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Jamu Page THE ATLANTIC January 14, 1950 Among The Baptists SA YING ST. MARK CHURCH The Baptist Church of this (By Dr. Tu Yuen Tan)
city in line with her custom of The three principles of the LIMON, COSTA RICA long years, to celebrate the annual people embodies three interlocThe Church is the Pillar Harvest Festival Services on king and mutual conditioning and the Ground of the Truth the first Sunday in the month principles of Nationhood, of SERVICES: of January did so pleasingly Rights and of Livelihood. These SUNDAYS: 6, 00 a, m, Solemn Holy Eucharist Sermon from all visible viewpoints. The three principles cannot be taken 00 a. Choral Holy Eucharist congregation and friends of the separately, because none of them 3, 00 Sunday School 7, 00 Solemn Evensong, Sermon.
Church are said to have been none can be fully realized whiwill have a correct meaning and Weekdays: Wednesday, Friday, Holy Days 00 a.
in attendance brilliantly and plen thout the correiation with, and Monday, Wednesday, Friday 00 tifully. The gifts were of quan the realization of the other two.
Saturday: Confession 4, 00. 00 pm titative and qualitative order.
This three Principles of the Sea Waekly Parish Bulletin for other Announcements Listeners to the renditions of people is the Principle. The the youngsters at the afternoon English rendering is unsatisfacThe Christmas Dole to the Needful Citizens Harvest Programme told us that BAPTIST: On Saturday the richly prepared and nicely served they were the recipients of instory, so disciples of Sun Tasen prefer to use San Min Chu 24th ultimo or in other words several covers of luncheon to piration and intellectual nou in the original form.
on Christmas Eve, the ladies of nearly one hundred needful ci rishment.
the Baptist Women Federation tizen The treat Was effected The play given under the ausThe principles of nation hood of extended the yearly charity of on Monday the 26th of De pices of the Baptist Women Rights and of Livelihood are in the Society to many very deser cember.
Federation in the Church on one way or other analogous to ving poor.
SEVENTH DAY ADVEN. December 12, 1949 was repreNationalism, Democracy and BURIAL SCHEME SOCIETISTS The Dorcas Society sented by several of the casts Socialism TY: The Port Limon Branch which operated as an auxiliary of characters, strengthened by to be called Nationalists, demoBut San Min Chu ists refuse No. 134 of the Jamaica Burial of the Church in its accustomed others of the district of Zent Scheme Society in carrying out benevolence made and donated crats or socialists, because in its well laid down policy to re many articles of dress, and and held in the Chapel on Tues. reality they are not and in a member the less fortunate mem accompanied by cash were day night the 3rd instant. We sense they are all bers of our great human family given to many persons in need learn that it was successful in on Christmas Day, found it plea of such alms.
The Principle of Nation hood every way.
deals with the formation of nasingly convenient to have taken ROMAN CATHOLISM: tions, the influence of Natiocare of more than one hundred The members comprising the An Appeal Against and a half poor. The Society St. Vincent de Paul Society and Decree No. nalism in modern European has also unhesitatingly contri are associated with the Limon In our last week issue we history and China as a nation.
buted to the funds publicly co Roman Catholic Diocese, not released the information that llected for the Turrialba suffe. only gave on Christmas, but the Government decreed that The Two Colones Silver rers in the recent disaster.
they maintain a daily charity fore permission is granted to Costarricans or foreigners be Currency is not Acceptable METHODIST: The gocdwill to every deserving poor, regar leave the Republic will be re colones silver currency is no We underst that the two of the Methodist Church was less of colour, creed or race.
exercised by the Women Lea.
quested to present a Certificate longer acceptable in commerce The Knights of St. John staged in proof of having paid all Go or even the Banks. Many per gue in distributing several pac. a concert and repeated same vernment taxes to the Direct sons unfortunately have several kages in the schoolroom on with the original wish to have Tributation.
of these coins in their possession Christmas Morn and appro provided an independent Dole By a press news we now and do not know what will priate dainties to the sick in the for the poor, but this thought learn that a legal talent in Sar be their ultimate value to them.
gave way finally to the turning Tose has effected an appeal be. It presents a very delicate siST. MARK CHURCH: We over of the funds collected to fore the Supreme Court of Jus tuation. Quite true the Governgained the information that the the Cathedral, which, of course tice, claiming that Decree No. ment has to protect its treasury St. Mark Church by the me is being utilized in its charitable treating on the projec of law against the currency counterfeidium of the Mothers Union work.
is inconsistent with the dispo ted, and it is also true that these sition of the Constitution and on whom the loss falls are not its text which guarantees liberty responsible for the circulation to all Costarricans.
of the non negotiable coin.
the Cri the of abil bat bec bat ton in res SIX and at am tea firs Say tua ten lech Great Bargain Sale.
IN THE THE PEOPLE HOUSE HOLLYWOOD STORE JACK OR NE SUCS. Limon You will need a good article for your money so see us first for the best of everything Suitings, dress materials, and all other requirements in Ladies Gents wear prices always to please you. Ind off att had hur me ten did des or of or fas beh and to mig of Salomón Berenzón Visit us and be convinced for Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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