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THE ATLANTIC March, 25 1950 Page WEAR were. RESTAURANT ECOS DE PARIS Conveniently situated in the heart of the capital 300 yards South of Musmani Bakery, San José We Specialize in Excellently prepared meals along with an efficient stock of the best liquor.
Clifford Steele OUR BOAST IS Eat where the best sanitary methods Tailor Made Suits are practiced in the preparation and serving of food.
Personally attended by the proprietor: Here are three special reasons why you should CEDRIC KERR FIRST: The high qualities of our Materials SECOND: The neatness of workmanship THIRD: The elegant fitting of our garment The Banana.
The two Colones Coins Which will never get ont shape, from puge Replaced in had plunged into the sea of Circulation Centrally established near the British Vice Consulate uncertainty in those days of rein the City of Limon.
We recall that a few months cent recovery from the European and Asiatic conflicts.
ago the two colones silver coins The men in the exportation were withdrawn from circulation began their struggle at 1230 Little Martha Brenes as well as the growers are all due to the fact there were many in the afternoon. At the initial Was Called By the members of the great Costarri counterfeit ones afloat.
stage Jupiter took the lead with can family and beiween the two It is evident that a test has four runs to a cipher for Braves Angels interests amicable and smooth been effected on these coins and due to the popularity of On the 14th instant the an.
relationship splendidly replaced in trade, however, ca the Jupiters, shouts rented the gels came and took away in maintained. The mutual unders reful examination ought to be air in an ear marked, downfall their chariot, little Martha Bretanding was so note worthy effected in their acceptance. The for the Braves. However, the nes Rojas who in life was the that the Atlantic Growers Asso good ones are stamped on tide turned with the changing only daugnter of our good ciciation which was established the edge and its sound should hour of the afternoon. Braves tizens, Mr. and Mrs. Gonzalo as a weapon of defence against be tested to distinguish them whipped the Jupitters to the Brenes.
threatened encroachment on the from the lead sounding coun lashes of fourteen to eleven runs. Little Martha became seriously cultivators side was shelved. terfeits.
sick and was admitted a patient We do not see the need for a referee in the ring. If the groSCHOOL TEACHERS: Ins.
The closing event of the day in the local hospital of the wers after careful and just investruct your scholars not to play became and eye soar and many Costa Rica Banana Company tigation discover that the prices in the streets Explain to them Fans left in disgust before the It is said the doctors and nurses in circulation could be higher the grave danger of being in termination of the Barra and exercised their very best skill and still afford a reasonable jured or sustain instant death Xolótlan encounter.
to save the infant life, but the margin of profit for the expor by some bicycle rider or ve ters, then they should put on hicle. Let them know the set It appeared to have been any. angels wanted her.
a baseball The funeral procession was their gloves and even up things back in life with a missing arm. thing else besides with the exporters.
leg or be other wise disabled. match. We admit that most of well attended on the afternoon We know the exporters investhe players in the two teams of her burial. The service was ted large sums of money in the BASE BALL are in experienced, but the pu conducted in the city Cathedral.
business, and although we do In continuation of the base. blic was expecting at least a Little Martha is mourned by not believe in monopoly yet in ball games in the 1950 League trifle of knowledge of the exer her parents, her uncle, aunts, fairness to these traders if there Fixtures, three competitions were cise in display Barra piled up grandmother and other relatives.
is now a good turn over in the observed on Sunday the 19th 26 runs and Xolótlan earned Among these are Mr. and Mrs.
business; they are entitled, provi instant. runs, ard no doubt, with a Jaime Rejas, Mr. and Mrs. Jose ding they are not cheating the At the then o clock forenoon sympathetic view the umpire Ballestero, Miss Margaret Rojas, farmers. They are quite suffi hour the playground was oc called off the play at the sixth Mrs. Carmen Rojas, Mr. and cient to handle the exportation cupied by the juniors of Motive inning.
Mrs. Tristan Brenes and others of the fruit and the creation of Power and Enterprise. The preagencies to establish better rela. pellant forces of both teams tionship only tends to add over were very greatly exercised, but Do Your Easter Shopping in head expenses and to the loss the experience of many of the of revenue to both growers and Motives earned them the edge exporters over Enterprise. The scores were four to three runs.
EDITORIAL VICTORIA Lido, of SALOMON BERENZON XSan. Costa Rica The teams Braves and Jupiter The best assortment of clothing materials for Holy Week aod Easter Monday and at the most reasonable prices are obtainable in the Hollywood Store Doctor OSCAR PACHECO PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON From the University of Pensylvania, S.
SPECIALITY: DISEASES OF WOMEN Office: 75 yards West of the Colegio de Señoritas, San Jose HOURS: 10. 12 p.
HOLLYWOOD STORE In the shoes department you will find the most regal styles of children shoes in combinatioo colours of black, brown and white.
Come and buy Today. Do not Wait for Tomorrow You may Miss all the Good things


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