
pril 15, 195 April, 15 1950 THE ATLANTIC Page can own th four Ss; with a Saviour represented in its pro the su atives and whope launch a ago.
The Death of don Fernando González Herránearly spring time had its influence Captain Noe Alvarado Mr. Fernando González Herran, its icy hand on kings. sceptre on the evening proceedings of the Volunteer gone to read the secret of an and crown must tumble down and fragrance floated in the atmosunknown world, but memory of in the dust all must be moulded. phere and efficacious delibera Firebrigade him will be enshrined in the reThe late don Fernando was aptions crowned the close of the a private sess of our very soul Included in the special mispointed Captain of our Port in session It was almost an incredible news the latter period of the Junta de We believe wise thinking and sion on the launch trip to one which fell upon our ears regarding Gobierno. He was retained in his respectable citizens who are not of our coastal towns was Caphis death on the 3rd instant, ap officemail besetting up of the yet members of this Society tain Noe Alvarado, the Chief proximately fifteen days absence from Constitutional Government. his desk in the cffice of the Captain received with full satisfaction by Lis should avail themselves of the of Limon Volunteer Fire Briof the Port monenses in the fact that confidence golden opportunity to become gade and the very efficient dri By his death a vacancy with all its and honour was replaced upon an ho members. The financial obliga ver of our Red Cross Ambu.
man Fary was ch dignity, its prestige and other nobleness tion is a drop in the bucket to lance. not only the driver if intral truth is created; one wich we conscienciously We write truthfully of the high and the large bore flowable from the vehicle, but he knows and believe cannot be easily filled.
noble character of him as we have full the financial spring of the Scexercises every effective and comprehension.
He was a true chip of the block; no hour ciety by its taking care of fa proper First Aid means to the hat is to say he had followed in the sick an their handling to the amicably and sincerely spent as that ther, mother, husband or wife, United Medical and Sanitary and Giew as a president of this Republic in the grand foot prints of his father who between cleven and twelve at his desk children from the age of six 7that Firstname of Cleto González with our inter change of languages. months to twenty years provi Office or the Hospital of the Department, the Social Security shall miss him; not for the monthly ding such have maintained The tomb closing upon the remains payments; that will come from another child like conduct. The members Costa Rica Banana Company of don Fernando, so worthy a man source, but death has taken away treaIn that deep sense of service in his life has buried sorrow in the sures which will not enrichen itself are robustly supported in sickhearts of his surviving family, relatives, and hath left us poor, very poor indeed. ness and the death grant for a to any possible injury case on Don Fernando winsome nature, his deceased member is promptly Noe Alvarado was on the boat oficialdom.
the special mission, Captain irestolon, it is hard to take to heart the gentility and his deep wisdom we doubt paid to the Legatee; of course, which met its fate on the ocean.
lesson that death teaches; we chaif the member whose claim is He has been blessed as one cannot reject it for death will lay racter as student and teacher presented had conformed to the of the survivors, but seriously PERSONALIA requirements of the Branch.
hurt. It is our prayer that he new human gem is added her recent impaired state of will soon be completely recoEDITORIAL VICTORIA Ltda.
to the home of our highly re health. Her husband was also cial natur vered and be fit to resume his mat of Ogarded fellow citizens, Mr. and incapacitated for a few days. San José, Costa Rica great humanitarian services Mrs. Reginald Rouse by the but has sufficiently recuperated recent arrival of their niece, the to resume his employment with Thieves Are Roaming Two Young Persons as we mire very attractive Miss Myrtle Al the Northern Railway Company. in Our City United in Marriage the dridge of Jamaica. XWe extend a right hearty Miss Lou Cole of Siquirres now in process in our city and campaign of robberies is Two well known and widely los welcome to her and hope our was a fortnight visitor to our worst of all not with standing regarded families are now wel.
climate and other conditions will city. She was the house guest the reported cases none of the ded by the marriage of Miss Ramon b Insgeprove agreeable to her.
of Miss Lillian Buckner of our theives have been caught. Com. Carmen, the daughter of Mr.
oble community. She returned to our mercial establishments as well and Mrs. Hugh Gilmore of the Mrs. Mavis Powell formerly town on Holy Thursday with as private homes have been enone of our very sprightly so the expression of having enjoyed tered and robbed and the maMonte Verde region to Mr. Fers very cialitis and who is now residing a pleasant vacation.
rauders got away with their nando Wright, the senior son our ofat Changuinola was a four week. Xbooty of Mr. and Mrs. Ernesto Wright business visitor to this city, her statemer The Atlantic learns that Miss Last Sunday on a visit to the of this city, English native sod. During her stay Minnet Barnes of San Jose is lower end of the Santa Rosa en bon many old friends and acquaina spending her annual vacation on settlement we saw four women The sacrament of holy wetances as well as new ones paid our zone; part of which is to along a section of the railroad dlock was solemnized in the warm compliments to her. On be with her mother, her bro searching in a patch of grass Roman Catholic Church at Sitimes the 5th intant she returned to Country ther and his wife at Guacimo, for money and vaulables stating quirres quite recently. The Rerejoin her husband.
cal struc her relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Stead that a thief had entered one of verend Roberto Evans was the Xman Taylor and Mr. Charles the homes and grabbed a pants Celebrant.
this lite Miss Euphema Whitehorn of Pa: Mattis of Cultivation on the with cash and values. chase nama having completed several Monte Verde Branch will also was effected at his heels so he Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Wright weeks of reunion with her pa. have the pleasure of her reu threw away the pants and made are weightily known in high rents, her sister Miss Iris and nion. Our city would be plea good his escape, but seemingly social circle. Don Fernando is thlete by other relatives at Zent, effected sed to have her presence ere he had sufficient time to have her returned flight by TACA» her departure for the capital.
taken out the contents in the a very popular athlete with anch os on the morning of the 2nd. inspockets. Their search was frui football as his famous.
Ember Mant. Judging by the pink of Reception of New tless.
Club By medium of Cards, Leher condition, physically, it is Members an evidenced that her stay was of tters, Telegrams and Orations Sgreat recreative and other har ultimo harmoneous voices strea.
On Thursday night the 23rd Doctor Oscar Pacheco the newly weds have received moneus benefit.
Physician and Surgeon tokens of congratulations and med from the St. Mark Parish We wish every prosperous Hall with the chanting of the From the University of hearty good wishes. To these ts endeavours for her in the land highly appropriate songs which Pensylvania, of her adoption our newspaper adds its quota.
are enter woven with the cereSPECIALITY: ts mony of Reception of new memDiseases of Women 0 0 0 o oro.
Mrs. Edith Richards of Barrio bers in the local Branch of the Office: 75 yards West of the THE ATLANTIC Roosevelt Heights, we are plea Jamaica Burial Scheme Society. Colegio de Señoritas San Jose sed to report is convalescing The prevailing temperature satisfactorily from the affect of LIMON, COSTA RICA HOURS: 10. 12 was cool and refreshing; the OVOTO 0 0 0 ave Xbeen see ORD in to wed has been Narcis по Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Bulgón Lizano


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