p. 8


De THE ATLANTIC Page THE ATLANTIC January 14. 1950 WEAR city proved to be a real man. Northern Railway EmAccording to his declaration he ployees Cooperation was on his way to his farm Stands in Good Form along a lonesome trail a few miles beyond the cemetery when In this age when everything Clifford Steele he saw the strange conduct of in general and moreso in the this man by dragging the child importation or local purchasing Tailor Made Suits who was crying bitterly. At of merchandise for commerce first Mr. Morrison thought the made so as resultant from the scene was that of father con unrest of labour almost every: Here are three special reasons why you should FIRST: The high qualities of our Materials.
ducting an unruly child, but the were and by which manufactuSECOND: The neatness of workmanship pleading of the girls rose sus rers and producers are forced THIRD: The elegant fitting of our garment picion, and in view of which he to raise the wages of those enWhich will never get out shape.
disguised himself to see what gaged in production, in spite it all meant. The villian started of such trying state of affairs, Centrally established near the British Vice Consulate his criminal assault, Mr. Morri it is highly gratifying to learn in the City of Limon, son said he quickly armed him that the management of the Nor.
self with some laige stones as thern Railway Employees Com.
FOREIGN weapon of defence, then he missary found it sible to have pounced upon the man who had declared the six percent interest One of the questions agita but in some inscrutable way even the child mouth stuffed up with or dividend on each fifty coloting the major powers today is this scourge of mankind will be grass after his handkerchief trick nes share. We understand that that of whether to recognize made to minister to the plan and failed. The beast in human form the path was not very smooth officially the Communist Go purpose of God, who maketh was apprehended by Mr. Morri when the present manager took vernment of China or not. It even the wrath of man to praise son who knows how, being an over the Cooperation, therefore, is said in the press that Britain Him. The nations may or may ex service man of the Jamaica he has worked wonders for the and the United States differ not recognize these godless go Constabulary, brought him to first year life of the business.
on the subect with the former vernment, but in the end it is the local police headquarters The effort of Mr. Bowden for recognition and the other God who will reject them. where he is now repenting, if and his associates should without preferring to wait. Russia, has there is a spark of humanity in doubt earn praise and should ofcourse rushed to recognize Mr. William Morrison him.
also serve to stimulate the minds the new regime, with her satte lites following suit.
The father of the girl is loud of the shareholders to buy more Did a Scotland Yard in his praise to Mr. Morrison shares; more shares means According to the present poJob who saved his child from the bigger business; bigger business sition of China two thirds of means greater dividends.
lair of Orlando. The little girl is Ten years old Maria Ester said to be bruised and cut at Happy Birthday Greethe Chinese Empire ir under Montoya was sent to the Limon Communist domination and there everal parts of her body.
does not appear to be any ef market to buy beef for her guartings to Mrs. Hilda lewis fective force against them suffi dian. On her return she was met We have on grateful memory Fraternal ient to their onward by a man who answers to the the date of January 9, each year march. The Nationalists still name of Orlando. This native The Scotch Lily Lodge Num as the birth anniversary of Mrs.
claim control over one third of told the child that he had word ber 59a of the Independent Hilda Lewis, a property owner China with a population of sofrom her mistress that she is to United Order of Scottish Me of Barrio Roosevelt. In the life mething like 112, 000, 000 We accompany him to his farm for chanics, adopts this medium to of our former news organ its gather that the United States some fresh eggs. In the girl shek and his armies as of little but he insisted that the orders its approaching general meeting at the family residence. bon this have written off Chiang Kaj own report she refused at first, summons its members to attend columns have been graced with of the further use in stemming the tide came from her mistress and not on Wednesday night the 25th occasion we publish with equal of communism. But when all is wanting to be charged for diso instant Matters of great impor. compliment as those days past.
bedience she followed the man.
said and done the great factor who no sooner he was out of anticipatingly. The members of her and wish for her many more tance are listed on the agenda, the happy birthday greetings to unconsidered by the nations in any appraisal of the situation the city limit is said to have the Loyal Unity Lodge No. 24 years in this life.
in China is that of God The tied her hands and kept dragging of the said Fraternity are also Mrs. Lewis is a faithful and her Evangelical Christian in its respectfully ask to accept this lively member of the Seventh Christmas Number states. Mr. William Morrison of this invitation and be in attendance. Day Adventists Denomination and is associated with the city It is He who has permitted Temple.
the advance of communism, so BIG NEWS)far, it is He in the end who Right Hearty Welcome will bring about its destruction.
The Atlantic deems it a token For if there is one thing certain of honour to these columns to it is that Communiem. eitheir have appeared on them the name in Russia, China. or elsewhere, Gabardine of assorted colours to suit every taste at of Mr. Mara, the rewill pass away in a vortex of 21. 00 per pant cut.
bloodshed and destruction, sinse cently arrived pilot to be associated with the Marine Division it is ranged not against capitaNew assortment of casimere. Plastic Coat, Ladies of the Northern Railway Comlism or the decadent democraEverything desirous for Ladies and Gents to go pany.
cies but against God Himself.
gay to places.
We extended a right hearty Like Pharaoh of old it had been Sport Shirts at 00 each welcome to Mr. Mara and raised up on the stage of time great bargain sale in hardware do hope the climatic and other that might show my power in thee, and that my name might Such as dishes un accustomed conditions will be agreeable to him and by which be declared throughout the Pots and other utensils his stay will be comfortable earth. We may not know how and pleasant 81 el YE Kader Store Works Wonder b: lo ce ca do Da 30 19 tic cio Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas


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