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Page THE ATLANTIC Mari March 4, 1950 Doctor OSCAR PACHECO we ST. MARK CHURCH LIMON, COSTA RICA The Church is the Pillar PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON and the Ground of the Truth From the University of Pensylvania, SERVICES: SPECIALITY: DISEASES OF WOMEN SUNDAY8: 6, 00 a. Solemn Holy Eucharist Sermon 00 a. Choral Holy Eucharist Office: 75 yards West of the Colegio de Señoritas, San Jose 3, 00 pm Sunday School HOURS: 10. 12 p.
7, 00 Solemn Evensong, Sermon.
Weekdays: Wednesday, Friday, Holy Days 00 a. The Matter of the Payment The Streets are to be Monday, Wednesday, Friday 700 Saturday: Confession 4, 00. 00 of the Fifty Colones for the Cleared of Dogs Rewewal of the Residential See Weekly Parish Bulletin for other Announcements There is the well known fact Cedulas Remains at Deadlock that dogs are very clever and FOREIGN BRIEFS It is understood in our British very useful to man and they The The National Force of China Maracaibo, Caracas has been Diplomatic Circle that according have proven to be very sagais reported to have sunk 20 cancelled.
to the disposition of Article cious. Interesting deeds by these Fig ships of the Communists. The The ex world champion Joe of the law treating on Residen. animals are registered on the A: vessels went down near the Louis is slated to re enter very tial Cedulas for foreigners, the pages of history, but when given unrestricted liberty in cities and South of China. The office of soon the ring. This decision, we citizens or subjects of Great the towns, other than their ferocious the Primer Minister has relea believe is with the view of remo Britain are exempted from pay approach there are other evils.
Figh sed the information that air bom ving the threatened clouds of ment due to treaty concession then bardment is threathened with the slipping away of the world between the British Common issued by the Direction of Sani Premonitory notice has been of di the possibly aid of Russia reds heavy weight champion honours Wealth of Nations and Costa tation that the streets are to Но and by this notice air raid shcl from the United States of Rica. However, there is a strong be cleared of dogs.
train ters are in process of construc America.
birds attempt to tax the coloured tion and the non fifghting poBritishers We are very mindful of our back pulation is ordered to leave the Ladies Auxiliary of the Band of Mercy Vow taken in emot We are told that His Majesty our school days and in consecity at farmosa.
Knights of St. John Minister at the San Jose Lega. quence we are not promoting fight life Commandery tion and the British Vice Con death upon these canines, but thes By a press release it is our There is approaching on the sul of our city are leaving we do hope those concerned Th information that the United States of America begins a horizon of our entertaining agen nothing undone to prevent the will do something to free the is pro tightened campaign against Bul de contest between represen, collection of this tax from His thoroughfares of this city of dogs Chemie tatives island Majesty appla garia, Hungary and Rumania as and Costa Rica.
We should point out that the The 1950 College Tem her a consequence of their very The treat will be staged in land arear of the Great Comactive co operation with Soviet of stuMinis Russia. Relation has been already the hall of the Roman Catholic mon Wealth of Nations, the dents for the 1950 term het the atten cut off with Bulgaria and will Dayschool and under the maBritish Empire consists of about Limón College had its start on is tak eventually be broken with Hun nagement of the ladies Auxi: one fourth (13, 172 060 square Wednesday the first of the month then liary of the Knights of St. miles) of the world habitable in course and will remain open gary and Rumania, John Commandery. The mo Russia is said to have started tive for the ingathering of funds land surface; this excludes the to the 10th instant. The lessons again the war of nerves in the is to help in the construction Aretic regions, therefore, the will commence on Monday the From Berlin traffic by limiting the of the new Cathedral in this recinding of this agreement woul 13th instant.
in number of vehicles at the rate city. The programme is set for touch Costarricans in many The requisites for enrolment requin of sixteen per hour in the the evening of Monday the 10th places.
are; Certificates of Birth, Healh Th mornings at Helmstedt of the of April. The sale of votes is to be given by Dr. Telemaco and a Russian Zone forging ahead and with edge in Espinach who is the physician nable favour of Costa Rica. Ofcourse, THE ATLANTIC in evidence of the graduation of the for the College. The Diploma The It has been announced that this is natural for no true ciJoe Walcott proposed Spring tizens of Costa Rica could afLIMON, COSTA RICA itinerary to fight at Havana, ford to let a foreign represenSan Juan, Porto Rico, Panama, tation wins the contest.
Come Into Hollywood Store and Get Your Share of the BIN BARGAIN SALE Pants, underwear, men 2, 50 cach Shirt, underwear, men 2, 50 each Shirts, little boy 2, 50 each 2, 50 each JACK ORANE SUCS. Limon Soxs, men 50 pair Prints in beautiful colors.
2, 50 yard Rabite skin.
You will need a good article 4, 00 yard Large assortment of casimeres and silk at very low prices.
for your money for the best of everything. Orcaments for dressing the hair Watches for men and women, Alarm clocks Suitings, dress materials, and all other requirements in Ladies You will find the best materials for College and Gents wear prices always to School uniforms and comfortable fitting shoes.
please you, Solomon Berenzón Proprietor.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Liz Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa The See page THE PEOPLE HOUSE Belts, boy so see us first
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