
195 January 7, 1950 THE ATLANTIC Page WEAR que PERSONALIA Young Limonense Graduated as Profesional Mechanic By the report treating on the saw with our eyes the streamline osta graduation of the apprentices of of medals awarded to Ernesto in and the Salesiano College of Arts proof of each worthy accomClifford Steele and Trades at Cartago, we note plishment Tailor Made Suits with keen interest the name of He has entered the field of egos Ernest Wright Murray, jr. one professional machinist, and we of the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Er believe in this machine age the Here are three special reasons why you should FIRST: The high qualities of our Materials.
nest Wright, one of Limon qualified mechanic will always SECOND: The neatness of workmanship sem. first line families. The lad com find employment.
THIRD The elegant fitting of our garment trado pleted with outstanding honour Our congratulations to ErWhich will never get out shape.
his five years of studies. Ag news nesto for his success and also to ay paper publishers are apt to be his parents who, we are sure Centrally established near the British Vice Consulate busy bodies we ascended the were upward toiling in the night in the City of Limon.
stairs and entered the family re for the training of their don, no uyo sidence a few days ago and there doubt, while others slept.
ses que Co Medium of Information VI atro Miss Doris Legister was among Hospital of San Jose are the We are passing along the in approved by the Authorities must the oversea visitors during the rence Willians Hall of this city.
des formation that the National Go present a certificate extended by Yule Tide season. She was at We learn further that Miss Esme vernment calls again the atten the office of Direct Tubutation home with her mother, Miss meralda Wright earned first Rica tion of both nationals and that such taxes are paid up to Louise Thomas of this city. It award for having presented the de foreigners to their obligation in date; in absence of this proof was very pleasureably to have best text. Miss Berrick also won Esos compliance to the law treating the visa and other necessaries her with us. She has returned a prize. Miss Florence Williams fa with the payment of all taxes will be denied. This certificate to the land of her adoption. Hall earned the high comments que in the provision of the law. will be issued on a fifty cent of the Director of the College de It has been decreed that any official paper (papel sellado)
for presenting a tex on Tuber28 person before his or her passport and with a one colon stamp en or other travelling papers be (timbre. Miss Rosita Henry of the culosis, Malaria and Social Ou.
tlet for Limôn.
School of Nursing at the San el Juan de Dios Hospital of San do Contract Approved Between the Government Jose was a last week end visitor to spend a part of the fesha and the Costa Rica Banana Company tive season with her parents. Vice Chairman of the Port Li Mrs. Lovina Williams, the ui She returned on Wednesday of mon Branch of the Jamaica Bula The National Congress as weperty in this Atlantic Zone to the week in course to resume Scheme and who is also a de gather has finally approved the the States to be utilized in agri her studies.
member of the city Baptist Contract between the Govern cultural colonization plan; thus Church and a fraternalist is unpre ment and the Costa Rica Ba affording titles to many occuder the influence of impaired te nana Company and in which pants of this property. The greater We are pleased to pass along health. We wish for her a very on there is a clause for the said number of these hectareas are the good news that among the speedy and complete recovery.
Da Company to transfer three thou said to be located on the Old recent graduates of the School of Misses Ida Berrick Tucker, Es.
Ta sand hectareas of its land pro Line.
Nursing at the San Juan de Dios merald Wright Peco and Flode מוב ge fi ATENCION LIMONENSES EN LA NUEVA TIENDA Wedding Bells Will Ring On Wednesday the Ilth ins. invitees to the reception to be tant wedding bells will ring for held in the Cubs Sport Club two well known residents of hall. It proposes to be an attracthis province; namely: Miss El tive event representative of the may Chambers and Mr. George Brown.
colours of the rainbow. Evening Several prominent citizens are Dress will be the a la mode.
do nel co de Naim Sarquis y Hoo, encontrará usted todo NUEVO hasta los precios son nuevos porque son más bajis.
Especialidad en seda y artículos para caballeros. Recuér.
dela: esta situada contiguo al hospedaje de Rolando Young THE NEW STORE u ia 78 08 es 28 28 of Naim Sarquis Hoo. you will find everything NEW up to the prices are NEW because they are lower than elsewhere. Specialized in silk and other articles for geotlemen.
Remember: This store is situated next to the Lodging of Rolando Young Mr. Gladson Edmund is Police Judge at One Creek We learn with pleasure that is said to be in the line of Mr. Gladston Edmonds, better merit to the efforts exercised known as CHIPI has been recently appointed Police Judge by himas a member of the Party to Hone Creek. The appointment in power. Bravo for CHIPI. 0 ооооооооооооооооо EL ATLANTICO LO del Sistema Nacional de Belic APARTADO. Nowe199osta Rica LIMON,


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