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Page THE ATLANTIC January 21, 1950 Three Different Types Of Husbands for the pots or other food contai. spoons, etc. are being used in One Wife ners on the stoves; then there unfit state. woman said once that if those he dances with, but at are some kitchens without cei We are of opinion that the she shound be married she must my orders; bright at bridge and ling over them; there exists city health officials should stil have three different types of to be a quick and loud reader; urinals adjoining kitchens and abit in a cleansing spirit. Public husbands; designated as Busi. should have diseerning interest which are not kept in sanitary Health Authorities should bea ness Husband, who should de at dinners; he must be witty condition; concrete, board floors in mind and be concerned to vote himself to all his business; and to be a noisless sleeper. that seemingly would develop maintain and improve the health all his energy on the proper No business attractions should a state of serious sickness if the care and social security of handling of his office; distri come in the way to rob his water and serubbing brooms be the people they are appointed bution, sales, productions, en admiration and devotion to me. applied to them; knives, forks, to serve.
tertaiment of his clients; attend Nothing which the Handy Hus.
to late evening conferences and band is to attend should disturb The Administration of the Port Limon Branch to assist out of town sessions. him for he will be the Lover of the Jamaica Burial Scheme Society To this husband there would Husband.
be no question to ask so long The Atlantic gleans that the item of Nomination and Elec as my returns were forth coming. Correction tion of officers for the January June term of Port Limon Branch He should never let me feel In our article of last Satur of the Jamaica Burial Scheme Society was lively effected on the the wants of any thing which day under the heading: Mr. night of Thursday the 12th intant. The results are as follows money can secure for me. William Morrison did a Sco Joseph Thomas, reelected Chairman The second husband be The tland Yard Job; the name should Mrs. Lovena Williams, reelected Vice Chairman Handy Husband; selected for read Walter and not William. Mr. Jas Gosden, reelected Secretary the sole purposes of looking Violet Williams, reelected Assistant Secretary after the care of the garden, Higienic Conditions Mr. David Pinnock, elected Treasurer fertilization, garbaje pails, knows Are Not Attended to Mrs. Eliza Douglas, elected Inner Guard to use all kinds of tool; stop Miss.
elected Outer Guard the creeking of doors and winin Many Instances The election of other officers we learn were effected on the dows; he should always be in The Atlantic has observed night of Thursday the 19th in conjunction with the Installation over alls. and attune himself to some very ugly state of things Ceremony which we shall pleasureably publish in our next inssue relegion by dusting the piano in evidence that higienic conThen there would be, of course, ditions are not attended to in Some Effective Means to Turn in Fire the Lover Husband; a glorified many instances; principally at Nice Man, tall, handsome, ro. some food catering places in Alarm is Needed mantic, pleasantly thrilling and this city. There are kitchens in One night in last week in engines rushed to the scene.
at times even tempestuous; can which foods are prepared for the vicinity of the Roman Ca Our comment in the premise smoke a little; not too much; public service and over the cootholic Cathedral a blaze was is that some up to date means to be smart in styles of clo. king places there are rotten seen in the room of a house. is necessary to facilitate the tur thes; he can swear enough to ceilings with large holes through The tenant wat not in the city. ning in of fire alarm to the give him a manly effect: to be which dust, droppings from rats It turned out that the blaze was Fire Brigade Station when such an elegant dancer and with or other vermins as well as from some defects in the elec a service is required. The foot freedom to ache the hearts of themselves are liable to fall into trical fittings in the room. Ho running system will not always wever, we are not commenting be appropriate. There should be on the appearance of the blaze, alarm boxes centrally located but on the manner the alarm where every section of the city, The Grocery Store at entrance of the Crystal Passage was conveyed to the Fire Bri in case of the breaking out of gade Station.
fire the alarm would be imoneThe Business in which you can Stretch your money a great deal We saw man ran diately given to the station, Just Look to this smashing prices with the velocity of a jeep a There are several kinds of device Tender Leaf Tea.
dash which at first stirred the invented for such purpose which Raisins 25 lb Kerosene 0, 45 bot thought that he had commited will at the same time ir. dicate Dry Feast 0, 35 oz some act of violence and was the exact place where the fireCondensed milk 6ộ tin Starch 0, 55 making good his escape. In many men are needed.
Gold Medal Flour 50 lb other cities strict police vigi We hope Captain Noe AlvaPabena lance would have no doubt rado of the city Fire Department Fiesta Wine 75 bot Clothes Pin apprehended him until he was will effect the necessary recom0. 80 doz Evaporated Milk. 60 tỷ able to clear himself for having mendation to his principals in San Sapolio Soap 1, 25 each Nugget Shoe Polish converted the street in a race Jose with a view of installing 50 each Fresh Butter in Stock course. The cause of the run apparatus for improvement in ning was made known when the live and property saving Besides we sell the best coffee in town freshly ground several minutes later the fire system, at sight and at reasonable prices.
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