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April, 22 1950 50 THE ATLANTIC Page New Buyer of Coconuts With only sixteen thousand colones you can own st id ve 101 all in le If you want to get good prices for your cocor uts CASTILLO titled property of twp lots and a house with four Of the Linon Branch of the Bank of Costa Rica apartments and all other convenience. Situated in a private is buying coconuts location.
Miss Kathleen Morris and who delivered the opening Call at cur office for further particulars.
is Recuperating address. The other principal Building front of Catholic Church. Room speakers spreadover the sittings at Home We are pleased to learn that were Messrs. Williams, Miss Kathleen Morris an emJ. Thompson, Barnes, Universal Declaration of Human Rights ployee of the nursing staff of Whitehorn, Spence, Continued from the issue of aprillis McDonald Morgan, the hospital of the Costa Rica Grant, Crawdfor, Grant, Article 25: 1: Everyone has the In the exercise of his rights and Banana Company and who was right to a standard of living adequate freedoms, everyone shall be subject Williams, Johnson, for the health and well being of himsell only to such limitations as are detera patient in the same instituion Nelson and Hardin.
has emerged successfully from and of his family, including food, clo mined by law solely for the purpose of We learn that a very well thing, housing and medical care and securing due recognition and respect and is a surgical treatment prepared and effectively rende necessary social services, and the right for the rights and freedoms of others splendily recuperating at her re red programme was in evidence to security in the cvent of unemploy and of meeting the just requirements sidence in this city.
on the closing nigh of the Cir ment, sickness, disability, widowhood, of morality, public order and the geneold age or other lack of livelihood in ral welfare in a democratic society. REMINDER cuit Assembly. The brethren as circumstances beyond his control. These rights and freedoms may Motherhood and childhood are well as their guests are said to Our friends along the Old be well benefited by the sessions entitled in no case be exercised contrary to the pecial care and assistance.
Line as well as in this city and purposes and principles of the United held.
All children, whether born in or out of Nations other line towns are reminded wedlock, shall enjoy the same social Article 30. Nothing in this Deof the programme to be given protection claration may be interpreted as implying Article 26: 1: Everyone has the right by the entertainers of the St. Memorial Service to for. Mary Church in Siquirres at be conducted for the to education Education shall be free to engage in any activity or to perform Guacimo, tomorrow, Sunday Late Robert Cyrus any act aimed at the destruction of any mental stages Elementary education the 23rd.
of the rights and freedom set forth shall It has been released that Re professional education shall be made be compulsory. Technical and herein This is a proposed medium of verend Wm. Forde, the Pastor help for the construction of the of the Baptist Churches on this shall be cqually accessible to all on the (Concluded)
generally available and higher education Anglican Church at Guacimo and is a cause worthy of every zone, will conduct a special ser basis of merit.
Another Motor Car Education shall be directed to the vice to the memory of the late possible support Tragedy nality and to the strengthening of respect The day outing would be Robert Cyrus in the Guacimo full development of the human persoa fine gesture for anglicans and Church at the eleven forencon for human rights and fundamental free On Saturday the 15th instant friends of Limon to attend; lea hour on Sunday, the 30th dome, le shall promote understandine, instant.
tolerance and friendship among all na another motor car tragedy was ving this city by the early morBy this medium a hearty in shall further the activities of the United the operator, Ralph Brocks of tions, racial or religious groups, and registered. It is reported that ning, and late returning LimonTurrialba passenger train.
vitation is extended to Baptists Nations for the maintenance of peace.
and the general public at Gua. Parents have a prior right to Siquirres was instantly killed Jehovah Witness Held cimo and its surrounding to choose the kind of education that shall and the other three occupants attended the service.
be given Three Day Theocratic Article 27: 1: Everyone has the right injured. From what we gather Circuit Assembly freely to participate in the cultural life one of the men damaged is yet March 24 to 26th recently Among The Baptists of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and in danger.
past were the dates on which On Sunday the 7th of May.
We are indee sorry to learn the Theocratic Circuit Assembly 1950, the anniversary of Mo Everyone has the right to the pro of this happening and moreso of Jehovah Witnesses was ce ther Day will be celebrated tection of the moral and material intelebrated in the local Kingdom interwovenly with the divine rests resulting from any scientific, lite for the loss suffered by Mr.
Hall. As a consequence of the worship in the city Baptist rary or artistic production of which he and Mrs. Brooks, the youngman is the author.
occasion the city gained addi Church. In addition a Mothers tional brightness by the pre Day entertainment will be staged to a social and international order in death in store as he is said to Article 28. Everyone is entitled parents. Seemingly, fate had his sence of the brothren who arri on the Monday night following which the rights and freedoms set forth have been heedless.
ved from almost every section and to this end, rehearsals are in this Declaration can be fully realized.
of the Province.
gaining headway. The public is Article 29: 1: Everyone has cuties Mr. Siebenlist of assured an evening of fruitfu, to the community in which alone the EDITORIAL VICTORIA Ltda.
San Jose was the chairman renditions and other pleasures free and full development of his personality is possible San José, Costa Rica الا its Public Notice Dr. Miguel De Juk The public and commerce in general is hereby notified that my wife LEAH BROCKETT BROWN haviog voluntarily left my home and protection without my consent, am not responsible for any debt she has contracted or may contract.
William Brown Pinnock Limon. April 15, 1950 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregon Lizal Physician and Surgon of Tulane University ADVISES His estipable patients as well as prospective ones that he is now at his Limon Office and that his service is at their disposal Limon. 15tb. April 1950 Sistema Nacional de


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