
THE ATLANTIC Page April, 29 1950 PENSION LOURDES WELCOME TO Parent Body Universal Improvement Association (JIM S)
and African Communities League. August 1929 Box 160, Monrovia Liberia, February 23, 1950.
Situated south side of La Merced Church in the heart of To The Officers and members and prospective San Jose 4th Avenue No. 1008 where you can enjoy officers and members of the Universal Negro Improve.
the comfort of your own home. Drop in and see us when ment Association and African Communities in the next you are in the capital. Hospitality and efficiency Republic of Costa Rica: insures our patronage.
Mr. Stan Dixon of Box 388 Port Limón, Costa Rica from the date March I, 1950 forward for Stalin Separate Peace in 1943 one year has been appointed Commissioner to represent By Dr. Robert Kempner the interests of the herein mentioned Association in the Former Chief Prosecutor, Naremberg War Crimes Trials Republic of Costa Rica. aoticipate therefore, and solicit the full wholehearted cooperation of all interested in When Stalin negotiated with their climax in the summer of the resurection and growth of the Association in the the Western Allies in 1943 and 1943 after which Russia made effort of the Parent Body to do those things the Founmade his farreaching political agreement conditional on such der of the Association anticipated for the betterment and economic demands, he held difficult terms that the Germans, of the Negro Race and for Africa Redemption as a trump card German offers while continuing sound out for a separate peace with the Eastern peace possibilities until Any and all courtesies extended to Mr. Dixon as Soviet Union. The Soviet dic. the end of the war, no longer Commissioner have my appreciation. With very best wishes, have the honor to be, tator played his cards close, and seriously hoped for a separate just how prominently the plans peace.
JAMES STEWART for such a separate peace figured When, in the winter of PRESIDENT GENERAL in the power politics of World 1942 1943, the German miliWar II, can only be judged by tary operations in the East did Universal Negro Improvement Association August 1929 Of the World.
the success he enjoyed at the not meet with the success an.
conference table.
ticipated by Hitler and his ge was in route to his meeting, United Nations Action In the course of my works nerals, and the landing of the and tried to present his plan.
Report in Nuremberg, as chief prose American troops in Nort Africa He boarded Hitler special train Continued from Saturday the 1st instant cutor of Nazi diplomats and threatened the European wes at Bemberg, but met with re. GIGANTIC TASK AHEAD cabinet members, discovered tern and southern fronts, leading buff. Hitler was so absorbed The world economic picture that the various moves for a separate German policy makers began in considerations of how to treat faced the ECOSOC delegated divided peace from a number of German for the first time to entertain the African landing in his for. into two main themes. 1) hwo to and Allied diplomats and chec. the thought of a separate peace thcoming Munich talk with Laval maintain employment and avert econo ked their statements against with the Soviet Union. Foreign that he curtly admonished his mic slumps in the technically advanced official documents.
Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop Foreign Minister to concentrate nology to increase manufactures and countries. 2) how to use modern techThere is conclusive evidence was the strongest exponent of on the matter at hand.
trade and improve agriculture in the that there were four major mo this idea.
II. Nevertheless, Ribbentrop backward countries, so that they many ves for a separate understanding In November 1942 Ribbentrop continued to hammer at the idea better provide for their populations.
with Russia: first, after the Ame drew up his plan for separate that through a special peace with The boom and bust cycle of the rican landing in Africa at the peace in the East in the form Russia he could force the Uniadvanced nations was regarded as duc end of 1942; second, at the of a short memorandum to Hi. ted States and Great Britain plant, equipment, business inventories to instability of private investment in beginning of the Anglo American tler. The latter had scheduled also to seek peace with Ger and residential building. But it was offensive against Tunisia in the a meeting with France Pre many. He submitted to Hitler forescen that remedies must differ sospring of 1943; third, through miers Pierre Laval to confer during the years 1943 and 1944 mewhat in different countries depen Japan; and fourth, through on the new difficulties facing a series of elaborate memoranda ding on the degree of governmental Stockholm up to the fall of Fortress Europe. Ribbentrop on the importance of a separate BRINGING UP THE planning and control.
1943. Conciliatory efforts reached intercepted the Fuerher as he peace with Russia.
COLONIES Ribbentrop found support for Another minor league tussle that Attention Limonenses his plans in the reports of the has been obscured by East West strife German Ambassador in Rome, centers in the Trusteeship Council, In the NEW STORE adjoining the Bar and Lodging Hans Georgvon Mackense. The where the colonial and noncolonial Rolando Young or say in front the Limón Market Ambassador relayed repeated powers have been slugging it out for some time. The Council is determined to the North: peace with Russia. Mussolini You will find everything new up to the prices are urged the same thing in a letter that the peoples of the trust areas and to Hitler on March 25, 1943, a chance to grow up in the family non selfgoverning territories shall have new because they are lowest in town and shortly thereafter, empha of nations. They want them to advance gized it personally, when he met socially and economically, and learn to with Hitler from April to 10 manage their own affairs. The Council won a major victory when the Fourth at Castle Klessheim near SalzEvery twenty colones worth of goods you buy in this General Assembly confirmed its right burg, Austria. To be continued)
See page store you will be given free of cost one piece of POPULAR and for every 75. 00 spent you will receive a piece of Lottery Ticket which can turn up to be the FIRST PŘIZE of the National Drawing.
If you want to get good prices for your coconuts TRY YOUR LUCK CASTILLO By buying vour clothing and other necessities in the Of the Limon Branch of the Bank of Costa Rica NEW STORE of Naim Sarquis ay Hnogal Miguet Obregon Liza sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de cunis buyingcoconuts Here is your chance to win. 20. 00 or. 10. 000 New Buyer of Coconuts


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