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P: Page THE ATLANTIC April, 29. 195 pl th a a si Ebanistería y Tapicería Carlos Barboza e Hijos Sucs. Ltda.
an O tonio as Duarte Robathom, M cdifice, By ti A a Ebanisteria y Tapicería Carlos Barboza e Hijos Sucs. Ltda.
BAR RESTAURANT ROMA 100 yards North Hotel Costa Rica San José Fabricación toda clase de muebles finos, en cedro amargo Informs visitors to the capital that we are at their service with special dishes at reasonable prices. Visit us. Our Restaurant Cafe y caobas del Pacífico, de jaspes bellísimos logrando and Cantina merits your confidence for the many years of efficent acabado perfecto.
and courteous service we have rendered the public.
Remember, BAR. RESTAURANT ROMA awaits you. mueblamiento completo para su hogar u oficina, dorPersonally attended by the mitorio, comedor, ante comedor, confortables en damasco, PROPRIETOR: PEDRO BIAMONTE imitación cuero y cuero legítimo.
Miss Thelma Douglas Radiant Bride Exhibición permanente de muebles terminados.
On Wednesday the 12th instant Nugent, Esperanza Townsend, Cathe the joys of a wedding day surrounded tine Delpratt and Gladys Robinsor with picturesque scene, the former Miss snartly gowned in sky blue and san Real good furniture cost money, too much under present Thelma Douglas and Mr. Harold Baley dash; matching 2 length gloves. Th conditions but they pay dividends all the time, giving took the vows of marriage. In the St. escorts in high tailored suits of beig Mark Church the religious service sharskin comprised Messrs. Georg long faithful service and complete satisfaction when was performed by the Reverend Wi Gouldbourne, Alfred Wade, Cleveland llim Ziadie, the Rector of Limon. Douglas, Frank Nugent, David Bu purehased from The ceremony was lifted to rarety by.
chanan and Jasper Rouse.
the singing of the immortal wedding Miss Almira Houden was the Chief hymns by the choristers and with Miss She was exquisitely gowned.
Lucille Johnson presiding at the organ The wedding reception was held in The cream sharskin suit, well tailored, the St. Mark Parish Hall. The setting found its beautiful setting on the clegant was of attractive and very strange shape of the bridegroom, Mr. Harold novelty. The 1950 new setting of Mr.
Baley. He was attended by Mr. Johnny Chas. Edwards of the Monte Carlo Humphreys, the best man and Mr. An Restaurant. The Reverend William and groomsman.
Mrs. Ziadie and the Reverend William Situated in Barrio Luján (across the street from the Reposing on the tender arm of Mr. Graham Love paid homage to the oc Fire brigade station Stephen the father giver, casion. Mr. William Daysley presided the bride with happy smiles entered as Master of Ceremonies, wamy Remember, next time you are in San Jose come in and the sacred followed by the a contest the bridal cake was cut flower girls, the Misses Doreth Davis, between Mr. Cleveland Douglas, the have a look. Our prices are certainly the lowest available.
Ramona Yolanda Townsend, Tina bride uncle and Miss Houden; the Edwards, Silva Henry, Lconic Morgan latter triumphed. The novelty of throwing TELEPHONE 5150 and Olivia Ibanks. They were chic the bridal in yellow tafeta and hall moon shaped by the bridesmaid fell to Miss Facey.
bouquet and the scrambling hats The tots Olga Cole and Joan For Mr. Thomas the father of the bes, dressed in white tafeta with adorabridegroom daliroq a great toast; United Nations. human rabies, resulting from the bite ble hats, of horned moon design Were mingly from his very soul. He was of From page mad dog. Last month the world the train bearers.
Health Organization doctors and reLooking charmingly in her gown of rousingly cheered. Many other addresses and to appraise and criticize the work of searchers began experiments in both white satin; blouse front shaped with songs were lively spread during the fruitful hours at the festive board.
the administering governments.
countries with a new concentrated six inches tucks; tall leggermoto sleeTh Wedding dance followed with One way of doing this is by on the hiper immune serum for human beings. ves: tall waist bodice with over piece Professor Johnny Steele and his muspor inspection. As ordered by the It had been tried only on animals in attached from blouse with a fall to sical combination. That was another Council Sixth Session, which met the United States, but was found to one seam flare; a five tuck high note struck in having such high recently in Geneva, Small groups of its semicircle in front, terminated members class dance music. On a whole every will leave the promptly for nity from rabies than the old vaccine, Pacific, to visit Nauru (sce UNW, Jathree yards train. Fitted with ornamental thing was admirably and appreciateably the effect of which lasted only for button from neck finishing line and carried out.
nuary. New Guinca, Western Samo, year rested on white chamois background.
and the islands of the Marianas, Caro In Egypt, where the dog population Coronet of orange lines and Marshalls. They will look blossoms all round huge, mortality from human rabies 4 embroidered veil trimmed with Among The Baptist around and see for themselves whether one of the highest in the world, three inch edging. Harmonizing white The anniversary associated the natives are getting a square deal, and what needs to be changed.
despite vaccination The new serum Jersey gloves of half length. Silver bri with Mothers Day entertainment will be tried out there on some 400 dal slippers. She carried a bouquet of on the night of Monday the white tropical orchids, lilies persons in tests groups, over a period of WHO: thc AFTER THE MAD DOGS be used experimentally for eradication of a year and a half in Israel it will lley and gerberas. Following in her 15th instead of the dates of the train were the bridesmaids, the Misses dates of the 7th and 8th as Egypt and Israel sce eye to eye on of rabies by inoculation of dogs. Lolita Facey, Dophney Houden, Normal published in our last week issue one thing: their urgent desire to control (70 be continued)
ESMERALDA MENA DE VEGA Graduate of Bennett College Greensborough, North Carolina, United States of America en la «TIENDA HOLLYWOOD, de ADVISES SALOMON BERENZON That Limon Progressive Cultural School of which she is the founder and was listed to function in local hall of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, due to the present regretable unsettled conFoulares americanos de 36 pulgadas. 300 25 yarda ditions, the opening date cannot be announced However, it is hope Camisa de niño 3, 50 50 u.
that the very near future, the way will be made clear and the proposed Un lote de 15 doc, camisas de hombres 15. 00 50 u.
educational center begins jos labour.
Confitillo 50 75 yarda Special economical boarding plans are laid out for the children residing Scharkskin 8, 50 00 yarda in the coastal an linc towns. Lessons will be in English and Spanish Lino 50 00 yarda and with the special free offer to advance to Sixth Grade or the comZapatillos de niño 1400 pletion of Primary Education of those children who have reached the Zapatos de gamuza para señoras. 35 00 30. 00 par Fifth Grade and are not attending the Government Schools to terminate Zapatos Sport.
27. 00 their tuition. competent staff of educators has been selected. Fees 17 00 will be moderate VISITENOS ESCOJA SU QUSTO Esmeralda Mena de Vega, Directress a V the skirt of It is is GRAN REALIZACION Antes Ahora 1000 par 20. 00 par 1400 par Cariocas.
Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica


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