin Our sympathy goes out to those who have suffered from the torrential rains and floods. Because of our fixed policy of selling at the lowest prices possible and giving honest weight, our store has had the big task of supplying the needs of a tremendously increased clientel. Bacause of this increased demand, it has been neccesary to ration a few articles, for which we are sorry, and we thank you for being patient with us under such trying cireumstances We are now receiving merchandise by plane in larger quantities than ever before and expect to fill auy reasonable requests LA PROVEEDORA. Puerto Limon


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