
419 February 4, 1950 THE ATLANTIC Page CE Why Pay Rent When You Have The Money to Buy La Cañada Ltda. pa teti offie ment Bar Restaurant and all kinds of cool drinks Your own home which carries a Fire Insurance Policy and with two bots of land, suitable for cultivation and Specialties are rice and chicken, Filet of Fish, Beef Steak, Espaghetti, 1338 Eggs to your taste and other rich dishes. The service is a la Carta; the rearing of domestic animals. The property is titled that is you order what you want and inscribed in the Public Registry.
Attended personally by the owners ormer No neighbour to bring about unpleasantness or to inVIQUEZ GOMEZ terfer in your domestic affairs.
Situated: South west corner of the Central Market; 100 yards to the South TELEPHONE 4097 Call at our office for particulars: Room No. 8, front SAN JOSE atributo of the Roman Catholic Church, Limon.
less the PERSONALIA and he ten the Miss Carmen Josefina Smith the Mid Winter Miss Linda Munroe, a very Bride of Mr. Vincent Gouldbourne widely regarded Limonense is Orand was the honour to have been aunt expressed her joy and sincere now in the United States of numbered among the participants to good wishes America. She left our shores a the Affaire Amour (Fr) between two As newspaper writers are known to Dth 194 young persons who were born in this be inquisitive we entered the room fortnight ago to join her two of city and whose lives from the days of where the wedding presents were deposisters who have been residing Bolls at their cradle were kaown to be within sited and dear readers between the there for many years.
electo the realm of noble living. Many years light and me the gifts are of outstanago their ding quantity and quality. However, Miss Munroe is one of the eprese San Jose, but the eyes of scrutiny and the newly weds are not short of transpossessors of nature gift of a ted to the listening ears had followed them portation conveyance to transfer them rich tone of voice. She used nyjean and no deviation from the path of to their residence. We find these coher rich melody with great ef1 Path rightness and principles and practice lumns insufficient to cnumerate the staman were disclosed. As youths are apt to invitees, therefore, we insert below the fectiveness on many worthy proPeople be, they decided to build a love nest following and at the same time solicit grammes in this city. Great ovay Jor for two; the straws and finer linings the pardon from those left out were preciously gathered; all was ready Arrived specially from Limon: Mestions have always been extended and te and in gladness of hearts they entered dames Jessie Wright, Susana Allen de her by her audiences. May she the ls the Church of the Good Shepherd in Moody, Tiny Messam de Nesbeth, find it possible to obtain effecutaman San José on the evening of Wednesday Messrs. Raymond McKenzie and Zeto tive training in the art of singing McRae. Of San Jose: Mr. Mrs. Eric the 25th of January 1950.
med Mr. Vincent Gouldbourne, the groom Francis, Mr. Wilworth Fisher and doña and other sciences for human Eling was accompanied by Mr. Rupert Henry Zaida de Fisher, Mr. Mrs. Osbourne Robert Hazel Fuller advancement.
Sout as best man and Miss Carmen Josefina McKenzie, Mr. y Mrs. Amos Stewart, e No Smith, the bride with Miss Virginia Mr. Joseph Duncan, Mr. Mrs. Pet The attractive pose and smar W. Miller as Chief and Mr. Lois Benson grave Me Benjamin Starsley and doña tly taken photograph of dear as fathergiver, under the musical strains Blanche Rodriguez de Stanley, doña Last Wednesday the 25th Andrel of the wedding march played by Miss Bertha Villaplana, Caetina de Alvarez, little «Bob adorns these co ultimo, the proverbial Stork in Fara they proceeded to the sacred altar Clara Henry, Eliza Moffay, the Misses lumns; identical of his witty his visit to this city called at andidi where the Reverend Chas. Fish, the Nena Alvarez, Sarah Bermudez, Edwina personality as we have opporin Rector, administered the Sacrament of Calder, Joyce, Barley Minette Benes tunely seen him skitti cooping the home of my next door neighof Marriage. In tones of splendour Mr.
Thomas Allen and Miss Florence Gertrude Hines, Corine Thompson. my harmonious dancing partner. around the furniture store of his bour, Mrs. Miriam Wright de 49. Hos Tulley sung the inmortal The voice Tina Campbell, Margaret and Selema dear good father, Mr. Beresford Burke and left in her care and Je hou that breathed o er Eden. The bride was Marin, Britton, Violet Grayson, lvy Duncan.
keeping a baby girl; both are ature the exquisitely dressed in Pal de Rosa, Aird, Mesdames Mary Nelson and men fu embroidered with peplon, harmonizing Dunn, Messis Wilston Wright, Vincent On Monday, January the 30th, in sound health. Mr. Burke was ntative with collar and sleeves and rested on Bernard, Howie Henry, Thomas 1950. Bob celebrated blithe out of town when the gift arririch satin background. Her bridal shoes Allen, Vernal Smith, the groom cousin some and gay his fourth birth ved. He was overwhelmed with cutely made from dark baige. She catried and attractive bouquet of gardenas, occupied the most important position, the writer birthday.
and Mr. Lois Benson, last named but anniversary. That date was also joy on his arrival at week end.
beautifully decorated. Her mother, Mrs. that of liquid dispenser from a fountain Carmela Smith, quite naturally used her competence in the needle art to the order until very near the mid night May he be the recipient of divine wisdom that had not gone empty Dancing was May our young friend grow in the fulness of God grace have charmingly gowned her daughter hour light chocolate colour well tailored We desire to express our warmth of Such goodness and constant care which a child can never repay suit rested elegantly on the very pro gratefulness to Mr. Joseph Duncan who But may he at the age of understanding effect his daily prayer test potionale shape of the bridegroom. so generously conveyed us to our hotel. Tolove and obey the Lord and be obedient and Loving to his parents In absence of his mother. his darling aunt, Miss Evadney Smith, gave the fulness of her appreciation and love and Payment For Licence of Vehicles We mention sadly, the death her great talent in the preparation of of Mr. Rowley in the San Juan The General Direction of Traffic and the National the highly delicious drinks and the Sanitorium Mercedes advise that all owners or opede Dios Hospital two weeks more than the guest can ext delicacies.
The reception was held in the apart rators of vehicles are obligated by Deeree No of Decemago. In the life of the Atlantic ments of the bride mother. The setting Voice he was associated with ber 15, 1949 to pay the following taxes which are calculated was lovely and picturesque and with on a monthly basis, but payable quarterly in advance.
our San José department of the an arch shaped floral tribute given by newspaper; he was faithful, ho.
the Aird family. The Revered Fish Automobiles, private uses, the sum of. 00 per month nest and always willing to serve.
graced the repast, followed by the public service. 00 cutting of the bridal cake. The contest He had suffered severly and Trucks or camiones 200 lengthy; he has no more agony.
crament was won by Mr. Gouldbourne. The Autobuses 00 honor was ours to propose the toast May his sould rest in peace.
of the evening Roadsters or cazadoras. 00 Mr. David Silva was accompanied Motorcycles. 50 nd other by his wife and also delivered a speech Bicycles. 00 THE ATLANTIC and in fragrant eloquence, the groom POST BOX 199 egan, er est gir hundred Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica


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