
THE ATLANTIC MA Editor: JOS. THOMAS ALL THE WEEK IN ONE DAY January 21, 1950 Post Box 199 Limon, Costa Rica Number 12 Year cease OUR TASK, In the Basket of the Week FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR Though the passions of small minds may not fill The world with bloodshe and devastation In the latter part of last year we observed that the tea. Yet they destroy individual quietude and chers of the General Tomas Guardia and Rafael Yglesias Insensibly undermine the happiness of the world.
Schools were assigned to take census of the living conditions WORLD CALENDAR DEFEATED in tenement houses in this city. Continued from issue of Saturday January 7th)
It was a work which entailed great labour and drew a We found him very definite would ensue in Mohammedan free flow of perspiration from those engaged in the task. We in his objection to a world ca countries, where the sixth day hope they were amply remunerated for their steadfast services. lendar with a blank day. He of the week is observed as holy.
We are given the information that the completed work was also gave us a list of other Like the seventh day Sabbath sent to the central office at San José leading astronomers in Europe, and the first day Sunday, this The promolgation of the census was received with much all personal friends of his, who also would wander backward enthusiasm and with hope for bettermet, at least, in some of disapprove of the proposed new year by year through all time the things neglected. We are viewing daily some of the in calendar.
to come. It is needless even to human conditions under which a large number of our citizens So Miss Achelis and her attempt to picture the confusion are living; circumstances under which they have not the frap friends are living in a fool and dismay that this would chise to remedy. We find it urgently necessary for remedial paradise when they assume that bring into the religious world.
there is little opposition anyw Nor should we ever forget that, action, here to their specious proposals. if the blank day World CalenThe theachers could not bave failed to report the facts Such opposition not only exists, dar should ever be adopted, it as they found them. It is almost assured that they were very but it is much stronger and would be the most devout, the consciencious and trusty worthy in the assingement. They more widespread than the ca most consecrated people of all could not bave failed to report along the Santa Rosa tract lendar reformers permit themsel denominations who would be its vicioity, there are tenants occupying houses that are in ves to imagine. Furthermore, made to suffer.
very bad condition: not suitable for human habitation. Those this opposition will undoubtedly They would be the occupaots are paying rent and on the dot of the termina grow as the truth about the ones forced to work tion of each month. Many of the houses are repairable; others blank. day device, and its calaon days when others would are for the fire. The repairable ones should be attended to; mitous effect upon religion, bebe working; they would have to the authorities should obligate the house owners to bave the comes more widely understood keep their children out of school repairs done. The occupants unable to get any other living As we have so often pointed when other children were in accomodations have to conten themselves to remain in the per day device around which the attendance. In short, they, the out in these columns, this blankrishable life condition. Those concerned have a sacred trust salt of the earth, would be the which should not be blemished on the grounds of special conWorld Calendar is constructed sideration to the owoers and to the detriment of the tenants. would, if adopted, break the people who would feel the full, sevenday weekly cycle, for the calamitous effect of a blark day calendar first time in history. By interIt is too much to hope that jecting a blank day, or world the calendar reformers, having days, once a year and twice in been rebuffed at Flushing Mealeap years, it would cause the dows, will now cease their actrue seventh day to become tivities. It is much likely that Clifford Steele wandering Sabbath. It would they will redouble their efforts have the same effect upon the to achieve their goal. ConseTailor Made Suits first day of the wuek, causing quently, those who are opposing sunday to wander backward the blank day World Calendar Here are three special reasons why you should FIRST: The high qualities of our Materials.
for all time through the new should not permit themselves to SECOND: The neatness of workmanship synthetic, artificial week of the be too elated by this victory.
THIRD: The elegant fitting of our garment Which will never get out shape.
calendar reformers. It would The battle may be won, but compel all Christians who ob the war continues. So long as Centrally established near the British Vice Consulate serve the first day of the week the movement to establish a in the City of Limon because Christ rose on that day, blank day World Calendar exists, to keep Saturday as the Sabbath so long must all lovers of reliEL ATLANTICO in one year, Friday the next, gious liberty bend their energies Thursday the next, and so forth. to defeat it.
APARTADO No. 199 LIMON, CR. Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del sabato Obviously, a similar result. Concluded)
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