
5. 195 February 25, 1950 THE ATLANTIC Page etti GRAND EXCURSION Grook Mesdames Teresa Henry and their friends and sisters in the What a Brilliant Opportunity Leonie Jackson were out of town christian fraternity. Among thoTo Go To Kingston visitors to Siquirres on Sunday se whose hospitalities they shalast. We are told that they were red are Mrs. Sarah Ricketts Here is the opportunity for the people from Jamaica royally entertained by several of (Orannie) and Mrs. Knight.
and other places to visit Kingston, the most beautiful city in the Caribbean Islands.
Come Into Hollywood Store and Get Your Share of the BIN BARGAIN SALE Pants, underwear, men 2, 50 each Shirt, underwear, men 2, 50 ch Fliying in very comfortable Lacsa Clippers, affiliated Shirts, little boy 2, 50 each SE with the Pan American Airways.
Belts, boy 2, 50 each Soxs, men 2, 50 pair The airplane will leave San Jose about Prints in beautiful colors.
2, 50 yard the end of February.
Rabitt skin.
4, 00 yard essage Large assortment of casimeres and silk at very low prices.
Round Trip at cost of 600. 00 Ornaments for dressing the hair ell as For further particulars apply at the Lacsa Agency Watches for men and women, Alarm clocks many below Pension Caribe in front the city Park, You will find the best materials for College and whid School uniforms and comfortable fitting shoes.
poPERSONALIA Solomon Berenzó. Proprietor.
We are gladly passing along the neighbouring Republic. We for the information that Miss Edna wish for her a confortable and Happy Birthday Gree Born on the Ninepris Lord whose health was delica beneficial sojourn.
words tings to Miss Yvonne teenth of February tely impaired and which had isible Nicholson necessitated careful medical attenAccording to the classification dance, she has now satisfacto Miss Euphema Whitehorn, cne At the completion of her Pri of the Signs of the Zodiac, from that rily regained her sound health of the daughters of Mr. and mary Education, Miss Yvonne January 21 to February 19 is Miss Lord is His a missing per: Mrs. Whitehorn, of Zent is a Nicholson was sent to reunite ruled by Aquarius and on the sonality in the high standard recent arrival from the neigh with her father, Mr. Harold Ni closing date of this Sign, Mrs.
sa lite of our community due to bouring Republic of Panamá. cholson in San Jose who is one Zamorine Lucas de Cunningham Sa her employment on the Siqui We understood that she sojour.
of San Jose outstanding mer was born in this city and in ney rres Telephone Board of the ned there for seven years and chant tailors which she grew. At the termiNorthern Railway Company.
Although distance has sepa nation of her early education if our judgment is of value, rated Miss Yvonne from us, she was sent for further studies the Xthen it is apparent that those yet there are many fine things in San José. With adaptability Mrs. Blanche Rodríguez de were not seven leany years. She about her which are fresh in and deligency she earned her by Stanley of San José and her Stan daughters are the guests of their ny of her sister Miss Iris White natal day which turned on the Nursing. She now practices her Was a city visitor in the compa. memory. Among these is her graduation in the School of ther brother and uncle, Mr. Zacha horn as the guests of Mr. and calendar today, Saturday the profession in the Seguro Social Miriah Rodriguez and his family: Mrs. Oscar McRae. Miss Iris 25th. In view of this day of Hospital in the capital. Rene the They are well known and loved the in our cop unity. They are en is a member of the Port Limon greetings we tender curs to her as she was so popularly called in joying a good time, particularly Burial Scheme Society and ca. Ilife mile posts and at the same distinction to have been one of Branch No. 134 of the Jamaica in having completed another of in her childhood days has the be the youngsters who are deligh me specifically to attend the time congratulate her for the the earliest graduates of colour nested in deep sea water bathing. Thanksgiving Service on Sun splendid progress she is making from this zone. On the occasion pit044 day the 19th in her educational endeavours; of her birth anniversary on SunMiss Ruby Wait of this city this, ofcourse, is by no means day the 19th, we have the inwas among the Taca passengers an accident; rather an intellec formation that she was the reon Monday the 13th instant tual heritage from her parents, cipient of many felicitations. We She left to visit her brother and THE ATLANTIC Mrs. Irene de Walkers and wish many more happy birth his family who are residing in LIMON, COSTA RICA Mr. Harold Nicholson.
anniversaries for Mrs. Cunningham xand i Attention Limonenses. When You Are in San Jose Make Yourselves at Home LA CIA. AGRICOLA EXPORTADORA, Ruega a los bananeros de Línea Vieja: Que en virtud de las exigencias del mercado norteamericano en cuanto a la calidad del banano, nos es indispensable la cooperación integra en cuanto al buen manejo de la fruta y al grado que se pide en los avisos. Esta coopera muy sencilla y fácil de dar, significaría para el productor posibilidades más amplias de ayuda para nuevas siembras.
At The PENSION IDEAL Comfortable Beds. Properly Prepared Meals Proper Sanitary Conditions This Pension is situated: 25 yards East. 100 yards Sonth of the Public Lavatory by Plaza Viquez.
Nnmber of Building: 1323 RENE CAMPBELL, Proprietress Notice to the Banana Cultivators on the Old Line In view of the fact the North American Markets are exac.
ting on the quality of the banana, it is necessary for us to cooperate in every respect to secure the best grade of fruit when notices are sent out. This cooperation is very simply and can be easily given and will signify for the producers more ample possibilities of help for new plantings.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizan de Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica

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