
Page THE ATLANTIC January 21, 1950 BIG NEWS)Doctor OSCAR PACHECO Kader Store Works Wonder PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON From the University of Pensylvania, Gabardine of assorted colours to suit every taste at SPECIALITY: DISEASES OF WOMEN 21. 00 per pant cut.
Office: 75 yards West of the Colegio de Señoritas, San Jose New assortment of casimere. Plastic Coat, Ladies HOURS: 10. 12 p.
Everything desirous for Ladies and Gents to go gay to places Fashionable Wedding Sport Shirts at 00 each great bargain sale in Sardware.
On Wednesday the Ilth ins the bridal cake. The husband Such as dishes tant, Miss Ilmay Chambers of and wife were the contestants; 28 Miles and Mr. George Brown the latter won the race with Pots and other utensils of this city were united in ma ringing cheers. Expressions of rriage in the city Baptist Church. congratulations and reputable dished out by Mr. Lebert Brown graced with the presence of the The Reverend Forde, the wishes as well as songs com and his associates The four Misses Beall and Johnston, two Pastor of the Church officia mamded the setting. We ask for principal couples tripped the religious workers from San Jose.
ted. The couple entered char giveness in not being able, due measure. From this stage the They were the house guests of mingly under the melody of to the lack of space to enume invitees in a state of resplendent Reverend and Mrs Holmes the wedding march rate all, but must mention the bliss danced until the wee hours of the city Methodist Church.
When things are well arranged names of Mr. Pringle and of morning ofcourse, the num These torch bearers of the Gosand properly attended to, quite Miss Gwendoline Wright of 28 bers were punctuated with pel of our Blessed Master, as naturally, invaluable pleasantness Miles, the best man and chief, tooth some delicacies and deli we gather, conducted series of is sure to be the crowing feature. respectively. Miss Ercelina Mor cious drinks.
bible classes, principally among This was in evidence at the gan of Waldeck, Miss Mavis the youngsters of the Methodist wedding reception of Mr. and Hamilton of Bataan, Miss Luci PERSONALIA Faith as well as other believers.
Mrs. George Brown as wus Ile Johnson, Mr. Sam. Watson, Miss Edna White of Guabito xguided by Mrs. Teresa Henry, Mr. Alfonso Taylor of this city. one of the neighbouring provi: We extend a cordial note of ably assisted by Mesdames, Ger The bride mother Mrs. Amy vinces of the sister Republic of trude Foote, Albertha Heron, Chambers expressed the joys Panama is a visitor to our city. Mrs. Lena Hendricks de Chireunion to our community by Mary Brotherton Catherine of her heart. The bride groom She is a member of the Baptist solm and her husband. Nurse Delpratt Brown and Dan. The is the brother of our well known Church in her town. She came setting was in the Parish Hall. citizen, Miss Iris Brown (of the well recommended as such and Lena as she is so friendly ca.
The scene was bright an lovely Blake Rouse families. is the house guest of Miss lled will again, we opine be of and free of intractable onloo The bride dress was needled Sussan Allen of the city Baptist great humanitarian services to our citizens.
from Razo) with silver beads Church. Her father, Mr. Samuel The bride, bridegroom, best and embroidery, rested on a White is a dentist at Guabito man and chief entered the all satin background. She carried a We extend a warm welcome to Two Games of Soft Ball by passing through an aisle bouquet of tropical beauties. The Miss White and bespeak for her Played Last Sundax formed by the guests who main artistic accomplishment of Mrs. an enjoyable and pleasant stay On Sunday the 15th instant, tained this standing posture until Leonie Jackson.
in the embracing climate of this the Electric so named the female soft ball team of Siquithe newly weds and escorts Mrs. Teresa Henry made the Republic.
rres, comprising the Misses were seated. The Reverend Forde rich bridal and side cakes. XJoyce Beckford, Milicent James, pronounced solemnly the grace At the close of the jubilant Edoa Nation. Mavis Clarke, over the repast. We had the hours at the festive table, the During the course of last Norma Washington, Norma honour to preside and after the blessing was evoked by Pastor week our city was distinguishly See page introductory remarks, the con. Forde.
test was set for the cutting of Then came the bridal waltz ST. MARK CHURCH LIMON, COSTA RICA The Church is the Pillar und the Ground of the Truth SERVICES: SUNDAYS. 6, 00 a. Solemn Holy Eucharist Sermop House consisting of apartments and shop situated 00 a, m, Choral Holy Eucharist at Manzana No. 67 in Barrio Roosevelt, better known as 00 pm. Sunday School WHITE SHOP. 00 Solemn Evensong, Sermon.
Weekdays: Wednesday, Friday, Holy Days 00 a.
Apply: Our office, room number in front the Monday, Wednesday, Friday 700 Saturday: Confession 00 Catholic Church.
Sea Weekly Parish Bulletin for other Announcements kers.
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