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Page THE ATLANTIC February 4, 1950 WEAR For Sale g Clifford Steele A House consisting of apartments and shop situated Tailor Made Suits at Manzana No. 67 in Barrio Roosevelt, better known as WHITE SHOP.
Here are three special reasons why you should FIRST: The high qualities of our Materials.
Apply: Our office, room number in front the SECOND: The neatness of workmanship, THIRD: The elegant fitting of our garment Catholic Church Which will never get out shape.
Centrally established near the British Vice Consulate completely blind in the capital. The First President in the City of Limon.
On Friday the 27th arriving at Estrada a dear lady struck the of India Has Been first note of sympathy in refeInstalled in Office West Indians.
repertoire enabled him on nearly rence to the state of blindness every occasion to get runs quickly, which was said to the my lot. also true that nothing can be Times cures all ills, and it is the central figure He created His 779 in innings is the hihest From the moment alighted the done until the fulness of time.
history by being the first man aggregate ever hit by a West train at the city railway station, Mahandas Gandhi whose spirit to score five centuries in con Indian in a Test series, surpersons from all walks of life secutive Tests He is the only passing that of 703 by George hemmed me expressing from the we believe rejoices to see the West Indian batsman other Headley during the depth of their very soul the new day for his country had than Headly to score four cen tour of West Indies in 1929 30. gladness of having the realiza fought, bled and die for the turies in a Test series and, by Weekes average of 111 28 is tion that my eyes were not dull Independence of the great subhitting 162 and 101 in the Third also the highest by any West nor blind. It was a falsehood continent of Asia. Though dead, Test, he is the second West Indian in a Test Series to which had struck hundreds of his works live after him; the Indian to score a century in date. Headley figures are for citizens with the greatest con fruits were mellowed and Dr.
each innings of a Test.
four Tests.
cern; not that it was impossible, Rejendra Prasad of sixty four Incidently, his best innings but the very strange manner years of age and who is a diswas his 162 in the third Test Love and Appreciation the rumour had it and for such ciple of the late Gandhi was at Calcutta aside saving effort Demonstrated a fate to have been thrust installed President on January achieved under conditions appro.
suddenly on one so useful in the 26th, 1950. The Indians are Through Hearsay ximating those of an English the community would create climate. Going in when West Keeping in line with the good a span not easily bridged.
now under a democratic Re Indies had lost two good wickets aged saying that a stitch in However, we are greatly mo public. May they enjoy its ful for 20 runs with Walcott leaving time saves ride the writer left ved by the demonstration of ness; may the nation be gosubsequently at 109, Weekes this city for San Jose to consult appreciation and love through verned by the true tenets of shouldered the responsibility our highly steemed and compe the Hearsay, and am deep democracy; may they learn to against a hostile and inspired tent doctor Oscar Pacheco and in my gråtitude to these friends follow the true principles o attack. Farming the bowling. also to see an eye specialist. and well wishers for the inte Christ; be faithful and devotea he hit the Indian bowlers off To God be the glory that no rest in my behalf and regret on Christians, forgetting the old their length scoring 27 fours in serious consequence was disco the other hand the tension of cast doctrines which have scatan unblemished 162. He thrilled vered by either of the exami grief in which many were pla tered their three hundred and Indian crowds with his great nations. The four day oppor. ced prior to my return to the more million inhabitants; which sxtra cover drives, a slash, half tunity was used in all pleasantness city.
have kept millions in ignorance cuts, half drive, executed on and had not the slightest knowhis on drive and back drive ted on wings almost throughout EL ATLANTICO British Throne, and if necessity the hall just short of a length, ledge that Hearsay had moun 0 0 0 0 0 0 and poverty and may they main tain love and friendship to the were also powerful. His varied the Atlantic Zone that was be ready and willing to go to Apartado 199 the aid of the British Common Limón Costa Rica Wealth of Nations.
e 0 g u e 1 Attention Limonenses. When You Are in San Jose Moke Yourselves at Home ST. MARK CHURCH At The PENSION IDEAL Confortable Beds Properly Prepared Meals Proper Sanitary Conditions This Pension is situated: 25 yards East. 100 yards South of the Public Lavatory by Plaza Viquez.
Number of Building: 1323 RENE CAMPBELL, Proprietress LIMON, COSTA RICA The Church is the Pillar and the Ground of the Truth SERVICES: SUNDAY8: 00 a. Solemn Holy Eucharist Sermon 00 a, m, Choral Holy Eucharist 00 pm. Sunday School 00 Salemn Evenwong, Sermon.
Weekdays: Wednesday, Friday, Holy Days 00 a. m, Monday, Wednesday, Friday 700 Saturday: Confession 4, 00. 00 See Weekly Parish Bulletin for other Announcements propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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