
THE ATLANTIC Editor: JOS. THOMAS ALL THE WEEK IN ONE DAY April 22. 1950 Number 23 Post Box 199 Limon, Costa Rica Year OUR TASK Proposed Changes In Weekly Popular FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR The Junta Protection Social: 100 00 for the second prize of In continuation of our views on the recently held meeting of San Jose, the Lottery De a full twenty five piece Popular.
Each coupon of the first prize in the interest of our Banana Industry; a matter which has been partment advises that the Lot drawing much attention, we repeat that the productors can have tery Popular of the Hospit1 will cash in 32. 00 instead of at their command the weapon to fight their battle, if they would San Juan de Dios will be mo 20. 00 and the single second step out the path of individualism and be organized. There is dified, beginning with Serie No, prize coupon will be cashed need for voices chosen to speak for all; there is need for a pen 415 for Sunday the 14th of 4. 00 instead of the present May 1950 50 each.
chosen to write for all. By well established locals the difficult The tickets wil be divided in problems of each one would be made known to a Central Body 25 pieces to what is know as a Seventh Day Advenwhich in turn would try to effect the remedy. Strike a singly Plan, instead of 40 pieces as match against the wind and no light will appear, but against the fury of the wind from a bundle of matches light will lash, it is now offered, and each piece tists to Conduct Service of Emersion With organized efforts, the ills, for instance of having disarran will cost fifty cents instead of gements with fruits destined for buying platforms as the result thirty cents. In consequence the full ticket consisting of twenty We are informed that the of privately owned transport systems, can be cured.
We are not in doubt as to the possibility of higher prices five pieces or coupons will cost Seventh Day Adventists of our obtainable by the producers if new exporters enter the market, 12. 50 in place of the present zone with Elder Ricardo Ranforty pieces for 12. 00 kin officiating will conduct a but deep study is necessary in many phases. Our farmers, we believe, should not close their eyes to the fact that production wil sell the serie of ten tickets (28 Miles) tomorrow, Sunday The Lottery. Administration service of baptism at Waldeck is not yet within reach to supply a rush of exporters. On the fore 112. 50 instead of the pre the 23rd. We opine that memother hand the high railroad rates for hauling the bananas to sent cost of 105. 00.
our docks and what would it mean but the killing of the goose The prizes will remain at bers of the denomination as well which laid the golden egg, to hire trains to loading platforms 800. 00 for first drawing of as other Christian believers will intended to obtain a given number of stems and have to face the full twenty five pieces and largely attend this service.
the disappointment by receiving a few hundred bunches and with boats engaged for a complete shipment. few such blows to the buying companies and all would bid adieu to the Atlantic.
If any weathers the storm, quite naturally, such would become monarch of all he surveys.
The free zones to any buyer can only be established successfully if the Minister of Agricultura and Industries would move for the opening of Rural Agricultural Credit Department in the Limon Branc of the National Bank by which means the produc.
tors, when their financial tide is low could obtain loans with moderate interest and easy payment plans.
We learn the price a stem is 50 each for this week, due to the slice in the foreign market price. This is indeed re.
gretable, but same is the result of commercial ebbing and flowing tide.
Cheap Store and Kader Furniture We adopt this medium to inform our customers and the general public of our new selling plans by easy payment based on Merchandise Clubs.
Each Club will consist of 100 subscribers or members and for a duration of 55 Weeks. The winners will be the holders of Club Receipt numbers corresponding with the last two figures of the weekly Drawings of the National Popular or Lottery The winners by the Drawings, or those members who have paid the quotas, for fifty five weeks will be entitled to merchandise at our established prices; the amount corresponding to the Club Plan. Rights are forfeited by a failure to pay three consecutive weekly quotas. However, we shall reimburse Seventy percent of the amount paid in merchandise at usual prices. This pri.
wilege will be given also to subscribers who desire to retire from the Club, The subscriptions are also transferable on previous consent.
THE FINANCIAL CLUB PLAN Weekly Payment Value In Merchandise The Skyrocket, the United States Navy supersonic research aircraft 50 100. 00 which has made more than 100 successful test flights at speeds greater than 500 200. 00 sound, is shown taking off from the Muroc test base in the far western State 400. 00 of California. Gene May, veteran test pilot, was at the controls.
e 15. 00 600. 00 The scientific research aircraft uses both rocket and jet power to fly into The weekly Clubs in the quotas of 50 00 and 10. 00 are the supersonic range. Built by the Douglas Aircraft Company of Santa Monica, cady to start California, it features a needle shaped nose and swept back wings and tail. More The Club Plans are good ford any of our stores than 5, 000 reports containing aerodynamic data bave been obtained from the Skyrocket research flights.
MOISES KADER Photo 1000 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica


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