
Marzo na.
THE ATLANTIC Colón hide stoltes je 250 ALL THE WEEK IN ONE DAY pris Editor: JOS. THOMAS Post Box 199 Limon, Costa Rica Number 20 March 25. 1950 Year 5)
El She GIA ELF OUR TASK In the Basket of the Week FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR If one person employs another to labour for him He ought not to take advantage of the labourer wants Among the most recent official notices observed on the Bu. And pay him less than the common price for the work done Culletin Board at the Governor office is one bearing the dispo. The hired person on his part ought to perform well the work he peab sition of the Minister of Public Security and by which he cancels agrees to do dan laps the long standing and very essential authority of the Governor of the Province to visa Passports.
The Minister, ofcourse, is the Chief of this Department of PARENTS OF CHILDREN: digestion.
We opine that in one sense Dreciare however, there are a few salient points that our newspaper is It is very dangerous. Converting bring a little increase in local the Government and we have no power to question his ruling. Give instructions to your chil.
dren not to play in the streets. an open market system might e Selei obligated to touch due to the fact of its TASK Limón is a sea port and has now an airport and by these the possibility to take them to side step the fact that to flood the streets to playground has buying price, but we cannot cette two ways the traveller con embark on a ship or airplane to any the hospital or the cemetery. the land with exporters of baaerial foreign country without having to effect a trip to San Jose to it is preferable that the children nana will result in destruction conhe embark With the new disposition the person intended to travel les must first face the extra expense and other illconvenience to cry now they are prevented than to the industry in the long run.
was to have his or her passport and other documents of travel arranyou after an accident or death It is not in all business that the to them.
ged in the San Jose office of the Minister of Public Security.
old adage of the survival of the fittest remains. Experience is the ROYECT There are many circumstances that in the viewpoint of true The Banana Exporters greatest teacher and he has democracy should not be overlooked. Such as the railroad transan meria portation or air flight belween this city and San Jose; there is not are Entitled to a Mar taught us that many business ansamt absolute dependability. Ocean travel has from time to time acces.
gin of Profit carried on in a run geinst man domésts sible to the person whose business, health or other pressing re In two of the San Jose dailies ner have been of short duration unde. and no doubt to save life and property the person intended to read with contentment the letter clinched in the coffin.
indo, quirement warrant immediate leaving. In spite of the emergency, of Saturday the 18th instant we and often the nail is driven and We are not in accord with Rina travel is fettered. No means of travel to San Jose to get the of Mr. Raul Velasquez one travel papers fixed at the Ministre of Public Security in order of the local exporters of banana the disposition of Article and to leave the Republic.
in reference to the new law of its corresponding clauses; they The Passport and other records will show over many de regulation between the produ being of such nature to introcades the many sons of Costa Rica who have obtained very lucers and exporters of banana duce new buying or exporting crative employment on ships which have sailed from this port.
on the Atlantic Zone. Mr. Velas individuals or companies.
The banana industry was buOn the spur of the moment the young man or young men gets quez expressed his view in oppo the offer to go to sea and formerly within a few moments the sition of the law will, without ried on this zone. It was reviGovernor issues a new passport or visas a previous one. This doubt prove detrimental to both ved by the Central American will be no longer possible; the master of the ship will surely exporters and producers because Banana Company with the late no detain her until the interested person effects the trip to San it excludes their representatives Mr. Chandler as manager. That Jose and returns. On the other land is the possibility of low before the Banana Governing firm finally went under as a financial situation of the person desiring the employment.
Body result of the death of Mr.
In subtance this new disposition tends to increase unlimited table to dine with our produToday, we take a seat at the Bergman Our producers had almost hardship on our citizenry as well as the stranger who may be cers and exporters of banana lost hope on the continuation in within our gate.
We do not believe Limon should be so inflicted and would food as that eaten by Don Raul present exporters came to their and to eat sumptuously a similar of the industry. By degress the suggest that our Congressmen effect a study of this new dispo to the tune that any regulation rescue; quite naturally and to sition and come to our rescue.
outside of that for full coope see what turn over there would ration and confidence between be in the market. In fact they the two factors will spell inST. MARK CHURCH See page LIMON, COSTA RICA The Church is the Pillar and the Ground of the Truth JACK ORANE SUCS. Limón SERVICES: SUNDAYS: 00 a. Solemn Holy Eucharist Sermon 00 a. Choral Holy Eucharist You will need a good article 300 Sunday School for your money so see us first 00 Solemn Evensong, Sermon.
for the best of everything. Weekdays: Wednesday, Friday, Holy Days 00 a.
Suitings, dress materials, and Monday, Wednesday, Friday 700 Saturday: Confession 00. 500 all other requirements in Ladies Gents wear prices always to Seo Weekly Parish Bulletin for other Announcements. el Obregón Lizangostema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.
please you. 10 a THE PEOPLE HOUSE


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