
Page THE ATLANTIC April 1, 1950 Do Your Easter Shopping in Hollywood Store The Birth of Kader Furniture Store In the new building adjoining the Bank of Costa Rica in this city of Limón there is the birth of. of SALOMON BERENZON The best assortment of clothing materials for Holy Week and Easter Monday and at the most reasonable prices are obtain a ble in the Kader Furniture Store HOLLYWOOD STORE The stock consists of every item of furniture for the adoro.
ment and comfort of the home and family.
In the shoes department you will find the most regal Best Design Best Class. Best Prices styles of children shoes in combination colours of black, brown and white.
Come and buy Today. Do not Wait for Tomorrow and Switzerland. Each is eli In the absence of the Rusgible by reason of its member sians, the ECOSOC session You may Miss all the Good things ship in a United Nations Spe raced through six items of its cialized Agency ageada the first day, which in CIVIL GUARDS: You will United Nations Action Member nations will be asked time of their lactive participa be doing a great service to huReport to sigo on the dotted line for tion might have required ten manity other than your public. Culled from United Nations World, the sums they are prepared days. All the same, there was duties by breaking up every history to be celebrated soon atomic death. It is predicted to invest in the well being of deep regret that the USSR The greatest meetingio world mankind, as insurance against chairs were usoccupied.
band of children playing ball with 73 nations participating that both East and West bloc Plan of Action on the streets Seveaty three governmentsnations will contribute funds basis plan for maintaining four teen more than hold memand technicians. Even before prosperity at a high level in Among The Baptists will participate in the most toited Nations will forge ahead unanimously approved. It calls bership in the United Nations the checks are deposited, the the advanced countries was The Easter Drama in prepa universal gathering of nations with expanded technical assisfor three ation for presentation in the ever held. It is schedule to 1: Adoption of a full employ.
city Baptist Church on Monday convene at Lake Success at an budget. By mid year it seems when it declines will serve as tance plans, out of curreot ment figure or target wbich night the 10th instant is said early date, in accordance with certain that a vast net work to be of an outstanding setting decisions of the General Asa warning that action is needed.
and will, without doubt, prove sembly and the Economic Couo in South America, the Near of programs will be under way, 11: full fledged goverointeresting tho those who are cil. PURPOSE: To chart a East and Africa. Any attempt ment program of fiscal and to comprise the congregation. broad plan of technical assis to gauge the scope would be monetary policies, investment The general public is cordially tance to backward countries.
and production planning, wage invited Such a program, in the words premature, with virtually every and price policies, aimed at of United States Senator Mc under developed area on the stabilizing consumer demand Be Advised Mahon, is a part of the life globe pushing its claim to early at the full employment levelindustrialization.
and death race in our time to 111. system of compensa.
The streets should not be create «abundance among all Plans for a world Boom tory measures to be automa.
converted to playground by chil men or destroy them by scien. How to attain a thriving tically applied whenever unem dren. It is true that playing tific meaos, world economy is the para ployment rises to a predeterfields are very limited in our Noo member nations to be mount question before the UN mioed level for three successive city, but this does not give the represented at the Techoical Economic and Social Council, months.
guarantee for protection against Assistance Conference are al currently holding its Teoth ECOSOC had before it the serious accidents or death by bania. Austria, Bulgaria, Cey Session at Lake Success, under General Assembly recommen.
traffic which has the rights to lon, Findland. Hungary, Indo the able presidency of Am dation for urgent action on operate along the roads and nesia, Ireland, Italy, Korea, bassador Heroan Santa Cruz economic development of the streets.
Monaco, Portugal, Rumania Delegates see prosperity, full underdeveloped countries. But employment and a global boon the Assembly warned that soas the one sure answer to the cial welfare questions should ST. MARK CHURCH bomb. For a well fed, well not be overlooked in programs heeled world is less likely to be of industrial expansion in the LIMON, COSTA RICA inflamed by the torch of war backward orea. This suggestion The Church is the Pillar than one in which two thirds has been promptly met by planand the Ground of the Truth of the planet two billion piog for community services people are living close to star to accompany techoical assis.
SERVICES: vation level. To be continued)
SUNDAYS: 00 a, m, Solemn Holy Eucharist Sermon 00 a. Choral Holy Eucharist 00 pm, Sunday School 00 Solemn Evensong, Sermon Weekdays: Wednesday, Friday, Holy Days 00 a.
If you want to get good prices for your coconuts Monday, Wednesday, Friday 700 CASTILLO Saturday: Confession 4, 00. 00 pm Of the Linon Branch of the Bank of Costa Rica See Weekly Parish Bulletin for other Announcements is buying coconuts tance New Buyer of Coconuts Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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