
Page 1958 March 4, 1950 THE ATLANTIC WEAR RESTAURANT ECOS DE PARIS Conveniently situated in the heart of the capital 300 yards South of Musmani Bakery. San José We Specialize in Excellently prepared meals along with Clifford Steele an efficient stock of the best liquor.
EN Tailor Made Suits OUR BOAST IS «Eat where the best sanitary methods are practiced in the preparation and serving of food. Jose Here are three special reasons why you should Personally attended by the proprietor: FIRST: The high qualities of our Materials.
CEDRIC KERR SECOND: The neatness of workmanship.
THIRD: The elegant fitting of our garment to be Which will never get out shape, REPORT ON THE COMMONWEALTH gs Centrally established near the British Vice Consulate wn fact BY PHILIP NOEL BAKER, in the City of Limon her and Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations they saga. The Commercial Cock nation of qualification on the What we call our civilization is a only the elected representatives of the y these Fight to Be Prevented subjects of arthmetic, wording common heritage, in which all nations people could impose texation; we fought on the and orthography on the 1st, share. Ancient Greece left us the Aero them for a parliament which asserted; As a medium of experience instant and was oponed only polis and it left us poetry, the theatre, this principle against an autocratic king en given Lies and we observed many years ago to students who had three years philosophy, the idea of freedom, the that, perhaps, is why we have the the commercial cruelty of Cock TOCIOUS or more course in the local co idea that men should rule themselves. strongest, the most beloved, and the most Fighting and had concluded evik then and there to be a thing lege and not less than eighteen Rome unfied the Continent of Europe useful of all monarchies today.
as been of dire cruelty.
years of age. We may be in a and the Middle East. It gave them Third: They have shown that Em of Sani peace and law and roads. It taught pire can be transformed into a ComHow sinful it is for men to position to release the names of are to: the students our next issue. them that the public interest should monwealth by agreement, and not by train and inject drug into these birds then put them to fight, Change of Date in Christian faith.
reign supreme. Palestine gave us the revolution. As Mr. Pearson, Secretary of the State for External Affairs in the of ou backed up with big wagers, then ken in emotionally watch the fight until the Lacsa Trip to What will the historials of the future Canadian Government, has said, Cacons life is instinct in one of the Jamaica judge to be the contribution of the na nada won her full sovereign indepenomoting fighters and a short existence of As a means of giving more tions of the British Commonwealth to dence fighting with, and not against mes, bd the survivor of the battle. time to effectively prepare for the progress of mankind? Much, think, Great Britain.
nicem This commercial Cock Fight the proposed excursion to Jain the realms of learning; literature, art, Fourth: They have shown that the ree, this prevented in all lands with a maica by Lacsa Clippers; affi science, medicine, engineering, explo: winning of sovereing independence by of dogs! Christian background and we liated with the Pao American above all else, four great principles to separation or to conflict. No group ration, adventure of every kind. But, new notions need not lead to bitterness, applaud Doctress Calderon for Ten her petition presented to the Airways, the Management has which they have made the basis of of nations in history have ever lived in Minister of Government calling changed the date of February their Social system and of their natio. such close friendship as ours; the very the sto attention to the indulgence which 28th to on or about the first nal life.
idea of war has long been banished of the is taking roots in many parts of week in April; this will afford start on the national territory.
First: They have established in their from their vital interests are not in e monti the tourists to spend Easter countries, on an unshakeable founda. conflict, but are common interests which ein opet in Jamaica; a season that is tion, the personal liberty of every sub they all share.
lessons The 1950.
always ripened with diversion ject of the king. great Italian scholar, STRUGGLE FOR FREEDOM day the From page of all kinds. The Limon Aged solidi was still in power, that the Benedetto Croce, once said, while MuThese four principles are of particuin Primary Education is also cy of Lacsa is ready to accept whole of human history is the story lar importance in world affairs of today rolment required.
bookings for the trip in April of man struggle to be free. The The information of uniform But they are not the achievement fo Assembly of the United Nations is still the present generation only. They are elemaco and other requirements is obtai. of the year in clurse.
carrying on that struggle with its De the result of the struggle of the British hysician nable at the College.
Diploma The Commercial Department EL ATLANTICO claration of Human Rights. But the peoples over long centuries for freedom.
first great declaration of Human Rights It was in Barbados in 1649 that British duation of the College had its exami Apartado 199 was Magna Carta, signed by King settlers overseas first asserted the right John at Runnymede seven centuries ago. to rule themselves. It was in 1838 that BIG NEWS)
Second: They evolved the practical Lord Durham recommended that selfthe technique of government of the people government should be granted to Coby the people. In Britain, we fought nade.
our civil wars for the principle that (To be continued)
th, Heal page Kader Store Works Wonder Cía. Eléctrica de LIMON Gabardine of assorted colours to soit every taste at 21. 00 per pant cut.
New assortment of casimere. Plastic Coat, Ladies Everything desirous for Ladies and Gents to go gay to places, Sport Shirts at 00 each great bargain sale in hardware Such as dishes Pots and other utensils Recuerda a sus abonados que los recibos por servicios eléctricos deben ser cancelados en la primera quincena de cada mes.
and hoes The Electric Company of Limón hereby reminds its subscri.
bers to the electric services that the payments are to be effected within the first fifteen days each month.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del a Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica


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