
Page THE ATLANTIC February 4, 1950 Feb Great Bargain Sale IN THE CHANGE OF RESIDENCE Miss Pearl Cain adopts this medium to advise her patronizers and friends that she has changed her resi.
dence from cuartel street next to lawyer Silva office to one of the reconstructed houses, door number 538 in front the St. Mark Parish Hall.
She is set and awaits with pleasure to serve her former as well as new clients.
HOLLYWOOD STORE Om PO for tw the The Tax Proposed on exemption to the payment of CE of Salomón Berenzon Residential Cedulas in the extraordinary contribution Held in Suspence as his or her capital is less than fifty thousand colones, and has Visit us and be convinced Last week on our visit to San not property value of ten thou. Mise José we sought information on sand colones.
the matter of the tax of fifty The Ordination of the Reverend William colones proposed on the yearly Alexander Bustamante Again renovation of residential cedulas Triumphs in Jamaica Graham Love for foreigners residing in the On December the 20th 1949 These columns are gracefully national territory and who are hundreds of thousands of Ja ay na adorned with the photographs not citizens of the Central Ame. maicans went to the polls and ter um of the clergy and the Ordinand rican and Hispana. American cast their votes for the election the real on the occasion of the OrdiAmerican Republics. We learn of the new House of Represents the nation of the Reverend William foon ver reliable source that tatives. It has been reported to be the Graham Love, Deacon, to the there is no cause to be alarmed the most orderly in many years, and no Sacred Order of Priests in the as the project of law has not The Jamaica Labour Party, rightne St. Mark Church in this city been passed and every minute led by Alexander Bustamante vert on the morning of Wednesday, stud is being given to it from gained 17 seats, The People De January 18, 1950.
all angles.
National Party, let by were Reading from left to right However, the law and decree Manley earned 13 seats and two and are: The Very Reverend Rayhave been placed in effect whereby seats were clipped by the In the mond Ferris, Dean of St.
no person, native or foreigner dependent Party, Bustamante San Luke Cathedral, Ancon, Canal with the exception of Represen is said to have gained his Mr.
Zone, The Reverend William tatives of foreign governments smashing victory by piling up WAS Graham Love, the Ordinand, will secure a Passport visa from the greatest majority in South as be The Reverend Robert Turner Rogers, Elder (local) of the Se ment unless such a person or tional Party, led by Mille the authorities of the Govern Clarendon. The people Na Smith 111 of St. George Church, venth Day Adventists.
Almirante, Republic of Panama, The St. Mark choiristers in written on a fifty cents official triumphed over H. Fagan, the Fan persons present a Certificate Manley in Eastern St. Andrew of the The Right Reverend Heber concordant robes contributed Gooden, the Bishop beauty to the scene. They tu. timüre issued by the Mechanized who whipped Manley in the paper and with a two colones Jamaica Labour Party candidate where of The Panama Canal Zone, nefully rose to the splendour of Accounting Department of the 1944 election. Some of the Mar Costa Rica and others of the the service Central American Republics, The Thor Direct Tributation showing that members of the 1944 1949. Hose The Right Reverend Raymond the solicitor has paid up to date have been returned. We hope Tulle Reverend Charles Fish of Ferris, delivered the sermon the Income and other taxes or to publish in the near future the the Church of the Good Shepherd, San José and the Revecesjonell with the Christian such a person declaration, al. names of the elected men for rend William Ziadie, Rector Priests and the respect which responsibility which rests upon ready submited disclosed an new House of Representatives.
of Limón.
should be extended to them.
Mother Nature was attuned We entertain no doubt that BIG NEWS)to the sacred occasion and bes many parched souls were spiritowed her grace with a soo tually watered as his clear elothing temperature.
quence went home as the disThe celebration of the Ordi covery of an oasis on a desert.
nation Mass was a glorious eye. It will surely linger on memory Gabardine of assorted colours to suit every taste at opener for Anglicans and others tablet. 21. 00 per pant cut.
of our city and those who arri. The presentation of the ReveNew assortment of casimere. Plastic Coat, Ladies ved by a specially operated rend William Graham Love, passenger train. The congregation Deacon, was cordially effected Everything desirous for Ladies and Gents to go on a whole aggregated appro by the Reverend William gay to places.
ximately five hundred. Among Ziadie, Rector of St Mark Sport Shirts at 00 each The these, other Christian Churches and to whom we daresay merits great bargain sale in hardware were represented by the presence high sounding praise for having Such as dishes of their leaders; namely, Reve added another spiritual Father rend William Forde of the Bap to his Parish The Epistle, PraPots and other utensils the tist, Reverend Mrs Joseph Book was solemnly read Holmes and Mr. Leslie Angus, by the Reverend Robert Fish of the Church of the the conclusion of the Sacrament, cutting Circuit Steward of the Methc Turner 111 of St George Good Shepherd, San José. The the newly ordained Priest gave honor dist Church, Major Mrs. Thos. Church, Almirante. The Holy Ordination was impressively so his blessing to several hundred of Lynch and Lieut. Pathenger Gospel, Prayer Book was lus. lemnized by His Lordship, Bishop including Anglicans and other of the Salvation Army, Mr. Jhontily read by the Reverend Charles Heber Gooden, At believers.
by his Rese Recla that exqui embre With rich cutely rried beaut Kader Store Works Wonder Carte her have ligt suite potion In abs unt, fulnes her the more ments was la an and yer griced WES the Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica aud in


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