
de 1991 THE ATLANTIC Post Box 199 Bea 150 deo Editor: JOS. THOMAS ALL THE WEEK IN ONE DAY April 15, 1950 Number 22 Year Limon, Costa Rica idad Toradas must go.
OU TA SK In the Basket of the Week FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR Our daily habits carry in them the buds and prophecies, The Atlantic was extended the honour to attend the banana We grow in the direction of our daily living: producers meeting convened in the Munlcipal Building in this If we train ourselves to lock steadfast and upward city on the afternoon of Sunday the 2nd. instant.
To walk erect, to gather our soul food from the tree of life, The session was presided over by a representative of the Our whole being will grow toward spirituality and heavenliness, Pepi Ministry of Agriculture and Industries and who was accompaFor het nied by the Deputies of this province and other ranking perCOMMONWEALTH AND ATOM sonages. Continued from Saturday, March 11th Our public duty demands of us the true representation of Unless Atomic ne things as we see and hear and in this sense of duty we must tively controlled Energy can be effec nership links free nations in all the.
our civilization may continents in perfect equality and friend.
report that first of all, we note the meagre representation, nu prove to be as fissionable as uranium ship for their common good.
hemen merically, of the banana growers; approximately seventy persons itself. It is not an accident that in No They talked, of course, of many Des out of more than half a thousand on this zone. Of this poor vember 1945 the Prime Ministers of subjects, but all the time. whatever nacin showing we were told that the meeting was impromtu and by the United Kingdom and Canada pro the item on the agenda. they felt this mforms which the bulk of the cultivators of banana were absent. This problem of Atomic Energy Control to President Truman that the to be dealing with the fundamental Lo gave rise to our first disappoinment when we listened to indisho issues of peace and human welfare: how should be placed on the agenda of the delu vidual expression of contrary views; some of the speakers were to build up a peaceful order; how to United Nations General Assembly and secure the cooperation between Asia partes foreign to the topic; there was no evidence of oneness as to that a special Commission should be and the West by which new hope can idad clearly and comprehensively impress the listeners who had come set up. Through out our long discus be brought to the toiling masses of halds to get good food for thought. We admit that the growers of sions, the Commonwealth nations have the East.
all Os ce the region of Sarapiqui came with a set programme backed up democratic control over all Atomic External Affairs, Mr. Spender, said urged the necessity of the fullest The new Australian Minister of nese with statistic, however, deeper thought as to the cure of the Energy production by an International recently that the destiny of Australia is existing wounds was necessary.
Authority. They have urged that this irrevocably conditioned by what takes interIt was rather humourous to hear plead for liberty to sell Authority must publish its reports, and place in Asia. His Prime Minester, al col such bananas not wanted by the exporters in San Jose and other be accountable to the Assembly and Nir. Menzies, has said that the happi mina parts of the Republic. chorus was raised for an open market that, if this involves the surrender of ness of Australia will in the long run and down with monopoly; yet within the hearts of the very sovereign rights, then sovereign rights depend upon the well being of the simplest citizen of India or China. In chanters there was the truth buried that the zone ration to We must have economic security as the Commonwealth, we believe that is exporters was the result of the very unfortunate circumstance of well. We must raise the living standards true not only of Australia but of us all.
many producers having compromised thenselves by accepting of the less developed nations, we must Only if we believe it, only if we reLarge sums of money from certain exporters much in advance utilize their untapped natural resources; solve to end the burger, the grinding of production we must abolish preventable poverty, poverty, of a thousand million people We must shift this matter through the golden sieve of jus. mean subordinating sovereign rights to ignorance and hunger. All this may in the East, have we moral right to resist the spread of authorization rule.
tice. If a banana buyer risked large sums of money in loans to human welfare; it must mean the inte Some people asy that the formal ties, farmers in a given area, and if the government frames such a gration of national interest with the the legal bonds, of the Commonwealth a law to permit other non investors to buy fruit in such zones, ways, the experience of the Common And, indeed, it has not written consti: wider interest of mankind. In all these have been relaxed to venishing point.
then, the scale of justice would be unbalanced.
wealth in recent years has been outsThe producers are our greatest and most esteem friends; tanding.
tution; it has no elaborate machinery; not even an established secretarial itaff.
with them we march abreast; we are united by common ecc The Commonwcalch countries But none who knows its working doubts nomical ties; we are deeply moved to know the trying condi the backbone of the Sterling Area. The that it is stronger. more closely knit. tions on which they are labouring, but we cannot justifiably Sterling Area links six hundred million then ever before. The consultation yoke the exporters as soley responsible for their sufferings. They people and is the createst multilateral among its Governments is more contishould know the weakness of divided interest and the strength trading areas in the World The Sterling muous, more comprehensive there has in unity.
Area only works by been nothing in history like the ccoand adjustment; by the voluntary subor nomic collaboration and mutural assisIn our next issue we shall endeavour to spread further dination of sovereign rights to common tance of its members in recent years; light on this matter. There is much can be done by the Minis. welfare; by integrating national interests above all, the minds of its peoples have try of Agriculture without prejudice to farmers or buyers.
with the wider interests of the whole. been drawn together.
For this great purpose of promoting Of course, the Commonwealth caneconomic security, few meetings in not serve as a model for the internaCommonwealth history have been more tional organization of the world. the important than the Colombo Confe community of nations needs more elarence. Not the least important thing borate institutions and written rules.
about it is that it has been held in No Commonwealth nation believes that JACK ORANE SUCS. Limón Ceylon. In going there, ministers from the Commonwealth is its sole salvation; other Commonwealth countries that it should seek to isolate itself from wanted to do honor to Ceylon, the affairs. All are active members of the You will need a good article newest nation in the Commowealth to United Nations, and all believe that the for your money so see us first gain self government and independence. law of the Charter is a powerful link, for the best of everything: Bu that was not their only reason. not only between themselves. But they They wanted also to get nearer to the believe also that the fact of their memSuitings, dress materials, and problems which they had to discuss; to bership of the Commonwealth enables all other requirements in Ladies talk about them in the atmosphere of them to play a more fruitful part in Gents wear prices always to Asia; to ook at them through the eyes the United Nations, and in world alplease you.
of Asia And they wanted to show the fairs. Dominion status, said the Prime world how the Commonwealth binds Minister of New Zealand, is nor East and West together, how its partSee page THE PEOPLE HOUSE the Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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