
WEAR Home For Students grand opportunity is cow opened to parents and Clifford Steele guardians residing on the line and coastal towns and who are desirous to Board their children or wards in Tailor Made Suits order to attend college or school in this city will obtain Here are three special reasons why you should Comfortable Rooms Good Food FIRST: The high qualities of our Materials.
SECOND: The neatness of workmanship THIRD: The elegant fitting of our garment And Tender Motherly Care Which will never get out shape.
In the accomodations prepared by Miss Delicita Centrally established near the British Vice Consulate Lazarus io her home next to that of Mr. Thomas Lam in the City of Limon.
in 6th street near Monte Carlo Bar and Restaurant.
For further particulars, please see her at home or PERSONALIA communicate through Post Office Box No. 519, Limón.
Mr. Alex. Curling of the ca match in process on our playpital spent several days in our ground. He was severely struck city last week. We gather that by a stone on his leg thrown SAVINGS PLAN he came on special missions in by some indiscretional or cri The news fell on our ears such set backs cast upon him interest of several less fortune minally intentioned person and like the refreshing showers on much in advance of the required citizens. One can rest assured one who was not identified. a sun parched ground tha the number of service years to be that he will do his best in the Mr. Coward was conveyed to local main office of the Costa the recipient of a pension.
cause which he represents. This the hospital where he is confi Rica Banana Company has in Other than the reverence to newspaper will be very grateful ned and with incrusiating pains. troduced an «Employes Christ. the divine birth anniversary of to him for any information which We wish for him a speedy re, mas Saving Fund by means of Bethlehem Precious Babe, pahe can release in conjuntion covery and trust that the evil payroll deduction. If the inforgan Christmas is old enough to with his trip.
thrower of that stone will re. mation is true, it unquestionably be shelved! Greater is the need pent, if there is such a spark merits great applause to the in the sun setting days of the in his life.
mind which gave its birth. This manual as well as the clerical With mingled feeling we are medium to practice thrift, will, worker, who like the silly cricpassing along the information Left for Convocation in without doubt set aside the ket had chirped away his Spring, that our very good friend, Mr. Ancon, Canal Zone throwing away of the substance Summer and Autumn and was Clarence Sankey of the Mer The Atlantic adopts this me and grasping at the shadow. found without a cupboard in chandise Department of the dium to express a note of Bon. We know of cases regarding Winter.
Costa Rica Banana Company Voyage to the Reverend William men who have started with is on the sick agenda. It is our Ziadie, Rector of Limon and money to open new Savings or in the streets of this city and Look at the old wage earners fond hope that ere this writing the Reverend Willian Graham to add to deposits in Bank and you will see the true picture of is placed in prints he has been Love, the newly ordained Priest they have fallen by the wayside this our thought. Many perhaps discharged from the hospital who left to attend the annual to other attractions and on such have indulged too much in the and be well on the way to per Convocation in Ancon, Canal occasions they have never arri Christmas cup which inebriates.
fect recovery Zone. Mr Allan Hylton accomved at the Bank; others have panied the Reverend Fathers effected withdrawals from their death come when in the service The old age fund, should as special delegate for the St. savings for avoidable causes. of the Company the amount Our very amicable and deeply Mark Parish.
We opine that if the employees withdrawn would be redeemable regarded townsman, don Ar We are of opinion that Mr.
remain in the services of the by his nomines or legatee.
turo Coward of the office staft Hylton will efficiently rise to Company they cannot on any of the same department; a week the honour conferred and inte flimsy pretex go and say Mr.
ago was and unlooker to a rest reposed in him.
Auditor, let me have a withdrawal Mr. Stephen Williams of a given amount before the Feted Surprisingly prescribed time, but when old Mr. Stephen Williams left his man Santa Claus is packing farm residence on the Estrella his suitcase for his annual visit, line for his usual fortnightly bu.
the employee can at the same siness visit and his worship in When You Are in San Jose Moke Yourselves time calculate on the year pay the city Baptist Church on Sa.
at Home roll deduction, cozily set aside turday eight days ago. Mrs. Wi.
for them.
lliams Was also at their city reWe believe the very noble sidence. She framed up and thought could be improved and surprisingly feted Mr. Williams converted to a system of Supe on his birth anniversary on Mon.
Comfortable Beds. Properly Prepared Meals rannuation; a fund to serve in day night the 6th instant. Many Proper Sanitary Conditions those years when youth has given intimate friends were invited to way to old age; vigor surren brighten the celebration and en This Pension is situated: 25 yards East. 100 yards dered to weakness and mental joyed the rich drinks and eats South of the Public Lavatory by Plaza Viquez.
fortitude has lost its fount. provided. Sixty and six, Was It should be borne in mind the cheerful expression of Mr.
Number of Building: 1323 that the worker who enters the Williams.
RENE CAMPBELL, Proprietress Company service in advanced The Atlantic wishes for him age, will, quite naturally have many more happy birthdays. Xii Attention Limonenses. At The PENSION IDEAL Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica


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