
10 as Ils April 1, 1950 THE ATLANTIC Page 1950 Germania Has Lost a on the playground was rather Universal Declaration In Vein of Our Dear Citizen and a spectacular. The teams occupying of Human Rights Military Band the diamond were the Second True Christian On Wednesday the 22nd day Divisions of Cubs and the Ma(continued from Saturday March 25th) Military Band to play for the On the approaching of our of March 1950, the day had rimeros. Although both teams Article 15: Everyone has the right to eight o clock Sunday morning dawned seemingly with a golden are members of the League, but a nationality. 2: No one shall be arbi service in the Cathedral of our ca light; glad hymns were raised due to the fact that the Mari trarily deprived of his nationality nor at the bedside of Mrs. Minna neros in a great majority are denied the right to change his nationality city, we listened with rapture Article 16: Men and women of full the playing of the musical march.
Davis as she slumbered in death; Nicaraguans, he encounter took As the musicians were filing never again in pain to languish on an international semblance see, without any limitation due to race, nationality or At the start the Marines took to marry and to found a family. They marked that the personnel of or religion, have the right into the church someone refor she has reached the happy a masterly position; earned four are entitled to equal rights as to marria the Band is seemingly lesser shore.
In the flowery days of woruns against three for the Cubs ge, during marriage and its dissolution.
manhood she had arrived in became tied. The sailor team intending spouses. The family is the the number. We gree with the up to the sixth when the score with the free and full consent of the Marriage shall be entered into only than formerly and if so, efforts should be exercised to increase this Republic and had surg had a large following, particu natural and fundamental group unit of suggestion in the sense of a the songs of Zion although in larly among the daughters of society and is entitled to protection by complement and believe there is a strange land. She was born Eve. Many of these damsels society and the State.
in the parish of Hanover in the occupied seats near to us on Article 17: Everyone has the right to of our yourgmen. Many of a possibility of training some island of Jamaica. Hers was the stand usown properly alone as well as in asso the grand blessing to had lived sion ciation with others. 2: No one shall be these youngsters attendirg the two years more than Gcd proTheir shouts accompanied by Limon College and the enrolits bio mised time of three score and language deeply hot peppered arbitrarily deprived of his property.
Article 18: Everyone has the right to ment of a few in such a worthy ten years. She was a very fai were degrading to their sex and freedom of thought, conscience and service would be a cultural ad pa thful member and of long stan to the displeasure of respectable religion; this right includes freedom to vancement and much more beten ding with the Baptist at Ger citizens. They had nicknames change his religion or belief, and free neficial than to congregate in was mania on the Old Line. for every player and greeted dom, either alone or in community SR red mode of living had gained voices when facing the pitcher. teaching, practice, worship and ob rously contribute to the buying Her winsome and good natu those namas to the top of their with others and in public or private, the billiard clubs at nights. Li to manifest his religion or belief in mon, we are sure would geneher the confidence the esteem They called the pitcher of the servance.
of the needed instruments, if and the love of every appreMarineros The Article.
Article 19: Everyone has the right to their purchase is not within the ciative person, young or old Commencing the severih in freedom of opinion and expression; who had known her. This en ning Manager Rodolfo Johnson this right includes freedom to hold budget of the Municipality dearment of her life career seemingly issued determined ins opinions without interference and to was made manifest by the con tructions to his boys to pass and ideas through any media and reseck, receive and impart information Christian Baptism course of members of her rethe score of their oponent and gardless of frontiers.
Mr. and Mrs. Splatt of ligious faith, mourners, friends so they did and earned three Article 20: Everyone has the right to our city had a little brightness is and sympathizers in attending runs which brought their total freedom of peaceful assembly and asso in their residence on Sunday the very solemn funeral service to 6: In the eight inning the ciation. No one may be compelled evening the 26th ultimo after held in the Baptist Church and Marineros added two runs; the to belong to an association.
return from the St. Mark d the accompanying of her last Cubs increased their runs to Article 21: Everyone has the right to Church where their son George at remains to their final resting the toal of eight. No further token part directhe government Ofrecis Windall Splatt was received and place. The late Mrs. Davis is change was effected in the final coustry te diesentatives the reverbone else blessed in the Holy Order of chosen. 2: has at mourned by her three daughters; ninth inning. The Cubs won the right of equal access to public ser Christianity by the Reverend Mrs. Hilda Attey a resident of the contest vice in his country. 3: The will of the William Zadie, the Rector.
E1 Panama and who had rushed The floor show was presented people shall be the basis of the autho. The good parents and a few to the bedside of her mother; by the chief umpire Vegas in rity of government this will shall be friends were on hand to cheer a.
Mrs. Blanch Smith of Cahuita, a give and teke order. When lions which shall be by universal su2 and express their joys on the Miss Haydee Davis who was his conscience bit him that he trage and shall be held by secret vote occasion.
the caretaker of her mother and had heaped up enough unpo or by equivalent free voting procedures. We hope the babe will grow only son, Harold Davis, many pular decision on the Cubs, Article 22: Everyone, as a member of in the full grace of God and relatives and friends.
then in turn the pendulum society, has the right to social security Jesus called her o er the tumult; ever follow the footsteps of our entitled to realization, through Blessed Master swung against the Marineros.
national effort and international coope.
Of her life wild restless sea This is an unpleasant situa ration and in accordance with the Day by day His sweet voice tion of long standing to have organization and resources of each State, Nine More Days For soundeth as umpires for our baseball, of the economic, social and cultural Saying Christian Follow Me. players of teams and to which rights indispensable for his dignity and The Rally Between JaThe Atlantic extends its most two evils are associated feeble the free development of his personality. maica and Costa Rica profound condolence to the knowledge of the techniques work, to free choice of employment, When you see us again in greatly bereft daughters, son and and malice afore thought for to just and favourable conditions of other relatives in their irrepa. cartain Clubs.
print we hope to be in a po.
work and to protection against unemrable loss. May the soul of the sition to tell you the winner of We see in young Ruddock discrimination, has the right to equal the contest between Jamaica Everyone, departed rest in Peace. Jol the possibility to pay for equal work. 3: Everyone who and Costa Rica which is to be Last Saturday After become an excellent umpire; he works has the right to just and favou given in the school room of the is intelligent and would be able rable remuneration induring for himself Roman Catholic Diocese in this noon Base Ball to effect a proper study of the and his family an existence worthy of city on the night of Monday Encounter. As a means of speeding up he could be exempted from pla. protection 4: Everyone has the right to Auxiliary to the Knights of St.
rules and regulation. No doubt, necessary, by other means of social the 10th intant. The ladies of the the matches listed on the agenda ying in the College team and form and to join trade unions for the John and who are giving this of the Atlantic Baseball League, assigned him to this very im protection of his interest.
we are now witnessing Satur: portant position in the exercise.
Article 24: Everyone has the right to worthwhile doing to effect an entertainment are leaving nothing day afternoon matches. That of Careful search will discover one limitation of working hours and perio enjoyable and pleasing evening rest last Saturday took on a very or two more promising youths dic holidays with pay.
important atmosphere; the scene capable of being fitted for the job among Catholics, friends and Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Mini(To be continued) Rawell wishers.
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