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18, 1958 March 18, 1950 THE ATLANTIC Page the Vic Sit Ja aid for bis ST. MARK CHURCH exent Voi lied to the ne, Chio ndon 18 Doctor OSCAR PACHECO conge the Chan minutes signis wth of the Da body the ti ought be depurture bly rose ded from ancellor at everse Tining. LIMON, COSTA RICA The Church is the Pillar PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON and the Ground of the Truth From the University of Pensylvania, SERVICES: SPECIALITY: DISEASES OF WOMEN SUNDAYS: 6, 00 a, m, Solemn Holy Eucharist Sermon 00 a. Choral Holy Eucharist Office: 75 yards West of the Colegio de Señoritas, San Jose 300 pm. Sunday School HOURS: 10. 12 p.
7, 00 Solemn Evensong, Sermon.
Weekdays: Wednesday, Friday, Holy Days 00 a.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 00 The Death and Burial in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and free.
Saturday: Confession 4, 00. 00 of Mrs. Dora Irma dom from fear and want has been proSee Weekly Parish Bulletin for other Announcements de Solano claimed as the highest aspiration of the His Exce We adopt this medium to common people.
owed and PARENTS OF CHILDREN: presence were highly welcome express our profound condo Whereas it is esential, if man is not Led by Give instructions to your chil in those places visited both lence to our fellow citizen and be compelled to have recourse, as a last sion, dren not to play in the streets from old acquaintances as well good friend, Mr. Victor So resort, to rebellion against tyranny and then me It is very dangerous. Converting as new ones.
lano Ch. in the irreparable loss oppression, that human rights should the streets to playground has he has sustained by the death be protected by the rule of law. Xfiled at the possibility to take them to of his wife the late Mrs. Dora Whereas it is essential to promote espersing the hospital or the cemetery.
WEDDING BELLS WILL Irma Benavides de Solano.
the development of friendly relations It is preferable that the children SOON CHIME among nations.
As the consequence of her the Whereas the peoples of the United cry now they are prevented than The date is not far distant illnes Mr. Solano did not hesiyou after an accident or death when wedding Bells will chime tate to send her by TACA Nations have in the Charter reaffirmed to them.
to Chris for two young and widely re to San Jose for hospitalization their faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human er Wir garded citizens. The lover knot Entering the San Juan de Dios person and in the equal rights of men Complaint on Impure is to be tied in the St. Mark Hospital we learn that every and women and have determined to Restral from R: Butter on Sale Church on Wednesday evening possible medical attention was promote social progress and better d2 Our attention has been invi the 12th proximo. We visualize extended for her with a hope standards of life in larger freedom bredra, ted by many persons with reWhereas Member States have pledged the splendour to be, with Miss of saving her life, but her days e pre gard to their discovery of the Thelma Douglas, the attractive were numbered; the end chne on themselves to achieve, in co operation holy inferiority of some of the butter bride with the elegantly shaped Monday the 6th and burial was with the United Nations, the promotion of universal respect for and observance your on sale in some catering places and handsome Mr. Harold Baley effected on the day following. of human rights and fundamental In her life she was well known freedoms.
in this city. They would also at her side, both repeating the his was analysis is executed as to the bevy of beauties who will com her husband and home. Limón of these rights and freedoms is of the like to know if the necessary pledge. Then there will be the and was very much devoted to regrets her passing into the great greatest importance for the full realipurity of the milk before the prise the bridal ensemble.
process of churning. It should beyond and moreso not having sation of this pledge.
be remembered that the user the opportunity to have paid Miss Verónica Messam, our the last respect which she had Proclaims this Universal Declaration Now Therefore The General Assembly can not cleanse the butter of little friend, the elder of the earned by her own life career of Human Rights as a common stanexpor any impurity after it is manu two daughters of our very widely and the wide spread apprecia dard of achievement for all peoples spesielle factured; the cleansing must be known citizens, Mr. and Mrs. tion of her husband, the enerand all nations, to the end that every very with the milk from which it is James Messam, was feted on getic secretary to the Principal keeping this Declaration constantly in individual and every organ of society, mnt. The made.
her twelfth birth anniversary on Agent of Police and all round mind, shall strive by teaching and eduSaturday the 11th instant.
PERSONALIA Her se sportsman.
cation to promote respect for these She had the delightful comrights and freedoms and by progressive We bumped into Mrs. Stanley pany of several of her friends The Universal Decla to secure their universal and effective national and international, nothing Britton of the capital a few days and acquaintances. frolicsome that we ago. She was here on one of group it was indeed, and so did ration of Human Rights recognition and observance, both among mieverste her regular periodical visits, but they enjoyed the dainties placed the peoples of Member States themWhereas recognition of the inherent selves and among the peoples of terrienged there is a little difference which at their disposal.
dignity and of the equal and inalienable tories under their jurisdiction.
der. Toi we learn with this trip being We wish our very dear friend rights of all members of the human (To be continued)
Bless somewhat continued from the Vera many more happy birth family is the foundation of freedom, ed at visit of her daughter and self anniversaries and may she con. Whereas disregard and contempt for Essions to the neighbouring Republic tinue to grow in grace and the human rights have resulted in barbarous THE ATLANTIC within the of Panama. We daresay their blessings of God, acts which have outraged the consciencie of mankind, and the advent of a world LIMON, COSTA RICA rene Fort indt refere BCN ard, we and te RESTAURANT ECOS DE PARIS Cía. Eléctrica de LIMON le Estrid surd Her son to loja vond Conveniently situated in the heart of the capital 300 yards South of Musmani Bakery. San José We Specialize in Excellently prepared meals along with an efficient stock of the best liquor.
OUR BOAST IS «Eat where the best sanitary methods are practiced in the preparation and serving of food. Personally attended by the proprietor: CEDRIC KERR Recuerda a sus abonados que los recibos por servicios eléctricos deben ser cancelados en la primera quincena de cada mes.
The Electric Company of Limón hereby reminds its subscri.
bers to the electric services that the payments effected within the first fifteen days each month, stema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.
are to be a Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano
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