
February 11, 1950 THE ATLANTIC Page GRAND EXCURSION. sojourning on this terrestrial love ones and pray that God What a Brilliant Opportunity globe.
will grant them his grace to To Go To Kingston The Atlantic extends its pro bear the loss of their departed found condolence to the bereft one.
Here is the opportunity for the people from Jamaica The hush of rest had filled the sick chamber and other places to visit Kingston, the most beatiful silent angel watch above her keeps city in the Caribbean Islands.
The rapture of repose was on her brow, As she gave her parting glance and Sleeps.
Mr. William Smith Go night, January 30th. Mr. Cuza Pliying in very comfortable Lacsa Clippers) affiliated ne to his Eternal Rest as said by all listeners gave with the Pan American Airways.
Numbering among the births that tribute at the highest meThe airplane will leave San Jose about in the parish of St. James in lody of his career; his soul, they the end of February.
the island of Jamaica, Mr. Wi say was attuned with the renlliam Smith had seen the light thanks to these very two poditions. Very sincery are our Round Trip at cost of 600. 00 of day in the year 1873 and in the flowery days of his manhood pular townsmen as well as to Radio Casino.
For further particulars apply at the Lacsa Agency he came to this Republic. During below Pensiou Caribe in front the city Park.
his forty five years of residence by his brawn and brain he ber of the years turned up another The pages in the calendar Thy Will be Done on Earth as in Heaven came an independent citizen and was comfortably residing at 28 birthday anniversary for Miss Thy will be done on earth time. She had lived respected Miles. a community in which Consuela Sterling on the 3rd as in Heaven, we presume were and was honoured to her grave he was highly respected, very instant. She is one of our young the words impressed in the re. Mr. Gourzong proved his Chris. useful, was always sough as a prominent misses and is among cess of the very soul of our tian strength by having presided counselor and with willingness the devoted young people of esteemed citizen, Mr. Charles at the organ during the funeral at all times to help the less for the Roman Catholic Diocese.
Gourzong while his physical service conducted by the Reve. tunate members of the great It is pleasureable for cur news frame almost gave way in hea. rend Wm. Forde, the Pastor human family. He bad not failed organ to wish her many more ring the parting words of his of the Church. coupled with to sing the Lord song in a happy birth anniversaries and young and dearly beloved wife, his glowing tribute to the life strange land.
hope she will continue to trim Mrs. Naomi Taylor de Gourzong work of the deceased; quite and seeing her eyelids closed conscious of the fact that a great him several months ago. He was Salvation Army Offices The hand of affliction grasped brightly her lamp of life.
ind death in the sick institution light was extinguished.
placed under the most compeon Wednesday the 25th of JaDue to Arrive in The concourse of mourners, tent medical doctors in San José nuary 1950. Other sad witnesses friends and sympathizers. com with a view of securing a new This City to the breath leaving scene were prehending every stage of our lease on his useful life, but in The gallant Major Thos.
Mrs. Amy Taylor, her mother, great human family as we learn the divine council it was decided Lynch of the local Salvation Messers. Clifford, Alfonso, Ver Out capacitated five passenger to the opposite; his spirit tock Army command has pleasingly non, her brothers, Mrs. Gour coaches. The floral tribute was flight on January 13, 1950, su informed us that Colonel and zong de McRae her sister in law. the evidence of giving the last rrounded by his doughter, Mre. Mrs. Theodore Allbrook are due The body inlaid in a beatiful from the living to the deat. From Gladys Smith de Barnes, Mr. to arrive in this city on Friday coffin was transported by the the Churh to the funeral train Arthur Smith his son. Mr. the 17th instant and that a welpassenger train arranged by her is said to have been in repre Samuel Smith, his brother and come programme will be given brother Victor in Cartago on sentative and quantitative vein; other relatives; these now mourn in their honour. The Major looks the day following that of her the most impressionable seen his passing beyond the vale. forward to the usual warm pardemise. Several friends and sym in many decades gone by.
We are told that the funeral ticipation by platform guests as pathizers accompanied the mourShe has left to mourn her procession seen on the day of well as the general audience.
ners to this city. We are given loss, her widower. her babies his burial was self evident of The Atlantic extends a hearty the information that the corpse a girl and a boy, her father Mr. his life deportment. He had welcome anticipatingly, to these was received by a concorse of John Taylor who is abroad, planted deeply his foot prints two Christian Pilgrime, assuring persone and was conveyed to her mother, Mrs. Amy Taylor, in worthy sands of time the Baptish Church which in a brothers, Clifford, Alfonso, Verthem that Limon characteristic This weekly news organ ex. hospitalities await them.
few moments was taxed beyond non, Victor and Mrs. Carmen presses its profound condolence capacity. In this sacred edifice de Carter who she had but a to the surviving children, brother Another Candle is the late Mrs. Gourzong from few weeks prior to her hospi and other relatives.
her earliest youth was presented talization taken to Cristobal, Lighted to Christ and she grew conti Canal Zone and attended to the Thanks to Messrs The baby delivery angel entenually in the acceptance and ado: weeding of Mrs. Carter before Sydney Walters and red the home of Mr. and Mrs.
ration of our Blessed Christ and leaving for the United States of Splatt of the Universal Ba.
kery and left in the tender care We recall with umblemished mother of the lamented widower.
America. Mrs. Gourzong, the Marcus Cuza of Mrs. Splatt a baby boy and memory her many eloquent li. Mr. Mrs. Oscar McRae, Mr.
So numerous are those years said Junior is getting a big fe.
terary renditions and portrayals; and Mrs. Sthephen Robathom, day that the date of birth was own little bicycle and dashing since we had seen the light ofllow, gave up the riding of his always in such pathetical man Mr. and Mrs. Victor Gourzong covered with dust on memory around on his father and «Bener in characteristic representa Mr. Vega and Mrs. Olive Vega shelf. However, our good friends, tty can comb and cucl her hair tion of her true self: a creature and the rest of relatives also Messrs. Sydney Walters and and cut fancy doll dresses, the of child like deportment, an as deeply mourn her death. Ho Marcus Cuza get together and refore, Prince George is heartily suming, theugh she was talen wever, she is not dead; she is gave us a charming birth anni given. Mother and the stranger ted; free of vainglory and other only at rest and will rise again versary programme over Radio are in good health. Father Splatt attributes which she well knew to receive that crown which we Casino.
were set in the quicksands of believe she had earned while Was seen passing around the This was effected on Tuesday. cigars. Este documento es propiedad de la


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