
Team oleh Editor: JOS. THOMAS ALL THE WEEK IN ONE DAY April 29. 1950 Number 24 Year Post Box 199 Limon, Costa Rica osili 2CE e 15. 00 OUR TA SK Cheap Store and Kader Furniture FROM OUR DESK BY THE EDITOR We adopt this medium to inform our customers and the general public of our new selling plans by easy payment based on Merchandise Clubs.
Today we use these principal columns in tribute and to say Adieu until Each Club will consist of 100 subscribers or members and for a duration we meet again to Reverend and Mrs. Willian Ziadie who left our port on Monday night the 17th instant to spend several months well earned vocation in responding with the last two figures of the weekly Drawings of the National of 55 Weeks. The winners will be the holders of Club Receipt numbers co.
the great North American Republic aphy About three years ago the British Diocese of Honduras transferred to The Popular or Lottery.
The winners by the Drawings, or those members who have paid the Canal Zone Diocese under the See of the Right Reverend Heber Goonen, quotas. for fifty five weeks will be entitled to merchandise at our established among others, the Anglican Churches of Costa Rica.
prices; the amount corresponding to the Club Plan. Rights are forfeited by a The scene was changed: Out of the transfer a new day dawned; that when failure to pay three consecutive weekly quotas. However, we shall reimburse the Reverend Mrs. William Ziadie arrived as Rector for the Parish of St seventy percent of the amount paid in merchandise at usual prices. This pri altos Mark There is a verse of Hebrew which is applicable tho them: vilege will be given also to subscribers who desire to retire from the Club. The wilderness and the solitary place shall be The subscriptions are also transferable on previous consent.
glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice and THE FINANCIAL CLUB PLAN Atlas blossom as a rose.
Weekly Payment Value In Merchandise elte So it turned out by their coming: they brought the olive branch; it was plan 50 100. 00 ted and spiritually watered during their sojourn in this city. It need a more worthy 00 200. 00 memory to renumerate the marvellous accomplishment evidenced. We cannot cha 1000 C400. 00 and racterize by a dash of the pen the good humanitarian deeds done by Reverend Fr. 600. 00 Ziadie. He has not only ministered to feed the souls of mankind, but he endeaThe weekly Clubs in the quotas of 50 00 and 10. 00 are as voured to improve the general living conditions of those under his charge. charity ready to start bients for him seemingly had no bounds. We have testimonies of his services as a mi The Club Plans are good ford any of our stores nistering angel to the sick of his Parish, at home or hospital and not only to his own flock has he helped, but in a general way. By his progressive will now MOISES KADER stands on the church yard a beautiful and modern Rectory.
nec light to his members as well as to the general public in having His Lordship, the We view with a sense of deep thought his purposes to give more Christian Eagle Aces Friendly Another Dog Bites Bishop, Dean Ferris, the Reverends Fish and Turner came to Limon a few months Sport Club Will ObserLast Saturday we had the ogo and Ordained the Reverend William Graham Love to the sacred order ve Anniversary visit of a resident of Cieneguita of Priests. We believe the Ordination could have been administered at Ancon, Canal Zone, but thoughtfully desidered to give us this grace, the Reverend William The members of one of Li and we listened to his grievance.
Ziadie had the service performed in Limon; so marvellous a part of Christianity mon most reputable and po regarding a bite he sustained in the march of civilization.
pular social clubs are saying He on his leg by a savage dog the fingers on the piano keys as we have seen on many public occasions cannot be they are on their way to the commercial man of that district.
Mrs. Ziadie proves in all capacities as a talented musician. The touch of her llo to their many invitees, that which belongs to one of the Jose easily crased from memory of those who comprehend and appreciate.
We pray that God will take the helm of the ship and steer solely them to local ball of the Universal Negro He said that in his settlement the port of their destinotion. May they enjoy a rigth hearty period of rest and Improvement Asscciation with and return safely to Limon to resume the excellent work they started their 7th Anniversary Ball and harmless goats which are given about three years ago.
will reach there on the night of by God to provide milk and Saturday the 13th of May, 1950.
The Riversiders ask the invi.
meat for mankind are being shot LABORATORIOS ZEPOL tees not to forget that their regardless of the pleadings of Regent Lic. Luis lejandro López Swing Sway and Romance will their owners, but dogs are allo be there for HAPPINESS.
son Begs to inform the public that Ungüento Zepol is again wed to roam, to bark and bite being prepared by the author of the formula as they please. Cannot someLic. Luis Alejandro López EL ATLANTICO thing be done to protect the APARTADO 909 We are in a position to say that all Zepol and Floradora products are travelling public?
again on the market. Ask for legitimate Zepol.
Visit the New Lumber Deposit de 12 Britton and Holness, Limited ate CONGRATULATIONS To Mr. Stanley Dixon as Commissioner for the NI in Costa Rica. May health and long life be yours.
From the Officers and Members of the Moin Branch.
Per Roberto Brown, President, Approaching Fairs General Tomas Guardia School By the Official Gazette of last hold three TURNOS, during Saturday we glean that the the year in course. We hope Chief Magistrate has granted to be in a position in the very permission to the Educational near future to announce the Committee of the General Tomas dates on which the fairs will Guardia School ir this city to be held.
to es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano Guaranteed First Class Black Heart Laurel, Well Assorted Situated: Between the former Lio do Brothers Office and Gourzong Radio Repairs Front Railroad Yard. BRITTON, Manager 32 de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica


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