
THE ATLANTIC April 15, 1950 Page With only sixteen thousand colones you can own The Birth of Kader Furniture Store In the new building adjoining the Bank of Costa Rica in this city of Limón there is the birth of: titled property of two lots and a house with four apartments and all other convenience. Situated in a private location.
Call at our office for further particulars.
Building front of Catholic Church. Room Kader Furniture Store The stock consists of every item of furniture for the adoro.
she made such remarks about itself if the anniversary was ob.
ment and comfort of the home and family.
His Holy Book he has com served with its central truth: Best Design Best Class. Best Prices mitted an almost unpardonable with all righteousness; with all sin. There are many cases of belief of a crucified Saviour; if this nature among the youngs the commemoration represented Bataan, 25 Miles in the last days; which are the ters of today; also among some one God, the father and Giver March 19, 1950 days in which we are in now. old persons. Such is the fulfil of Him crucified on that First Mr. Jos. Thomas.
Many persons in these days do ment of the Scriptures; The Good Friday, Editar The Atlantic not want to hear the words of Devil is walking visible today Por Limón, Costa Rica God as written in the Bible. in mankind oposing God truth Our Note of (Romans Ist chapter verses 18to Thanking you for the space condolence My dear Mr. Editor: 32. Below is what have ex assigned me, am Please permit the necessary perienced: Very truly yours, The Atlantic desires to exspace in your newspaper to pu Yesterday was speaking to DANIEL BENT press by this medium its pro blish the fellowing, in reference a young woman and burdened found condolence to the surto your «Our Task of the 11th with the perplexities of life she The Commemorative others of those men who peviving families, relatives and of March has a desire to be saved by the Friday rished in the ill fated launch on read your comment on the negligence of a great number grace of God. She refered to the many denominations and by Eight days ago there was its voyage of a special nature of human creatures whom God which she is confused as to with us the great anniversary from our port to that of Old have created an formed for His which of these she could place of when our Redeemer expired Harbour a fortnight ago.
own glory. See Isaiah 43: 7: her faith and served the Lord.
on the Cross; sympathizing naAmong the victims we beg Ist. Corinthians 6: 20) The peoShe stated also she wanted to ture was convulsed. So marked leave to mention with mingled ple of olden times as many who be a bible student, but she can denly enveloped in midnight and our community have sus; an event that the sun was sud feeling that the family, the State had neglected the worship of God and the teachings of the friends. explained to her as But let us pass these terrible the perishing of Mr. Ramon Al not inention this to her young darkness and confusion reigned. tained an irreparable loss by Holy Scriptures were destroyed In Matthew 24 35, Jesus said bust as could the way to get events in order to direct our varado Salazar, the Sub Inspec that heaven and earth shall pass save through the Gospel of our attention to more important for of Hacienda. noble cha away, but His words shall not Lord and Saviour Jesus. She objects.
racter, one who has been seen pass till all be fulfilled. Verse was at her step with a book in 37: But as the days of Noah her hand. At that moment a young the Cross was erected on Mount ponsible duties. He was a public The biblical narration says always steadfast in his very reswere so shall also the coming man arrived and knowing my Calvary which was the standard servant without any hour of his of the Son of man: Verse 38: position as a true follower of of Christ victory over death own. This is a true statement For as the days that were be Christianity: he asked her if that and the grave.
for as his professor of English, Bible she had in her fore the flood they were eating was a By the divine program His on many occasions even those and drinking. marrying and gi hand; she replied quickly in the birth was announced by arch hours which were his own he ving in marriage until the day affirmity. The very sinful young angels, but at His crucifixion had sacrificed them at times to that Noah entered the ark In man said that she was gone no voice sublime was heard serve his nation and country.
the 12 verse Jesus said And crazy to have a Bible in her sounding from a thunder bea. So robust in his physical strucbecause iniquity shall abound, hand; she was losing time to be ring cloud as of old from the ture one had visualize in him the love of many shall wax cold: reading that book. The young heights of Sinai. The formidable fifty or more years in this life.
what can that mean, but the woman recalled what she had Majesty, before whom the moun In equal realization we add love to God and His service mentioned to me at the start. tain melted as wax with the that the field of sports has been shall wax cold; for that said creid shame on the youth and Cross on His back and the robbed of an ardent athlete by reason the Apostle Paul with pointed to him that grave mis crown of thorns on His head the death of George Narciso, inspiration called the notice of take he is making that God is had paid the debt for our re the operator of the launch des Timothy to what will take please not to be mocked and when demption.
froyed. He was a member of The mystery of the crucifixion the Braves Baseball Club and was the remedy the Almighty was of great value as an out Spend Eight Thousand Colones and be the owner ordained for the redemption of field. Our condolence is no less Christendom must ask for the other victims.
of Shop premise, situated at Manzana 67; a well established business locality If you want to get good prices for your coccruts Inquiry at our office for further particulars. CASTILLO Room No. Front of Catholic Church Of the Limon Branch of the Bank of Costa Rica Ra is buying coconuts man.
New Buyer of Coconuts er 01 sed sati Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregon Lizano


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