p. 8


THE ATLANTIC February, 11 1950 Page La Cañada Ltda.
THE PEOPLE HOUSE From page e q LE Bar Restaurant and all kinds of cool drinks Specialties are rice and chicken, Filet of Fish, Beef Steak, Espaghetti, JACK ORANE SUCS. Limon Eggs to your taste and other rich dishes. The service is a la Carta; that is you order what you want You will need a good article Attended personally by the owners for your money so see us first for VIQUEZ GOMEZ the best of everything Situated: South west corner of the Central Market: 100 yards to the South Suitings, dress materials, and TELEPHONE 4097 SAN JOSE all other requirements in Ladies Gents wear prices always to please you. Decree.
The Atlantic.
From page found great value in having Port Limon Branch Installed Officers Central American Republics; been kept posted on new gotwenty five colones (C 25. 00) vernment regulations and other marked another joyous meeting Ardrian Miller. Misses Mabel Thursday night January 19th Miss Florence Holness, Mrs.
to the citizens of Spain or those important matters which are well for the Port Limon Branch No. Allen, Eulalee Plummer, Celesof the Spanish American counworth the twenty five cents a 134 of the Jamaica Burial Scheme tina Hunter. For Westfalia: tries and fifty colones (50. 00) week spent for the paper. The Society when the ceremony of Misses Rebecca Bennet, Rubena to the citizens of other foreign worst of Murray treatment is Installation was performed by Stevens and Osmond Campbell countries. These fees will be his failure to remit to us as Mr. Peter Muir in the capa For Matina: Messers. Chas.
show on the document by the much as ten cents for his supply city of acting Supreme Deputy. Rose and Samuel Edwards. For corresponding values in timbres. of fifty copies of the news organ Those named as grand officers Cahuita: Mr. Daniel Baylis and The names of persons to whom each week from the month of to assist him were.
for Pacuarito, Mr. Antonio For these Residential Cedulas are October 1949. Our Madre de bes Allen issued will bear the number and Dios agent, we sympathize with Mr. Jas. Franklin, Chairman, place of the holder and will be him for he has to do the bidding Mrs. Naomi Johnson, Vice Chair Reminder published yearly in the Official of the King of that district. man, Mr. Sinclair Weekes, SeGazette.
All members of the Port LiAnyway, the News organ conti cretary, Mr. John Goulbourne, Article of the same law nues and their effort being bent Treasurer, Mr. Obidiah West mon Branch of the Jamaica states that reciprocal concession on evil will not destroy it. ney, Inner Guard, Mrs. Ruth Burial Scheme Society are heto the payment of these fees Campbell, Outer Guard and reby reminded of the approa will be extended to the citizens Service Hearty Welcome to Mr. Halon Miss Eleonora Gordon, Con ching Thanksgiving of those countries which exempt ductress which will be celebrated in the These columns are highly Costarricans from payment of St. Mark Church on Sunday such taxation. This article fur graced with the insertion of the To guide the January. June evening the 19th intant. It is ther gives grace that the Mi. name of Mr. Halon, the Ge 1950 term the honours were the fond desire of the officers nister of Public Security will neral Inspector of the Merchan. reconferred and interest reim to have every member of the exempt when duly informed the dise Department of the United posed on Mr. Jos. Thomas, Branch wherever domiciled to payment of these fees by those Fruit Company. His very win, Chairman, Mrs. Lovena Williams, assemble in the Parish Hall at foreigners whose difficult situasome personality will, without Vice Chairman, Mr. Jas six o clock in the evening of doubt earns for him endear. Gosden, Secretary, Miss Violet the above mentioned date and tion justifies the exclusion.
ment among our citizens. Williams, Assistant Secretary, to march to the Church. The We have seen him very bu Mr. David Pinnock, Treasurer, Reverend William Ziadie. 0 0 sily engaged at his desk in the (new) Mrs. Eliza Douglas, Inner Rector of Limón has kindly office attached to the local com Guard (new) Mrs. Ruth Camp. consented to entertain the mem EL ATLANTICO missary, yet he greets the in bell, Outer Guard (new) Messrs. bers and to conduct the service.
Apartado 199 comer with a smile.
Reginald Rouse, Cecil Clayton It is hinted that on the reThe Atlantic wishes for him a very and Sinclair Weekes, Trustees turn to the Hall the members Limón Costa Rica comfortable sojourn in these parts for a period of three years will make themselves merry.
The Committees of investi. 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 gation for the city are: Messrs.
Why Pay Rent When You Have The Money to Buy John Lattibudeur, Thomas Taylor, San José, Costa Rica Your own home which carries a Fire Insurance Policy aud with two lots of land, suitable for cultivation and the rearing of domestic animals. The property is titled and inscribed in the Public Registry.
PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON No neighbour to bring about unpleasantness or to inFrom the University of Pensylvania, terfer in your domestic affairs.
SPECIALITY: DISEASES OF WOMEN Call at our office for particulars: Room No. 8, front Office: 75 yards West of the Colegio de Señoritas, San Jose of the Roman Catholic Church, Limon.
HOURS: 10. 12 p.
Doctor OSCAR PACHECO S t la CI Tome KOLA GARRON ра Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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