
2. 1950 April, 22 1950 THE ATLANTIC Page 5 THE PEOPLE HOUSE Carlos to LABORATORIOS ZEPOL th of Regente: Lic. Luis Alejandro López JACK ORANE SUCS. Limón Participa que ya se está fabricando el Uogüento Zepol hora preparado por el autor de la fórmula Lic. Luis You will need a good article Alejandro López y que muy pronto estarán a la venta ods for your money so see us first todos los productos for the best of everything Suitings, dress materials, and ZEPOL FLORADORA all other requirements in Ladies Gents wear prices always to please you. Dan Swaby Is seen floating down the river Supposed Dead and no trace of its occupant.
Suspicion of murder is said to ad had Base Bali.
the street, then easily arrived at It has been reported that Dan surround his disappearance.
From page the home plate. José Garrón hit Swaby of La Palma in the rematch piter was in pink of form and a Daisy, but was late in rea gion of Sixaola is missing since Bed Smoker Fined in spite of the hissing and shouts ching the home plate and was the 31st ultimo. We gather that Chattanooga, Tenn. UP)
or Bra ot the Motives an their suppor cut off. The blame rests ith it was his custom to row in Don try to tell Cecil Lyons ns for ters, seemingly bent to have the coach at third; he should his canoe between his district of Fort Paine, Ala. that smcut play his nerves shattered, he paid have watched the approaching and Guabito and is said to have king isn expensive. He was Du arved them no mind, but went on pit ball and hold the runner at third started from Guabito on that fined 100 for smoking in bed fourth ching strikes againts his batsmen. In the third inning or there day, but only his canoe was at a hotel here.
The Motives were «Shut out about the double play made by for the full nine innings play; Motives against the Jupiter could at in fact no batsman reached as have been averted if Altimont LABORATORIOS ZEPOL Efected far as third base.
The Jupiter had made an earlier star from Regent Lic. Luis Alejandro López used scored three runs for the play first to second after the hit was the of eight innings. Prince Blake made by the batsman. Our cri Begs to inform the public that Ungüento Zepol is again hom hit a ball which found its way tism is without malice, but point being prepared by the author of the formala e dis into a room in a house across these out in a vein of construction.
Lie. Luis Alejandro López lain could The Contest Between Costa Rica and JamaiWithin a few days all ZEPOL FLORADORA Products mother will again be on the market ca Was Won By The Former when There was no reason to ask why Mrs. Bernard, the Cathedral It was only necessary to comply organist and teacher of English wa For the air in general was intensify introduced the writer as chairman.
Ebanistería y Tapiceria Carlos Barboza e Hijos Sucs. Ltda.
fron For a final Costarricon Victory.
The occasion was graced with Praises were correspondingly the presence of the Reverend Fabricación toda clase de muebles finos, en cedro amargo Had given to the sponsors of the Frs. Hubert and Bernard Drueg.
y caobas del Pacífico, de jaspes bellísimos logrando sud voting contest between repre. The financial contributions doubt sentatives in the names of Costa acabado perfecto.
are destined to aid the consmpire Rica and Jamaica in connection truction of the new cathedral Amueblamiento completo para su hogar u oficina, dorhave with the effort of the Ladies and proves the great co opera mitorio, comedor, ante comedor, confortables en damasco, Auxiliary of the Knights of St. tive spirit of all concerned.
imitación cuero y cuero legítimo.
John presented in the school hall of the Roman Catholic Doctor Oscar Pacheco Exbibición permanente de muebles termiundos.
Jo Parish on the night of the 10th.
Sit the instant. Many catchy song num Physician and Surgeon Don bers were rendered by young From the University of Real good forniture cost money, too much ander present Jo artistes and with Mr. Sylvester Pensylvania, conditions but they pay dividends all the time, giving Cunningham presiding at the SPECIALITY: long faithful service and complete satisfaction when piano. He also delivered the Diseases of Women address in behalf of the voting purchased from for Costa Rica and for which Office: 75 yards West of the his effort was crowned with Colegio de Señoritas San Jose victory. In specially chosen worde HOURS: 10. 12 p.
unter Ebanistería y Tapicería Carlos Barboza e Hijos Sucs. Ltda.
LA FAMA. of ROGELIO TASIES 28 Has received a beautiful assortment of «Gamuza) shoes for Ladies and are on sale at the almost giving away price of 31. 00 per pair.
La Fama: Situated in front of the United Medical and Sanitary Building in Limon city.
Situated in Barrio Luján across the street from the Fire brigade station Remember, next time you are in San Jose come in and have a look. Our prices are certainly the lowest available.
TELEPHONE 5150 tema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica


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