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Page THE ATLANTIC February, 25 1950 THE PEOPLE HOUSE JACK ORANE SUCS. Limon of stringent economical circums. obtain by purchase a tract of tance. Don Carlos effected re. land which he believes is obference to the adduced difficulty tainable from Messrs. Eugenio of securing adequate land areas Garron and Sons.
on which these houses could be built. He suggested that the We are a prop to don Carlos Board could kill two birds at on his suggestion, but desire to one throw and which would add that in all events the playredound in a two fold benefit ground should be first acquired to Limonenses; that is, the Board and properly set out for our could utilize the city playground sport events, before the utiliza.
for the erection of some of the tion of the diamond for the buildings proposed an in turn houses.
You will need a good article for your money so see us first for the best of everything. Suitings, dress materials, and all other requirements in Ladies Gents wear prices always to please you.
Doctor OSCAR PACHECO Miss Thelma Rogers is Now Married The good news has reached bride and groom and their guests us that Miss Thelma Rogers. at the reception. The message PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON the fourth daughter of one of read in part We pray God From the University of Pensylvania, Limon widely known and ge. blessing on you both, today and nerally esteemed family, Mr. and forever.
SPECIALITY: DISEASES OF WOMEN Mrs. John Rogers became the THE ATLANTIC wishes Office: 75 yards West of the Colegio de Señoritas, San Jose chosen bride of Mr. Osuraco Mr. and Mrs. Gordon a plesant HOURS: 10 12 p.
Gordon, on the 6th of the sail on their matrimonial barque year in course.
and a landing on the shore of The marriage was solemnized happiness and love.
at the Industrial Academy of Panama. Elder Delafield of the Very Important is the Seventh Day Adventists is said to have tied the loversknot. Housing Problem for The service as we gather was This City graced with the presence of We published in our Spanish many distinguished persons. columns in the issue of the lith splendid gesture truly earned by instant, the very noteworthy the contracting parties. We write memorandum of don Ramírez without fear of contradition that Brenes on the housing problem the bridegroom has selected a of this city. In the edition of human rose sown and grew last week we eulogized Miss with distinction in our city. Olimpia Trejos, the Directress Her higher education was ac of the Rafael Yglesias School quired in Jamaica and he no for the warmly pointed article doubt has trangible evidence of to the Director of the Security her fine intellectual and other Social Board, stirring action qualities. Beautiful in counteon the burning question and the nance and of noble living.
fulfilment of the permise to consThe wedding reception was truct houses in Limon Jackie Robinson, outstanding athlete, and star second baseman of the Brooklyn Dodgers of the National League, one of the two major professiogiven at the San Francisco Today, we release the com nal Baseball leagues in the United States, signs a 1950 baseball contract with residence of Mr. Omphroy ments of Attorney at Law Car the Dodgers. Looking on is Branch Rickey, president of the Brooklyn baseball who we are told delivered a los Silva one of our Congress club, who first signed Robinson, the first Negro to play in the major leagues, brilliant toast crowned with to a men treating on the matter. This Dodger contract in 1947. expressions of exaltation in be legal talent states in part That nal League in batting and base stealing and was voted the leagues most vaLast year (1949. his third in the major leagues, Robinson led the Natiohalf of Mr. and Mrs. John each time it becomes more and luable player. The 31 year old athlete will receive an estimated 40, 000 for Rogers and family.
more imperative for the Social the coming season. SD 62084. cable sent by Mr. Rogers Security Board to comply to (Note. Glossy publication prints on this picture have been sent to you mission. and family is said to have been its old promise to construct in delivered at the rising of the Limon houses for the people ST. MARK CHURCH LIMON, COSTA RICA The Church is the Pillar Your own home which carries a Fire Insurance Policy and the Ground of the Truth and with two lots of land, suitable for cultivation and SERVICES the rearing of domestic animals. The property is titled SUNDAY8: 00 a. Solemn Holy Eucharist Sermod and inscribed in the Public Registry. 00 a, m, Choral Holy Eucharist 00 Sunday School No neighbour to bring about unpleasantnegs or to in7. 00 Solemn Evengong, Sermon terfer in your domestie affairs.
Weekdays: Wednesday, Friday, Holy Days 00 a.
Call at our offie for particulars: Room No. 8, front Monday, Wednesday, Friday 700 Saturday: Confession 00. 500 of the Roman Catholie Church, Limon Sae Waekly Parish Bulletin for other Announcements Why Pay Rent When You Have The Money to Buy Juventud Costa Rica.


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