
7, 1950 January 7, 1950 THE ATLANTIC Page 11 Wife CALENDAR REFORM DEFEATED ve esta ence.
anuary The des. averted Doctor OSCAR PACHECO All who have the cause of (Culled from Signs of the Time, Vol. 76, No. 44)
Promoters of the World CaEs warm religious liberty at heart will relendar like to give the impression nes Mr joice to learn that the propo cent of the total American chur not only in the United States, that the Roman Catholic Church happi: sed Worl Calendar, with its chgoers. but in England and on the Con is supporting its propositions, Cainable blank day device, will not be The inaccuracy of all these tinent, and know where of we because, they claim a Catholic considered by the United Na claims is now apparent to all, speak. Recently, when in London, priest was the first to suggest tions General Assembly this Evidently there is much more we interviewed Dr. Brodie, chief the blank day device. These proyear.
opposition to the blank day ca rabbi of the British Empire, moters would be shocked if they The promoters of the World lendar than its promoters are and found him as vigorous in could see a letter from a leading etween Calendar, acting through the willing to recognize. They could his opposition to the blank. day delegation of Panamá, had en not even muster sufficient votes World Calendar as was his emi cardinal a copy of which we deavoured to have the proposals in the fifteen man steering com nent predecessor, Dr. Hertz.
have before us at this momentincluded in the agenda at this mittee to ensure its inclusion On the same day we contac referring to then as «cranks.
o ex session, but the request was on the agenda! And whoever in ted Mr. Martin, secreFurthermore, it is very misfarmer refussed by the steering com formed Miss Achelis, the head tary of the Lord Day Obser. leading for these overzealous prompt mittee on Sept. 22.
of the calendar reform move vance Society, who represents calendar reformers to suggest indis This decision deals a final ment, that fortyseven nations some of the most devout Sun that almost the entire scientific for the blow to the hopes of the ca. are favorable, was guilty of ei day keepers in England. His di world is in favor of their prolendar reformers that their new ther misrepresentation or wishful sapproval of the World Calen posals. Recently it was our pricalendar might be adopted by thinking. canvass of some of dar, with its plan to disrupt vilege to discuss the is matter all the nations during 1950. the national delegations by re the seven day weekly cycle, is with the Vatican astronomer Such a calamity, thank God, is presentatives of the oppositions as sincere as is that of any Se.
revealed an altogether different venth day Adventist. To be continued)
Those who read the Journal situation.
floodof Calendar Reform for the third The fact is, that, despite all Thought quarter of 1949 will realize how the intense propaganda of the nths to heavily the promoters if the calendar reformers, in wich they working World Calendar were banking have sought to give the impresGus on success at this General Assion that the whole world is PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON see the sembly of the United Nations. wainting for the adoption of Exultantly they claimed that their proposals, there are mi From the University of Pensylvania, Interest forty seven nations were favo. llions who would strongly resist SPECIALITY: DISEASES OF WOMEN trained rable to their plan. Fervently the introduction of any kind of of the believing this, they produced blank day calendar.
Office: 75 yards West of the Colegio de Sefioritas, San Jose the cover of their journal in The suggestion made by the HOURS: 10. 12 p.
two colors, showing a map of promoters of the World Calen.
the world with most of the dar, that the only opposition nations committed to their pro comes from a small group of Very Bad Practice posed new calendar.
Seventh day Adventists, is comFurthermore, they sought to pletely at variance with the facts. ted to a matter of very bad that he has been receiving his Our attention has been envi just person. He states further give the impression that there Large numbers of other Chris.
is no opposition to this calen tians, besides the orthodox Jews, practice a practice punishable letters with the addres dar except from a small group are just as strenuously opposed by law if those in the act are Aldridge and that he is almost of Seventh day Adventists, cap We have personally discussed.
sure there is no other person Mr. Aldridge of our proximately three tenths of per this matter with leaders of thought city complained that on the gereceiving correspondence with neral list at the city Post Office, that address; if so, he is desiDuncan Furniture, Greeting Cards, under date of December 26, rous to meet the person in the his name appeared, but was meantime he respectfully asks Souvenirs and Other Important Articles crossed out by someone and that the person who took the for Families, Friends and Lovers: the corresponderce called for letter in question, return it to and was taken away by the un the post office.
The great popularity which William Mc Creath Died in the Asylum at San José One in life was William Mc. his transfer to the San Jose insCreath and not with standing titution on Friday the 30th ulhas achieved among people of good taste is based upon the very regretable attitude he timo; passed away on Monday exercised in recent days prior to the 2nd. instant.
their exquisite beauty, fine desiogs and durability and his death in the San José Asylum. He was a member of the Port at prices to meet every pocket he was a well known person in Limon Branch of the Jamaica this community; he was a nota Burial Scheme Society. The of We wish our patronizers, friends and the public in ble musician; in days long past ficers of the Branch, ably assisgeneral he had no local equal in this ted by Mr. Egbert Patterson in science, but sad to say he surren whose building he was residing dered all those lacking in the had done the very best in getting Every Happiness and Prosperity for stamina to ward him off.
him under medical treatment the New Year Mr. McCreath became se with the hope of restoring his riously ill; as demented and sound health, but it was not to in a condition which warranted be so.


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