
1950 January 14, 1950 THE ATLANTIC Page LA ANTILLANA of the erlocwoning of These taken them 35 OZ. 00 55 lb. 50 lb 00 00 the a it, but baving foodness in our We listened attentively on two. very soul for our fellow trave. ocassions on the platform of ller in life journey, we are the local Salvation Army and sad indeed when death comes. we were convinced that there The Grocery Store at entrance of the Crystal Passage This gloom of sadness was was an impulse in his soul for The Business in which you can Stretch your money a great deal widespread among people of things divine.
every walk of life when the The funeral services were Just Look to this smashing prices flash of death took Mr. Stanley conducted by the Reverend Nails. 10 lb Street on Monday the 9th of William Žiade in the St.
Raisins 25 lb January 1950 in the local hos Mark Church and concluded and Kerosene 45 bot pital.
Dry yeast whi at his vault. Major Thos.
About six years ago he came Lynch and comrades of the Condensed milk 1, 65 tin and Starch to Limon as an assistant to Army duly paid the Army Gold Medal Flour.
Mr. Thomas the then two.
as well as their personal last Pabena. 00 pea Superintendent of the Mer respect to one who was a great Fiesta Wine 75 bot chandise Department of the friend of the cause they re.
The Clothes Pin 80 doz Costa Rica Banana Company Evaporated Milk 0, 60 tin fac present.
Sapolio Soap.
and after Mr. Thomas retire1. 25 each TaNugget Shoe Polish It appeared as if the ques. 50 each ment, he was promoted to the Chu Fresh Butter in Stock Superintendency; that which tion was asked; whom they Besides we sell the best coffee in town freshly ground he has filled with outstanding bearest to the grave? The merit; in fact we have heard answer came all that is left of of at sight and at reasonable prices.
from the lips of almost all Mr. Seanley Street who was in OPEN SUNDAY MORNINGS bis subordinates that he was noble in mind and purpose, to not only their Chief, but was then came the demonstration ind their father. To the great tra of esteem and deep regard for WEST INDIES VERSUS INDIA dition of the English he had his life career. though brief use By ALVA RAMSAY the true Shekinah in him. He it was here) when hundreds (Culled from the West Indian Sportsman)
had eudeared himself to the of citizens crowded ever where 10in The historic tour of India saw was not the very best. Cameron great as well as to the hum as the funeral train moved the emergence of West Indian two years ago was a better blest. He was distinctly cons OnWard to the cemetery.
The Atlantic extends its Cricket as a batting power. For bowler than he was last year cious that the principle within the first time it passed the stage because of almost a year abhim which thioks, reasons. most profound expression of od of desperate reliance on the sence from first class cricket. imagines, hopes and loves was sympathy to his distant bro na ability and skill of one or two Again, we had left behind all not the result of his outward ther, sisters and ather relati10 batsmen of class: it definitely our useful left arm spinners, possession. He always gives ves and may these lines reach ean became a well oiled, powerful though in the light of what trans the greetings of the day accom their hands. May the soul of batting machine with all its pis pired in the Tests, their inclu panied with human sunbeam. the departed rest in Peace.
tons firing. For the first time sion might not have brought Funeral of the Late Mr. Robert Moffatt in West Indian cricket there was much better results ble responsible batting from one to In four of the five tests, we The grim reaper Death. Detery were performed by Mr.
six; and the so called all rounders outplayed India, completely de removed from our midst one of Edward Rogers, who is also a WO and bowlers at Nos. 7, and moralising their attack and get the oldest landmarks of the city Local Elder. Deceased is survi.
no were as good bats technically, ting them out for barely cespec of Limon when Mr. Robert ved by his wife Mrs. Eliza rce at least, as could be found table totals in the first innings Moffatt succumbed at the United Moffatt, resident of San Jose, er amongst Nos. 4, and of on nearly every occasion. give Fruit Co Hospital after having his daughter ral Mrs. Matilda teams of the old days. For the here the true reasons for our fai been ill for some time. Decea Moffatt de Lowney, his niece on first time West Indian selectors lure to clinch the victory which sed was a resident of this coun Mrs. Susan Hylton and his saw before them the ideal si seemed the due reward of our try for more than fifty years and son Mr. Carlos Moffatt, tuation of being embarrassed by skill and superiority in three of was an ardent member of the resident in the si a wealth of batting strength that the Tests we drew.
Seventh Day Adventist for more tended to handicap balanced se. To be continued) than forty years. He was one The very sad occurence in his ary lection.
the of the founders of the church in demise was effected on se Indian tour revealed a but at uthe same time, the Mr. Stanley Street Is Limon where he commanded a morning of January 1st, 1950, lot of respect. The rites at the The 10 off in that hostile and penetrating no Longer in the Flesh church were performed by Mr. heartfelt condolence to the bereft on attack which in the old days There lies in the coffin the John Rogers (local Elder) funeral children and other relatives of had so often saved us from the last remains of one who in life train there. The rites at the the late Mr. Robert Moffatt.
humillating depths to which the Was Mr. Stanley Street. He mediocrity of our batting threa. was born at Bath in England.
tened to plunge us. No longer a few months ago he was did we have a bowler with the there on leave of absense. but devil and pace of a Mardindale there was no knowing that it or a Constantine or possessed was the last time he would of the guileful speed of a Francis have seen his great and charor a Griffiths. We had left our miog England and and that House consisting of apartments and shop situated fastest bowler Hines Johnson it would have been the final at Manzana No. 67 in Barrio Roosevelt, better known as behind. His counterparts, Trim embrace of his dear ones.
and Jones, performed well enough WHITE SHOP.
It has been said that man to show what superior speed is a reed and the weakest read might have effected.
in Nature; yea; a vapour or a Apply: Our office, room number in front the We knew before our team left drop of water can take his Catholic Church, for India that our slow attack life. This is true and we know on.
ter II.
elFor Sale Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica


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