
Page THE ATLANTIC May 13, 1950 IN MEMORIAM The Loyal Hope Lodge No. of the Independent United Order of Mechanics, Friendly Society, at a recently convened meeting observed a minute of silence as a token of reverence to the memory of their esteem and beloved lare brother ALFRED GRANT who departed this life a year ago and by whose death an irreparable loss has been sustained by our Lodge. May his soul rest in Peace.
combative shape with new men his side.
for a few key positions. field Joe Simms was the chief places in which the present hol umpire; not so questionable ders have flopped on many re. were his Balls and Strikes. The cent matches. Jose Garron took base judges were Herbert Ruda «daisy of a catch righ against dock (John Bull) and Clifford a freight car; marvellously he Thompson all went wel with warded off another rum against them LA FAMA Popular Vincent Walker, Illustrative Grand. of ROGELIO TASIES Limón Albert Jackson, Secretary Has received a beautiful assortment of Gamuzas shoes for Ladies and are on sale at the almost gising away The Match of Discision Between Braves and price of. 31. 00 per pair.
Jupiters, Braves Won With Seven Runs La Fama: Situated in front of the United Medical and Against Three Sanitary Building in Limon city. Fray the Ace pitchers of the Braves won his spurs Last Sunday afternoon the man a free hand to use the willow Cheap Store and Kader Furniture sea of persons seated on the and they surely know to hit We adopt this medium to inform our customers and the general public grand stand and surrounded the the ball. Yesterday, a few of of our new selling plans by casy payment based on Merchandise Clubs.
playground was in semblance his stars were a bit drowsy, Each Club will consist of 100 subscribers or members and for a duration of 55 weeks. The winners will be the holders of Club Receipt numbers coof an All Star Inter League but George did not bench them.
Game. The excursionists from He had the confidence that he rresponding with the last two figures of the weekly Drawings of the National or Lottery the interior towns augumented has nine batsmen and when The winners by the Drawings, or those members who have paid the largely the numerical as well as any failed the battery may be quotas, for fifty five weeks will be entitled to merchandise at our established financial aspects of the match. weakened, but not exploded. prices; the amount corresponding to the Club Plan Rights are forfeited by a It was slated to be one of Fray the Ace pitcher or to seventy percent of the amount paid in merchandise at usual prices. This pri failure to pay three consecutive weekly quotas. However, we shall reimburse the outstanding features of the say the lefty with technique in vilege will be given also to subscribers who desire to retire from the Club League series, due to the fact. pitching. When the Jupiter gla. The subscriptions are also transferable on previous consent.
Jupiter, the upperset favorite diators faced him, we noticed THE FINANCIAL CLUB PLAN team Braves were to break the amusingly he delivers two balls.
Weekly Payment Value In Merchandise tie of point at which they were.
the next throw is done in a 2. 50 100. 00 Almost every voice on the stand manner that the batsman is for6 500 200. 00 was bustling for Jupiter; one ced to hit up and down falls 1000 400. 00 lonely voice was heard «Come the ball en a fieldsman glove e 15. 00 600 00 on Braves let have a homer Joe, is a lightning at third. He ready to start The weekly Clubs in the quotas of 50 5. 00 and 10. 00 are or the like George McFarlane, took a few sensational catches; The Club Plans are good ford any of our stores the manager of the Braves. very small in statue, but stout in timont of what was apparently in one of them he robbed AlMOISES KADER knowledge. Seemingly came from a homer no peak in Baseball fraternity, BAR RESTAURANT Donny Hayling pitched in high ROMA but has now forged himself to a 100 yards North Hotel Costa Rica San José point of recognition. He pats gear. The Braves did not find Informs visitors to the capital that we are at their service with his boys if anything went wrorg him a marble. He caused many special dishes at reasonable prices. Visit us Our Restaurant Cafe then he jumps to anoter vin brilliant batsmen to sing Dohand Cantina merits your confidence for the many years of efficent tage point. If he sees a defect Ray Me However, some of and courteous service we have rendered the public.
he waits until the termination his fieldsmen let down the team; Remember, BAR. RESTAURANT ROMA awaits you.
of the inning then he explanis. unpardonable errors were seen Personally attended by the We note remarkably when his here and there. Jupiter, it would PROPRIETOR: PEDRO BIAMONTE players are at bat he gives each appear has to whip itself into Visit the New Lumber Deposit WEAR Clifford Steele Tailor Made Suits Britton and Holness, Limited Guaranteed First Class Black Heart Laurel, Well Assorted Here are three special reasons why you should FIRST: The high qualities of our Materials.
SECOND: The neatness of workmanship THIRD:The elegant fitting of our garment Which will never get out shape.
Situated: Between the former Lindo Brothers Office and Gourzoog Radio Repairs Front Railroad Yard.
Centrally established near the British Vice Consulate in the City of Limon.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del tema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y BRITTON, Manager


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