
198 THE ATLANTIC Editor: JOS. THOMAS ALL THE WEEK IN ONE DAY February 18, 1950 Post Box 199 Limon, Costa Rica Number 15 Year Continued From Our Task of Last Issue In The Basket of the Week We are not forgetfui of the fact that the heart has its reasong, which reason cannot understand. We are not forgetful There is a time in every man education when he arrives also of the fact that women will often by sheer insight go straight At the conviction that envy is ignorance and sinful; to conclusions which men can only arrive at by a long train that instead of his cultivating of evil for his fellowmen of reasoning. When we see these manlike actions it comes He should plough throughly that bit of ground given to him.
to us that women are taken adventurous leap in the dark.
We are persuaded that nothing is more essential just now than To The Memory of Abraham Lincoln the bringing up of children; and we fear that women leaving that Last Sunday the 12th instant, among say here, but it cannot never fore responsibility and entering the threshold of man domain are other great reminiscence was the birth get what they did here. It is for e not keeping in the true company of our Blessed Master; for He anniversary of Abraham Lincoln who us the living, rather be dedicadesires an intelligent afecction by mothers to their children, in life was the seventeenth President of ted here to the unfinished work tu He desires them to grow in love for Him.
the United States of America. He was which they who fought here have It has been said, time and again, that the hands that rack born on the 12th of February 1809 thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated de the cradle are the hands which rule the world. May we add that and died April 15, 1865. He was elected president of his great republic in the mothers who remain in that sphere where the great Creator 1861 and was shot Friday, April 14, to the great task remaining before us that from these honoured dead tplaced her will be in the end a free traveller to the land of 1865 at Forde Theatre at a perfor we take increased devotion to that es light and glory.
mance in the theatre. The assassin was cause for which they gave the last shot to death April 26 by Sergeat full measure of devotion that we OUR TA SK Boston Corbett of the United States Army. here highly resolve that these dead Abraham was said to have been six FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR feet four inches in height. His great shall not have died in vain that this nation, under God, shall have Travel Regulations Should be free to all Persons Gettysburg Address lives after him. a new birth of freedom and that It has inspired men in his own day; 25 While applying our thought to the things which needs de it has gven inspiration to men of today government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not mocratic legislation in order to ameliorate some of the embarrass and will stir men of tomorrow, if they perish from the earth.
de ment which so often confront the people of colour, particularly be acquainted with the lines which we These words used by Lincoln, those of British nationality. It occurs to us that governments which publish below: were introduced in the translation of ma boast of democratic constitutions ought to modify the very stringent Four score and seven years ago the Bible by John Wyclif and which immigration regulations now in force against people of negro our fathers brought forth on this was published in England in 1382.
blood and extend to them more liberal facilities to travel on continent a new nation, conceived in The Bible is for the government of even this our continent. Such would be a just as well as prailiberty and dedicated to the proposi the people, by the people and for the tion that all men are created equal. people.
e seworthy cree.
Now we are engaged in a great This tribute would be incomplete if Having regard to present day difficult situation in some lands civil war, testing whether that we fail to mention also that in the and the beckoning hands in other countries, it is rather unchristian nation or any nation so conceived month of August, 1864, Abraham Linto have a particular group of people who are possessors of brain and so dedicated can long endure. coln declared that but for the aid of and brawn and to be so tightly fettered. Industrial and other his.
We are met on a great battlefield the Negro, the United States as a single of that war. We have come to nation would cease to exist. Drive tory have disclosed that not only in labour field, but in other ac.
dedicate a portion of that field, as back, he said, to the support of the tivities the people of colour have demonstrated great abilities and a final resting place of those who rebellion the physical force which the reliability as well as unquestionable loyalty.
here gave their lives that, that coloured people now give and promise It is necessary to repeat that men of colour have shed their nation might live. It is altogether us and neither the present nor any coblood on many battle fields for the preservation of civilization fitting and proper that we should ming administration can save the Union.
do this.
and human liberties, and yet they have not full privilege to enjoy Take from us and give to the enemy But, in a larger sense, we cannot the hundred and thirty thousand colothese virtues which they have preserved.
dedicate we cannot consecrate we ured persons now serving as soldiers, In proof of the discrimination we quote a case in point of cannot hallow this ground. The seamen and labourers and we cannot a woman of colour of British Nationality who was bluntly re brave men living and dead, who longer maintain the contest. Between fused consular visa to her Passport to visit the city of Colon struggled here have consecrated it, 1861 and 1865 there fought in the Uin the Republic of Panama. Colon has not charm for her to be.
far above our poor power to add nion Army 178, 975 Negro Soldiers: the or detract. The world will little regiments were 141 infantry: cavalry; come a permanent residence; only desirous to effect a business note, nor long remember what we 12 heavy artilery and light artillery.
visit. Her request was gent directly to the Panama Foreign Office means and the Minister requested a deposit of 500. 00 as the only by which her passport could be approved.
We are cut to pieces to learn of such a refusal knowing as we do the liberal travel and other courtesies which are extended by the Government of Great Britain to Panamanians. Seemingly Your own home which carries a Fire Insurance Policy the only remedy is the law of retaliation. When all is said and and with two lots of land, suitable for cultivation and done, the grand Magna Charter of King John was given for the the rearing of domestic animals. The property is titled care and protection of all subjects of the Great British Common Wealth of Nations.
and inscribed in the Public Registry.
This Journal adopts this as a direct appeal to the Jamaica No neighbour to bring about unpleasantness or to inHouse of Representatives to do something for the people of terfer in your domestic affairs.
their Islands, who, by circumstances variable in life are kicked down the rugged path of life and those who are effecting the kick Call at our office for particulars: Room No. 8, front enjoys the fallness of life in the lands and under the government of the Roman Catholic Church, Limon.
of these people of colour Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizana dd Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica Why Pay Rent When You Have The Money to Buy

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